Saturday, February 23, 2013

"it takes two to tang-- play super mario galaxy"


you don't even have to talk to me to know about my daily life, just read my blog
what the hell maggie
stop avoiding humans 

 sneaky photo of what happens in QA

We decided to go hazel on friday and just chill etc
originally, we were planning to go eat cake or something since we haven't had them for 3 months or so </3
Didn't end up having cake because we need to control fat for another 4 months or so hurhur
I don't know what will happen after that.... I can't guarantee

still in love with the grape flavoured tea :D
I swear victoria drinks at the speed of 200mL per second (don't even know), but she drinks really fast. She was already half way when I was 1/4 way through mine 

you could say
I'm enjoying my tea slowly?

We flipped through wendy's pencil case during mando and found this stamp thing that has her name on  I stamped her name on my arm lol #immature
hay at least I didn't stamp it ALL OVER my arm like I was going to do but then I realised that I'll get ink poisoning and die. 
OS: year 12 logic >_>
well it'll just be random and stupid and people will judge my sanity
3 is enough 

In my defence, 
there are more strange people in QA than you'd imagine.
* judith joined in and faced up to the rain to cool herself down
* mimi takes off her shoes and socks sometimes and runs around the school barefoot 
* victoria sprays salt at people to 'clean' them 

* wendy stood in the rain and held her hands out to feel the rain, for the entire pause time
*wendy strokes people's legs when they're standing next to her (when's she's sitting down)

that's just the group though, 
can't remember what other people do on top of my head
(plis don't read the previous sentence in THAT way)
I've gathered too many observations, can't even remember them :(

Texted my dad,

flipped through my phone and message history with dad,
he only ever replies me
"ok la"


Saturday lunch at Manor 

OHOHOHOHOH nearly forgot

[disregard about food]



I went to see the GP today and saw this poster on the wall that teaches you how to position yourself properly when you're taking a dump. 
we've been doing it wrong for the past years 
oh dear
worst kind of toilet = squat toilet
the not so pleasant type of toilet = those temporary ones

I'm so bad now
I suck
Haven't played for ages and somehow there's just no 'synergy' between my adc and me :\
or that whenever I play top, there's this darius that doesn't even have to try to hold me back
or that I play mid and try my best to last hit and kill 
while top/bot feeds and blame it on me
come on. I'm not even the jungler QQ

For the first time, I actually had the highest cs out of the game and the best KDA score in my team. Volibear starts saying that I suck and I don't know how to play. Yeah I agree I don't know how to play, voli, you 3/13/5 feeder. People rage so much in tw server, they flame blame and get so mad. Meanwhile on na server, people rage but it's hard to give a fuq because english cuss words are not really effective these days. TRUE STORY. 

I was playing against a morgana as morgana mid. I had almost double her cs, had double her kills and 1/2 of her deaths. But she had 21 assists, not sure how many I had... under 10 maybe. Obviously you could see the reason why they're winning. They had the teamwork thing going on, ww ganked mid every 5 minutes not even kidding. After the game, morg(enemy), ez (enemy) and I chatted and were talking about my team. Found out that the enemy morg is a girl and the ez is a guy (he was fed 7/1/20 ??). Then we chatted for 20minutes or so LOL why can't making friends be that easy in real life </3

speaking of people raging and being a d....
(if you're taiwanese then you should know about this news)
so this btch...

陶晶瑩 - she's a famous tv show host, she hosts "大學生了沒" (the show I always watch lol best everr), "超級星光大道" (the singing comp in taiwan, pretty impressive) and many more. I always thought she's a fairly neutral and funny person. 

she bitched about Australia
-flips table-
-flips chairs-

Okay this is basically what she said (poor translation ftw)

"Taiwan is Good"
Slurpee costs 150 NT
normal size caesar salad costs 900 NT
a packet of cig costs 600 NT
small coffee costs 120 NT
this is not a dream
not a nightmare
it's the bloody truth about Australian's market price.
Carried a stinky, shitting koala at the zoo just to take a photo
paid 600NT.
Went from gold coast to movie world, 20 minute drive,
spent 2500 NT.
I'm afraid to calculate how much i've spent this trip.
The HK driver was right,
the ones who come to Australia are all idiots.

If the price is higher,
don't even talk about it being higher,
if the service and food was worth it,
I'd just let it be
but these daily burger, chips, steak and pizza..
the meat in the burger are all burnt..
steak and fish have this strong raw smell,
dried noodles are even better than the spaghetti there.
It's only been 2 days,
our stomach were already starting to miss our home country.
Finally, this feeling drove us to
visit our own asian supermarkets to buy ingredients,
cook our own boiled vegetables and plain noodles.

oh my god
if only the food was bad then whatever.
White people are really racist, which made me feel like swearing heck of a lot while paying them.

Then thankfully we met some Taiwanese international students
who were hostile and helped us on the tour.
Then we got to know that they've been trying to adapt to Australia for 4 years.
Even though the Australian wages are high,
they're still planning to return to Taiwan
all they said was,
"to eat here..
just hope that your food isn't too bad"

of course
Australia's weather is nice,
the environment is clean
the natural habitats are conserved well
there's no way that it can be compared with the kind, hostile personality of the Taiwanese people
all kinds of food, delicious and convenient

I've never missed home that much

The plane landed at 6am
when I got in Taipei
my husband immediately went and bought breakfast for the family of four
2 rice peanut milk
2 soy milk
2 large egg cake and rice balls
and a small bag of xiao long bao
165 NT


can someone please tie me to a chair so I don't flip my bed over -jokes-
btw..I'm only ranting about what she said, I'm not hating on Taiwan (if you get that vibe from reading this)

Yeah I love Taiwan too, but too be honest... not all Taiwanese are so kind and hostile. There are nice and hostile people in Australia too. Pshhhh of course things are 'expensive' in Australia. THAT'S BECAUSE WE GET PAID DARN MUCH. It's true that the price of whatever in Australia is 3 times more than it is in Taiwan. That's because we earn 3 times more than you earn in Taiwan. DO SOME RESEARCH PLIS. If you don't like the smell of koalas then don't carry them. If you think it's expensive, then don't take a photo with the koalas. I can understand why she complained so much about the transportation cost. A student pays less than 1 dollar AUS to travel on the bus in Taiwan. Meanwhile in Australia, you pay $3.20+ for a trip. Yeah rip off but that's just the way Australia rolls. Deal with it. 

Taiwanese people who take their money from Taiwan and choose to spend it in Australia will obviously be the ones at disadvantage because of the international exchange rate.  Right now Taiwan - Australia is near to 31. Mrs Tao you should already know that. Think about the GST as well. At least we don't have to give tips to restaurants etc like in the US. In the US, things can sure be 'cheap' if you don't think about the money you spend on tipping. Price of food + tipping = Australian food price. IT' SUCKS CAUSE YOU HAVE TO TIP. Even I know (this is how sad it is LOL). 

She took out this small part from her post:
"I was in line to buy a burger,
the card said number 150, the white person who had 160 had their's before me, and I haven't even received my orders. It made me swear so much when I walked out of the shop"

it happens often in fast food industry, if it's already made and on standby, you'd serve it first wouldn't you? (at least that's what I've seen) You can't just judge a whole race on something so small. This happens in Taiwan too, it's just you're too blind to see it. Why do people have to be so sensitive sometimes, not everything people do will have the intentions or thoughts to let down a certain race or whatever....  

if you can't appreciate our cultural food, then don't eat them. If you can't adapt to this society, we can't do anything about it. Again, DEAL WITH IT. 

TBH Taiwanese can be racist too. We call them 歪國人(demented people),  instead of 外國人(foreign people) for the lolz because they sound similar when said in mando. Shouldn't we be more respectful and call them 'Australian people', "American people", "Korean people" etc when you're basically in their home base. You're actually the foreign one here, yet you call them 'foreigners' LOL YOUU FUNNNNAEE. I wouldn't expect everyone to be all welcoming and be like "I LOVE YOUR HERITAGE <3". There's ought to be people that are more defensive. This is the world we're living in today.
For the 44 years of your 'prosperous' life, compared to my short inexperienced 16 years of life, are you still not aware of such things? 
(okay maybe I'm just stalkerish)

Have you ever thought about those people who enjoy their time in Australia and would love to live here instead of living in Taiwan? Surely international students are required to pay higher fees for education etc and  that is a important source of finance for the Australian Education Department. Their presence is significant to Australia. They pay hella a lot to be educated here and that makes the difference between foreign students and Australian students. If there were no difference in the treatment of foreign and Aussie students, Australia would be out of control. Not going to explain that further. In short, no one would register/apply to be a citizen and would just freeload the country, stay in for 6 months and not pay tax (cause then you'll have to after 6 months). The money they pay as an international student, eventually comes back to benefit the citizens. They are the ones that are rather disadvantaged but it's their choice to leave their home country. Shouldn't they be prepared for the life here? I know I'm not the one to be saying that because I'm an Australian citizen :\ I don't have a close experience of being an international student.

Taiwanese people chose to come to Australia to work/get a part time job because they know about the x3 wage they can get. From all the stories I've heard, they generally work in the agricultural industry (processing beef, picking strawberries etc). My cousin's maths teacher came to Australia in hope to earn some fortune and spend it in Taiwan. He was sent to work as a 'strawberry picker' for a year so he could get another year of visa. Unfortunately, he's a very tall guy and had hip problems... his job must suck for him....Case 2, this new worker at the company worked at a grape farm for a year and were given 1 year visa. They do get paid a fair amount there. He was happy with it and applied for this job. Side story: he brought bags of grapes on his first day of work and gave them to everyone LOL and intro us to frozen grade fandom. 

[1/2 of the Taiwanese people think that it wouldn't be hard to apply for a 'decent' job in Australia.]
- sure you might have the exp, but can you speak 'fluent' english? (or you speak like me lol, wait I don't even talk)
- I'm assuming that most employers would like to have long term contract with employees, why would those employers want to hire someone who only has 1 or 2 year visa. 
- the agriculture industry is in need for workers (because we're too picky and we don't want to go work there, blunt I know) 
[the other 1/2 think that Taiwanese people go to Australia to be Tai-slaves. What the bum...]
I don't even....

IMO, living in Taiwan makes you complain more, makes you a rather unappreciative person. Everything is so convenient and 'cheap'. The food they make are absolutely delicious and make people crave for more but because of that, our standards and expectations explodes through the roof. We criticize societies that are indifferent from ours. For example, the Taiwanese media/community make a big deal about increase in petrol prices (always notified a few weeks before the changes). Meanwhile in Australia, "HA GUESS WHAT, YOU GOTTA PAY $2 MORE TODAY BIATCHES". Don't ask me how I take notice of fuel prices... grandpa use to rage at me if I don't remember the prices when we go past a petrol station (from grade 3 onward) :(
the fuel price back then was around $102.9 I still remember. Now it's like $150+ ... you'd be lucky to see a 149.9 DAYUM I get to save 10cents? :D

People on the tw servers have asked me whether or not Australians are racist etc. Every time, I had to explain that there are racist people everywhere. Racist people are pretty much a 'race' themselves, yet they're scattered all around the world. Just like there are racist people in Taiwan that despise Chinese and Korean people and pick a fight with them when they find a chance.

She shouldn't be posting these kind of things in public, considering that she's a public figure. FYI the councillor for Macgregor - steven huang (YOU GO GUURL) wrote a letter to her to voice our thoughts about her blog post. She's publicly challenging Australia and insulting the country. Her posts are viewed by heaps of people in Taiwan, we can't just let the readers believe in the bs she's on about. Ultimately, she's screwing with Australian tourism. Read through heaps of posts posted by Taiwanese tour guides... could see the decline in the number of tourists coming into Australia. It must really suck being a celebrity. You have to be careful of what you say or else you'll be in deeeeeeep crap. 

She's even saying that she's going to sue the person who revealed the photo that she took with the koalas. She's also contacting with the internet police (whut) to help out. What the heck mate, that's not the point. What difference does that make, that doesn't help the situation that you're in LOL 

ew such a long rant
could of been doing IOC ..