Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week 2 + ANY(asian new years) eve


OS: Proper post finally
Dat feeling when you hand in your EE draft….

Not sure what happened during the week (terrible memory) but I sure know that this week went by really fast. 2 weeks down, 8 weeks to go for the term...not going to count down to the mocks, finals etc 

Spectated the dance crew's sessions, gave them some advices and so on. Kind of my fault for not 'carrying' them in the beginning .____. With that said, I'm still going to help out and dance, not sure about choreographing though... :\  I spend most of my time sitting on my arse studying, eating, tumblring, facebooking, loling, youtubing and sleeping (yes I do fall asleep on my chair sometimes whut) so I need to exercise a bit more this year.

Fat control semi-achieved. Let's say...I'm 60% satisfied with it…. Lost a total of 4kg, started exercising and gaining 1kg (let's hope it's muscles not fat QQ). My motivation comes from my mum lol BECAUSE SHE'S IN BETTER SHAPE THAN ME Orz School started, so it's harder to control the time I eat…. Mission abandoned unfortunately, I'll come back to it in the holidays… (says no one ever)….

Didn't even realise there was this monopoly game thing for promotional stuff until Victoria pointed at the black sticker thing. Ahh stuff this, I tried collecting it last time for this other promo, and the chances of me winning something is minimal (compared to growing pimples).

Straight after maccas, I went home and we went out for dinner. Cheers for the great timing, had junk food, nek minnit 吃外食again. This would be the greatest sin if I was still on the fat control plan </3  I had Wonton soup :D For those dedicated stalkers who's been reading my blog for the past 1-2 years. Then you would know that I have this goal to try all the wonton soup in Brisbane (or just anywhere). According to my memory, the best one I've tasted is in this shanghai restaurant/shop in market square. The one I tasted last night tasted like shaomai (is that the right pinyin lol?), so it was disappointing :c

Afterwards, I had 養樂多綠茶… 
Again, it would be another sinful act if I was on control plan

Oh and the photos came. Not sure if I blogged about this but we went and had photos with stepmum side of the family in Taiwan. I've never taken these kind of photos so it was super awkward, for me QQ BTW heavy edit man, I had heavy eyebags from late night taiwan server loling.

Pink shirt op

Cousins since 2010

Thanks to the photographers for making me look not like myself <3
Spent Friday midnight learning kpop choreo, dw it's not sistar19 's new song LOL 1 hour learning, remembering, studying, practising 30 seconds of the choreo *___*
Note: 10 seconds of it was just stepping etc

Like always, I'll end the post with a league related story

When you see it, you'll …. HAHAHAHA

Note: playing sona because it's too hard to be op with soraka support. Also didn't play taric because gems, are truly NOT outrageous. Joking I love gems. Totally gay  ( reference to dtrix's vid). Premade team btw with Jacob and Ollie and this friend I met on league. Felt really bad for the 2 people in our team who can't read English and play at the same time…. They were just like, "他們在說什麼?" Trans: what are they saying? And I'll sometimes translate and all chat hashtag the crap out of everyone.


I was joking.. that wasn't the last thing in this post >:D

please don't be noob like this person

Every year, grandma would be preparing for the new years and grandpa would be doing the main roles ( 點香,筊杯,燒金紙,倒酒 etcetc) but they're both in Taiwan so dad took over grandpa's role this year. We went back to Springwood house as usual, we have any cultural related family gatherings for every 'celebrate-able' day. We got there at 2:30pm and I did maths LOL we were just waiting for the time for us to 拜拜

After we finished 拜拜, we waited for it (don't know how to say it in English QQ) to burn half way then dad did the 筊杯 to ask the ancestors if they're satisfied with the dinner. We throw this, and if it falls on different sides then it's a good sign and vise versa. First try, we got different sides :D:D:D:D:D

Last year, we had to do it twice so it was quite depressing. 

We had their approval
burning money time ! LOLOLOLOL
btw past year 10D bio class members: ya'll should remember this floor. 1/5 of our bio zonation video was filmed on this VERY concrete floor huehue. Oh yeah I had the sexiest thongs on back in that vid. I'll upload it if I can find it @@

Dinner was awesome. It had a completely different vibe compared to last year's new year eve dinner. It was more, lively and casual imo. Wouldn't mind either, but it's good to have change. 
- sat at the table and ate for an hour (it's a rule)
- ate every dish on the table (also a rule)
- ate 發糕(yeah for good fortune)

and now to the best part (lol shame)
getting red pocket *__*
they smell so good

lol but seriously it smells really good ..

Dad represented grandpa and handed out the red pockets to the 'grandchildren'. We lined up in order of age so I was first. Last year, we had to say some lucky phrases etc and my cousin totally owned me omfg since he came to Australia 4 months ago and his mando is like LEGENDARY. 

This year, we called back to Taiwan and spoke to grandpa and said some lucky phrases/sentences/idioms. It was really funny because my cousin forgot all those cheesy phrases HURHURHUR WHAT NOW. The youngest of us 5 was Leon. He mainly speaks japanese and english so he was really nervous while waiting for his turn. We taught him "新年快樂,謝謝爺爺阿嬤" and he kept repeating it in a 歪國人 accent LOLOLOL


btw community was totally awesome.