Sunday, November 17, 2013


Nothings been happening recently so I thought I should do a fill in blog post about something that I feel strongly about. Yes, and that is - bullying. I've been bullied in preschool and kindy for my ethnicity but I don't remember anything about it. So you could say that I have very minimal experience as a victim of bullying. What's the point of the post, if I'm not going to inform people about the effect of bullying on the victims and why people shouldn't bully others? Well. I will be telling you what it feels like to be a bully.

You know what I think? The system is all wrong. Bullies are the ones that are the root of the problem, I don't see people try to understand their circumstances. Instead, people tell us to talk to the victims and bring them out of their situation. NO. That is not it. That does not solve the problem. You're just cleaning after the mess and what people need to realise is that.. you need to fix the person who's making the mess instead of mindlessly just cleaning after the mess. You need to confront the bully. You need to walk a mile in their shoes, get to know their background. Don't reverse covert the bully. It's like overthrowing the "king" and making yourself the "king". Same shit, it's just now you're the bully, not them.

I think people should actually take the time to help the bullies. Help them come to realise that they don't need to do this. I still remember this girl openly admit that she's been a bully and that now she looks back and regret the things she did. Most ex bullies or bullies would just smirk at the idea of owning up to their own actions.
Bullying for me? Yeah I grew out of it. It's such a childish thing to do. It's dumb.
I should clarify on this. I've verbally and covert (socially) - bullied people. However, I did not initiate any of them, I amplified and executed the plan. D
amn it's so dumb urgh.

Girls can be so vicious.
Back then, we would bully as a group.
There would always be a person who does the thinking. "Let's call her__" or, "she's such a___", or "she looks like___", "her hair is so__". Then the idea is judged, and once it passes through, the group makes hell a reality for the victim. The cold shoulders, names, singling out and talking behind their backs. Rumours didn't happen because lesbehonest we weren't creative liars.
-Why does the thinker suggest ideas?
Easy, because they want to be liked, they want to be accepted, they want to feel valued. The thinker needs help. Reassurance of value through bullying is not right.
-Why does the group execute the plan?
Even easier, because they want to feel powerful, they want to bring back some food for the pack to emotionally feed off.
-Why do people want to feed off people's negative emotions?
Because they're hollow themselves, they want to be complete.
The group needs help. Everyone needs help.
Not just the victims.
Is this making more sense?

Sometimes I wonder why the victim and I are still rather good friends to this day. Why didn't they hate me for my words? So I confronted them individually after the phase died down. In my case, the victims were fully aware of the reason why the group turned against them. In fact, the things they did was really dog and that made the group mad. I guess I'm not classified as bullies that just bully anyone. I bullied those who turned against me and the group. I wanted them to taste the bitterness in return. I was in control, and I took "advantage" of the power to temporarily "fix" my insecurities. What I should of done, was steer us away from this drama. Preferably just stop it all from happening. I realised how power could easily drain away kindness. Those in power, yet still filled with kindness, are truly mature and will forever have my respect.

Oh yes bystanders how could I forget you,
you just stood there and watched it all, you do realise you're taking a piece of the meat too...
so don't point fingers and look down on bullies because you're just like them, from head to toe.

All it takes is one person, to show them how the world is a better place,
Not how they can be a better person but how they are a better person,
Not only what they are doing is wrong, but what they can do instead.

now whenever I feel negativity or tension between people, I just want to say


haha, well that was a serious post
on a side note, grandma asked me if I was going to schoolies. 
omg grandma you're the best. 
just cause my cousin is going doesn't mean I will be hahaha 
imagine if I tag along with my cousin, cockblocking lvl 90000