Thursday, November 28, 2013

it was all for my baby

Writing this post in Taiwan atm and it's my second day here!

Judging from the title of this post, I'm hoping that you've got a general idea of how my flight experience was. It was terrible. Looking at it from the bright side, I didn't sit next to anyone XXL or had crying babies in the plane. It was my problem yes, I just couldn't sleep. Dinner/Supper was quite nice actually, I ate everything for once! Then I got excited because Pacific rim and Tiny Times 1 was on. So Yeah I did watch those two movies again hahahahaha After that, I just couldn't sleep and it was tiring and urghghhg lame. It reassured me that I was right that I actually seriously strongly dislike med-long flights despite the fact that I've been on countless flights since I was a baby. Normally people just get use to it so I'm jealous of all you "adapters" out there.
It's natural selection at it's work :(

I went through the procedures and had some red roosters afterwards. Fear not, I only got INTO the duty free something area at 10pm and my boarding time was 10:30pm. What's the significance of this? I'm demonstrating a faint characteristic of a "risk-taker". IB has sure left a mark on me. I started making my way to the gates at 10:40pm. Not even bothered to go line up. Why line up when you can just sit there and wait for the line to finish. Thankfully not many people had the same mindset as me, otherwise I'd end up in a line anyway HAHAH Taking flights with parents and grandparents are one of the most stressful things in the world. They'll get to the gates 15mins earlier, line up with everyone, worry and panic. That's why I actually prefer to take flights alone. No one will constantly ask me what time it is or if we should head off somewhere at what time for some amount of time. I move at my own pace.

Of course I was one of the last ones off the plane. Psh I don't stand and wait to get out. I sit and watch everyone push each other out. Oh and the guy gave me a weird look when he was looking at my passport and checking if I was the person in the photo. Kewlll. I look like a serial killer in serious photos (passport, ID, every photo). One time, they even asked if that was me. Anyway, my suitcase came out pretty quickly so I got out in 20mins. Mum's colleague came to pick me up and he bought me breakfast.
OS: How did he know I didn't eat breakfast on the plane :'D
In short, soy milk tastes better in Taiwan. 

Arrived at Grandparent's house, had breakfast, chatted a bit and went to sleep. Holy smolly I slept for 7 hours, then mum arrived and we went back to her apartment. Okay fun part. My new baby arrived! Lenovo y500! I was internally bursting with joy and rainbows even though I looked calm and reserved when I was unpacking my baby.

Yepee! I'm already super excited to play games with this hot stuff. Mind you, I spent heaps of time watching, reading, comparing laptops and finally came down to y510p HAHAHAH which wasn't available till december so we picked up y500 instead. Yes I looked through every possible gaming laptop from 2012 onward and I REGRET NOTHING. I was getting really sick of the overheating problem with lenovo x201 (school laptop) so I didn't consider razer blade at all. Also that seemed a bit overpriced and hardcore for a light gamer like me. I don't even legit game, but now I have the time to try!

Lenovo Ideapad y500 ( I did't want to peel off the protection )

The keyboard is so badass. It can be turned on, at low or super high. It was one of the design factors and drawn me into this laptop. The air vent design is the greatest. Built in speakers are fab. Graphics are fine (on league at least). No lags or mini spaz so far. Games run smooth. The only downside is the weight of the laptop. It's pretty heavy for a laptop but it's excused as there is a interchangeable bay (for duo graphics, storage or fan cooling). What more can I ask for. Oh another downside. It's not sold in Australia. I was so devo at first but thank goodness it's sold in Taiwan!

That's about it for now.
McLovin life! May be not so much with my allergy (eyes and nose are super irritated from the air in Taiwan).