Friday, November 1, 2013

3 Days Left

It's been a while!

Thought I should blog specifically about my day today because I actually went out today and a lot of things happened. Not saying that nothing happened on the other days but today was just UMPH in the face so it needs to be blogged and saved on the internet before I forget about all these things.

Had a two hour session on physics with my tutor. I'm honestly so grateful to have such comprehend-able in I actually understand something I thought I'd never really understand ya feel? Well then after that, I bought a chatime roasted milk tea and legged it to the bus stop, only realising on the bus that I had a sore throat (sht brah just remembered it as I blogged brb taking medication).

I didn't check the weather today so didn't expect the wind to be THIS COLD and THIS STRONG so I'm in a random tshirt, short pants and thongs just living the laze life. Fyi I like to switch between presenting myself in a class/super casual manner so it's like living the two life styles yey yeee. So yeah, I was totally in the laze aka super casual mood today and rocked up to woolloongabba for the first time ALONE. Urgh I have to emphasize how much these kind of trips stresses me. I'll have to translink the shit out of the location the night before and google map, drop the yellow/orange man down and look at the surroundings before I get there. If I don't, I'll most likely get a mini nervous breakdown and start tuning into every spiritual guidance in the entire universe in hope for them to direct me to the right place. Nah jokes google maps on my phone is my savior. I finally found the apartment at which I was heading to, to get the dress that I've been waiting for 2 weeks. Ended up waiting outside the apartment for 25mins because she was running late home from sunnybank....I just stood there in the wind and drank my ice roasted milk tea while watching the beautiful sunset with nobody.

Eventually, she did return and gave me my dress thank gurd ffs waited for ages. Then I quickly walked back to buranda bus/train station to get back to garbo. Aight so this is where everything got creepy...and awkward. I apologise for my ignorance but my first impression of this region is, "why does everyone act like they haven't seen a female specie for a few decades?". legitimately, ANY. -sigh- Thanks for the creepiness though. If there happens to be a next time (that I need to get there), I'm going to either bring a card board cut out of someone or kidnap a person to accompany me there because ...shh it's not safe. I like that place though, it doesn't give you a false sense of security which is beneficial in the long run. Prepares you for all types of surprises yeah?

Made it in time back to garbo to meet victoria so she could give me my stuff! Though I was tight on schedule because the girl was late as, but with my swift walk, I made it back in time! Not to mention I could feel my calves harden to rock solid form :( -violently massages calves at midnight- At 5:10, stepmum came to pick me up and she updated me with grandpa's condition.

We ended up going to mater private to catch up with grandpa, grandma and dad. It all escalated quickly. He went to gp in the morning, got ultrasound done then was admitted into hospital in the afternoon. By the time stepmum and I arrived, dad already finished the procedures and they were in the room just resting. Around half an hour later, uncle aunty and my two cousins came and we all caught up with each other and all that. They left around 7 but we stayed later and waited for the doctor to come and make a diagnosis. Turns out, the doctor was the same one who performed a small surgery on dad a while back this year. Oh goodness their faces when they saw each other.

Grandpa had 4 (or more than 4) gallstones, which means that they must remove the gallstones and gallbladder as soon as possible. The doctor told us that the gallstones may have fallen down to the bile duct so they'll need to perform this "surgical" procedure to remove the gallstones in the bile duct via mouth (forgot what it's called) and then/or after they surgically remove the gallbladder. The order of the procedure will be determined after the results from the blood test are returned. The rest is self explanatory.

We left at 8:30. I think that had to be the time that I held someone's hand the tightest. I knew that grandma felt hopeless and lonely. It was hard to miss that kind of signal when I've spent half of my life with this person. Tbh we're alike. In short, we don't tend to show our soft side, yet we're just as capable to have fluctuating emotions as any other people. Even without a word being said about feelings, she and I both know how we feel and we're able to nail that problem and fix it.

Went for a quick maccas run and drove grandma back to the house for a shower. She ended up finishing her korean drama at 10:00pm and finally letting us drive her back to our house so she's not alone in the massive house and they could get to the hospital early in the morning tomorrow... and yep...that's about it...

hahah it's late and my brain isn't functioning too well so I'll just come back and edit this post later (if I feel like it)