Wednesday, February 6, 2013

league hashtags

I've failed league :(

went on NA to try the ping (played bots because I'm not sure if i'll get my 400 + ping ), get's 240ish ping but still can't cs properly (compared to tw) .. was going to go mid but anivia told me to not tell him what to do. Okay whatever all mid kkkkkoool. Pretty glad I had TP or else top/bot would be done </3

na beginner bots are so easy compared to tw @@ will play normals soon.. but I need to study

We lost because, my intelligent teammates surrendered so we had a double explosion and lost. Na players these days. If I did that on tw server, I would be banned 5ever and insulted :(

I nearly got a penta, lux ran away from me and it took me longer to killl her so I only got ace

anivia tried to kill me by placing a wall right in front of me when I was trying to run away on low </3

I was hash tagging the whole game for the lolz
keyori inspired
watched all his vids man, he's like the best league youtuber imo

wlkea: why are there only 6 item slots?
wlkea: #firstworldproblems

need to play more tw