Monday, February 25, 2013


After Lunch everyone cleaning 
Uncle: [to cousin] Adode we gonna buy you a bra
Aunty: [to uncle] Papa ?! 

'bout time.
Felt awkward for her since the whole family heard it Orz
so glad my dad doesn't do this to me.

cbf uploading photos at 1:25am in the morning

looks like i'm not getting any sleep tonight
gosh I love DT and English, fav subject evvverrr <3 <3

Sunday was 元宵節 Lantern Festival so we had another family gathering
moar food

had tangyuan

吃湯圓多一歲 QQ

Again, burning joss paper for ancestors.
 Whenever I go back to the house, I feel like just rolling down the yard but then there are too many wallaby poo poo so that's not very hygienic :\

did I mention that back in the days, there were 4 peacocks 'who' made their way from the daisy hill forest to our house and literally camped in front of my study room for a week or so. The were pooing everywhere around the house.... I could probably try and reassemble my old computer to find the photos I took of the peacocks. They were humongous and intimidating, I couldn't even stay in my study room without closing the blinds QQ

  How did we shoo it away? we put down 3 or 4 bottles filled with water, apparently it's suppose to be scared of its reflection (????). Yeah but they left eventually cause the neighbour's dogs (border collie <3) kept running over to our side to play (with the peacocks). Then the neighbours fixed the hidden fence... and everything returned to normal...

random stories ftw

Had a conversation with this family friend. She's currently in second year biomed at UQ and she lives on campus (international student too). She was telling me about the stories at JPC, it was pretty entertaining LOL

- This guy could't get his IB diploma because he failed HL maths in his final november exam :\
he was bad at maths anyway and was failing it all throughout the program
- More people did their EE on English and History, than on Biology and Chem...
- most people get 2/3 for cas/ee/tok, some get 1s, a very few people scored 3/3, they lost marks in tok essay.

"cool story bro"
 I know :(