Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Brb in 2 weeks ! (Learners + Celebration)

Alright I booked my seat for tonight's flight to Taiwan and I am honestly so happy to see many spare seats, not yet booked, for me to choose from. Here's a small screenshot of my seat.

I don't know why there are 5 "seats" in column F that's empty but they're definitely not for butts to take so I'm just going to assume that there will be no seats there. I was originally sitting in row 1 or row 2 at the window seat but tbh I prefer aisle over window now. Not even claustrophobic.

Thanks buzzfeed for uploading this video today :\

When I was young, I liked the window seat because
1. I could look out and feel better
2. I don't need to move when the person next to me needs to go to the toilet
3. I can lie on the window to sleep

Now I like the aisle seat because
1. I can stick my leg out for 3 hours when the lights are off
2. I can closely examine/smell the food
3. I can breathe

And I chose 42G because
1. I hate everyone on the plane
2. I will less likely be sitting next to an extremely large person (I blogged about what happened the last 2 times)
3. I am far away from crying babies  

Wish me luck guise. Hope I'll actually get some decent sleep!

I finally went and got my Ls today omg the amount of laze. Thankfully, there weren't many people there today so we had everything sorted (including test) within 45mins.

Victoria and I walked from kessels road all the way to Sunnybank afterwards to get some exercise and burn off some energy for some food at meet fresh!

As I was stuffing the food in my mouth, I realised....
hold up...I'm eating Taiwanese brand food when I will be in Taiwan the next day..

HAHHA what the hell. I could just go and eat it tomorrow omg and it would taste x1000 times better than the one here. Oml what am I doing. It was still good though.

Grandparents, stepmum and I went to 7-8 for lunch to celebrate for finishing high school. We were originally going to eat there on the weekend but ended up going to sushi train because dad hates this place. Like wuhhhht. -sigh-

I ordered Avocade, chicken and mushroom spaghetti with salad for $13.

Hmm that's about it for now. It's 2pm and I should start packing hahahhaha. Believe it or not but I actually need to pack cause I've got nothing in Taiwan, I bring and take my stuff every year. So far the plan is to go there with a near empty suitcase and come back with a full one. Yeah you know it, I'm ready to shop for uni! LOL jks I actually get tired from shopping really quickly.