Monday, November 11, 2013

6 down, 6 to go

6 more exams and I'll be free from IB!

My 3 day break between physics p3 and maths p1 was rather intense (study wise). Goodness I love using the word "intense" hahahah I also migrated to the dining room/kitchen and took over 1/3 of the dining table with my notes and past papers. The reason why I did this was because I wanted to try and study elsewhere, my room was a bit too comfy for me. I'd sit at my desk for 5 minutes and then roll onto my bed and do nothing, climb back into my chair, study for a few more minutes and roll back onto my bed for a 30minute break. The cycle goes on forever.

Dad was glad about me moving out of my room because he always complains that I stay in my room all the time.

-me coming out of my room-
dad: [from the other end of the house] OH MAGGIE YOU'RE OUT! WELCOME!

All the time. All...the..time..
My parents always watch Taiwanese food or politics related shows and honestly, I'd rather spend time on youtube watching whatever I want.

Back to what I was suppose to blog about.
Well, I managed to cram topic 6 on Sunday afternoon. Guess how I did it? YOUTUBE HAHHAHHAHAHA YOUTUBE IS AMAZING. I just watched a an hour long video and it pretty much taught me everything that QA tried to teach me in weeks. Aside from that, I took a nap and did some physical exercises in between. My attention span at home is around 5minute to (at most) 50minutes no joke.

Slept early and woke up before my alarms went off, which was definitely a good sign because that meant I was at 100% and ready for the day. I went to mos burgers and studied there from 8:30 to 11:00. I just love this place, it's quiet and there's food. The only downside is probably the aircon being too strong and the music. The music was a bit disturbing at times because it was actually pretty good.... um.. hahahah but I could still work and think because the exam was in a few hours and I had so many things that I didn't know (which freaked me out).

For every other pm exams, I went to sushi place (next to mos burger) and studied there for an hour or so. Legit no one goes there in the morning so I like to take the entire space for myself and do my own thannng.

SL Maths P1
The first, bloody, question. I left out the last step so it's like something p something q something p instead of something p something q. 
Okay bad start, but managed to go through part A in 15mins (left out some questions inc the graphing one). Finished on time though, unlike physics :( Some other ones were wtf worthy but in general it wasn't cruel like 2008 and earlier. After exams, we went through all the questions and checked if we had the same answers and it turned out that Julie and I had the same answer for many questions. I hope we're both correct though.. hahahhah

p.s. my graph was a bit dodgy because I didn't have a ruler. Tried my best. It probably looked dec in the examiner's pov fingers crossed LOL

-screams internally-