Tuesday, February 26, 2013

100 Truth

can't opt me into play truth or dare now, cause all you little stalkers know enough


1. Last beverage: soy milk

2. Last phone call: with myself (was trying to fine my phone k)

3. Last text message: dad

4. Last song you listened to:好朋友的祝福  

5. Last time you cried: when watching guilty crown


6. Got back with someone you've broken up with: #5everalone

7. Been cheated on: #5everalone

8. Kissed someone & regretted it: #5everalone

9. Lost someone special: yes

10. Been depressed: moody you could say

11. Been drunk and threw up: NO.


12. Light Greeeeeen

13. White

14. Yellow


15. Made a new friend: ...... actually yes, surprisingly 

16. Fallen out of love: #5everalone

17. Laughed until you cried: yis 

18. Met someone who changed you: not this year

19. Found out who your true friends were : uh no not really

20. Found out someone was talking about you: yes

21. Kissed anyone on your Facebook friend's list: yeah man i kissed my mom and dad and yes they do have my facebook SCARED YO?

22. Who do you love?: close friends, family

23. How many kids do you want? 2

24. Do you have any pets?: no

25. Do you want to change your name: no 

26. Do you like homework? no

27. What time did you wake up today? 7am

28. What were you doing at midnight last night?: macbeth-ing

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: graduation 

30. Last time you saw your Mother: 3 weeks ago :D

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?
Okay this isn't really my 'life' but it's an event which I wish I could go back to and change everything I chose to do. Back in grade 1, I'd go to the local park and play on the swings etc with my friends. On this day, we saw an injured bird lying on the play ground and decided to pick it up and put it in a box. No one offered to bring the bird home to take care of it so I ended up taking the bird home. After a few days, the bird's wings recovered and he/she was flapping and extending his/her wings in the box. I went to the park everyday and tried to find worms for the bird to eat. One day, I took the bird out to the park and the bird was flapping his/her wings like crazy. I thought maybe he/she wants to get out, but I was too selfish and thought that the bird needed more care and it wasn't my decision to just suddenly free the bird (since step-dad also took care of the bird). After a few more days, the bird was eating less food and was lying down more frequently. Unfortunately, the bird ended up suffering so much (we even took it to the vets and asked for help), and died in a few hours. I wish'd that I freed the bird on that day, then he/she would be back home, to where he/she was suppose to be, back in the nature. 

I've learnt that we need to learn to let go. Holding things that are not suppose to be yours will only hurt the both of you. Even if it seems beneficial and happy or what not for the time being.... 

I still remember the place where we buried him/her. I took her/him in out of compassion, but I killed him/her because I wanted to keep him/her with me. Even though it's been 11 years or so, but I'm glad that I've learned one of the most valuable lesson in life at an earlier stage. THANK YOU BIRD ;____;

wtf this doesn't even answer the question HAHAHHAHAH

32. What are you listening to right now: my fan 

34. Who is getting on your nerves now? the taiwanese host lul

35. Most visited webpage: Facebook

36.Whats your real name: Maggie Chen

37. Nicknames: Magigie 

39. Zodiac sign: aries

40. Male or female?: Female

41. Primary School?: heaps.. 

42. Secondary School?  Redeemer Lutheran College, QASMT?

43. High school/college?:  QASMT? IDK?

44. Hair color: Blek

45. Long or short: Long-ish

46. Height: 167cm

47. Do you have a crush on someone? #5everalone

48: What do you like about yourself? I speak the truth 

49. Done weird things: oh hell yis all day errday

50: Tattoos: non

51. Righty or lefty: righty


52. First surgery:   when I was suuuper duuuuper young, not going to explain the details of the surgery 

53. First photo : birth? no idea

54. First best friend: omg i can't remember her name, wtf she was like my bestie, we went to the same school and cram school QQ but I remember this girl's name 施清華,who always gets bullied and teased and I'd be the one saving her. Maybe that's cause she was the kindest person in the whole class back then. She even asked me what kind of present I'd like as a farewell gift. Sadly, I didn't tell the class that THAT wednesday was the last day of school for me in Taiwan. So we parted without much fuss (imo), cause man... saying goodbye is just too sad I can't handle the sadness. 
I also took one of my guy friend's sakura card capturer's legendary cards to Australia with me. LOOOOOL SORRY HAHAHAH I FORGOT TO RETURN IT TO YOU (12 years later).  

55. First sport you joined: 100m sprint (track and field in general)
Was one of the most hardcore try hard competitive person back in Taiwan LOL I'd be like 'race ya?' to every guy in my class (what a d) and we'd sprint from the corner of the field across to the other corner for warm ups. Use to still try run competitively at Redeemer... Now I'm unfit and suck at moving fast irl :(

56. First time you blushed: don't know

57. First pair of trainers: Dunno.


58. Eating: chicken

59. Drinking: water

60. I'm about to: write mando essay

61. Listening to: fan

62. Waiting for: the moment when I feel like I should stop procrastinating

63. I'm feeling: sleepy


64. Want kids?: omg repeated question 

65. Get married?: Yis

66. Career: something practical 

67. Lips or eyes: eyes

68. Hugs or kisses: uhhhh hugs

69. Shorter or taller: taller

70. Older or Younger: dm

71. Romantic or spontaneous:  dm

72. Nice stomach or nice arms: dm

74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship


75. Kissed a stranger: no

76. Drank hard Liquor?: yis

77. Lost glasses/contacts:  nuh

78. Sex on first date: No

79. Broken someone's heart: #5everalone

80. Been arrested: No

81. Turned someone down: #5everalone

82. Cried when someone died: yeah when dobby died omg the feels </3

83. Fallen for a friend: yea sucks


84. Yourself: yis

85. Love at first sight: yis

86. Heaven: yis

87. Santa Claus: no stuff that, never believed in it

88. Kiss on the first date: #5everalone

89. Angels: yis

90. God: getting a bit personal here. 


91. Do you like one of your classmates? i like all my classmates equally 

92. Did you sing today? yeeeeeep

93. Did something illegal? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha -dry laughs- 

94. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? 1 week (so I could do this IOC thing earlier)

95. The moment you would choose to relive?  grade 10 (pssh easy and chilled)

96. Are you afraid of falling in love? somewhat

97. When was the last time you wore boots? december in taiwannn

98. Are you usually late, early or right on time?  early or on time (if i'm late then 90% is on purpose)

99. Would you give your life to save someone else's? yes for the loved one

100. Are you afraid of posting this as100 truths? no i've done something like this before #yolo #swag

yeah proper post later after I finish work