Monday, February 4, 2013

Year 12 Week 1

Not even sure what to blog about 

First day of school: chosen to be one of the 3 instep 4 buddies for grade 10s. Still can't keep up a regular conversation with any of the grade 10s in my instep :c 
They seem so scared and clueless it makes me think of the time when I was in grade 10... 

thursday in a nutshell: musical or I feed

friday: looking forward to the weekend

saturday: I need to do my EE, I need to do my EE

sunday: EE....EE.....EE.........English commentary...English quiz......2 more concept drawings.......mando homework...... 

monday morning 12am: EE......EE........EE

monday morning 6am: PERRINTTT , YOU LIFE RUINER -to the word doc- D:

So last night was my first all nighter of 2013! Managed to only produce 3500w draft, which means I still have to add 1.2k words into my EE. Moral of the story : don't procrastinate and leave your EE until the day before or you will have a bad time.

Dad chucked me this 'bio aid' drink and told me to drink it asap. Normally he'll drink it himself so it was weird for him to offer me the drink. NOT THE POINT. The point is that the drink contains chinese herbal medicine, adenosine, GABA and so on. Whenever my dad drinks that in the car, it'll have this weird smell.... so I KNEWWW this wasn't something so tasty. Tbh it tastes really odd, like 中藥+西藥 SUPER BITTER but meh I have to finish it anyway because it'll be a waste. Apparently this drink can suppress cancer cells, increase immunity, 解毒,保肝 and make you feel more awake. 

-only stays awake for 2 periods-

I bet you didn't know one little serve of bio aid costs $200NT which is $6.45AUS

Had TOK presentation last period and slept through it. It was so hard not to doze off QQ 

In DT, Mr Gooch did his regular i-am-making-you-feel-awkward moments. DT  kids are all accustomed to his jokes so it wasn't so much of a big deal. Mr Gooch began by asking me if I knew about this book.

oh yeah I totally know about this book -sarcasm-

he made it sound so mysterious.

Mr gooch: you don't know about this book?
Mr gooch: think about it, it's a very useful book
Maggie:.....the textbook? (srsly there's no other book we use in dt)
Mr Gooch: no
-continues to publicly shame Maggie-
okay it turns out to be this workbook/info jammed book of some sort for DT that has been passed on for 3 years (if I'm not wrong). I'll be the fourth person to be the owner of the book because Liam chose to give it to me (since I'm in his instep).

-does a small victory dance-

Haven't played lol for almost a week, 
I'm so fuqed on taiwan server MY FRIENDS ARE ALL SURPASSING ME