Saturday, September 28, 2013

Movie : Tiny Times 1.0 + 2.0

Finally got around watching Tiny Times 1.0 and Tiny Times 2.0 !!
It has Eng and Mando sub on youtube, I linked it on the sentence above, hover over and you''ll see.

Actually watched 2.0 before 1.0 so I was first so out of it for a few minutes in 2.0. The movie isn't that bad but omg the whole time I was waiting for 宮洺's (gong ming) scene. FUU I almost died 20mins into 1.0 THE SCENE IS TOO MAGICAL TO BE TRUE AHAHHA THEN IT SNAPS BACK INTO REAL LIFE and he's just like "get out of my way you stoopid human being". I love how each character has their own unique personality which makes the whole movie funny yet serious at the same time. Oh and why is everyone so hot why. Gong ming has so much class I can't even.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to kill mosquitoes for dummies

I cannot let this day go pass without making a serious note on how freaking annoying mosquitoes are. If I see one, I will kill one. No second thought. No I'm not going to care if it has a family, a brilliant mind, or a soul. It will die if I'm still around. 

You should also keep in mind that I'm an angry Maggie because I had a really light sleep. I was so done with the mosquito in my room last night that was happily devouring me so I grabbed my pillows and blanket, went out of my room and slept on the sofa. Even then, I was still paranoid that the mosquito would follow me there or eventually find me there and that's why I woke up at random times throughout the morning. Yes, I finally fell asleep at 3am on the sofa. Anyway, because I had a really light sleep, I'm probably going to come across as being ignorant and ruthless.

I found the stupid mosquito clinging onto my mirror when I woke up and swiftly grabbed my maths book + maths data booklet and whacked the shit out of the mosquito. I even took a photo of it. Now one of the pages on my maths data booklet has some remains and blood stains from the mosquito :( REGARDLESS, THE MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED #NOREGRETS

Since mosquitos are rare in Australia, I think they are quite smart in comparison with the ones in Taiwan. Mosquitoes are everywhere in Taiwan, that's why every household has those appliances designed to electrocute mosquitoes. However, those appliances definitely made me a satisfied, mosquito serial killer. I get this thrill from repetitively activating electricity and watch the mosquito burn and suffer. I hate them with passion, I want to eradicate them. Truthfully, I've only had a few encounters with mosquitoes in Australia, heaps at Ballon, but no where to be seen in the civilized (that's an inside joke). It's either that they can't survive, or they're some witty little blood suckers. What's worse is that they really seem to like my blood or something. Me in my even younger days in Taiwan, count mosquito bites and it averages about 25 on my arms, legs and neck (sometimes face). Under these circumstances, I've developed this "instinct" to kill any and every mosquitoes in my path.

Here is a very accurate graphical representation of "Food Chain" to me:

Although I've become quite experienced with handling mosquitoes (when I find them), they just seem to be so good at hiding. Look! I even made a, also very very accurate, list of the traits of Taiwanese and Australian Mosquitoes.

Taiwanese Mosquitoes...
- Have the ability to follow you up and into your apartment from the parking floor via the lift
- fly really slowly
- have slower reaction
- are worse at hiding
- emit a lower buzzing sound

Australian Mosquitoes...
- Come out of no where
- fly faster
- have faster reaction
- are better at hiding
- emit a higher buzzing sound

The trick is to approach the mosquito until it's right about in your face then slowly hold up your weaponry until it's no more than 20cm away from the mosquito. Then BAM, hit it hard and you're bound to not miss this A-hole. Also, choose wisely for your weaponry. Use something that has a large area of impact because mosquitoes can slip out a few cm away from it's original position as it seems to be able to sense the incoming force by the movement of air. That explains why you need to strategically approach it and surprise this muddatrucker. You're welcome.

I need sleep

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nosebleeds & shz

I almost forgot how it felt like to be constantly occupied with nosebleeds.

LOL but that's not how mine goes like. 

Nosebleeds suck. Especially when you're in public because people get shit scared when they see blood. Like seriously. Ladies be pouring down there and they're still scared of blood ok. Well I didn't get a nosebleed in public thank you very much but I was woken up by one yesterday LOL Shush I have nothing else to blog about :(

It was exactly like those nose bleeds I had in my primary days. I had them almost every day and they'd last for at least 30 minutes until I forcefully get rid of the blood clots. The blood clots were massive, to the point where I'd sometimes choke on them (because they sometimes slide down) but I gradually got use to dealing with them. This nose bleeding thing was passed down from grandpa. He had frequent nose bleeds in his younger days. He told me that he once even fainted and nearly died. I'm not sure if he was exaggerating but he said that his nose bleeds were extremely severe. Thankfully the only thing I got from bleeding was anger and frustration. p.s. I've never fainted/passed out before, at least in my memory.

At random times throughout the day, it'll just be like "hey wassup heard you haven't got a nosebleed for 2 hours... I'M COMING BABY" -nose bleeds- kkkkoool. I still remember sitting at grandma's dressing table with a rolled up tissue stuck up my nostrils and another box of tissue papers next to me. It was so devastating because they were making dumplings and I was missing out on it because of my stupid nosebleed. THIS IS WHY I HAVE A BAT CAVE NOW YEAH GREAT.

I knew it wasn't an ordinary nose bleed because the common methods to stop nosebleeds did not work at all. What do you mean by tilting my head forward? Do you want me to get blood clots stuck up my nose and choke. What do you mean by pinching my nose and holding it there? Blood will be dripping out my nose regardless you stoopid. If it doesn't drip out then I'll be swallowing them you dumbsht. Life of a professional nose bleeder. I probably swallowed heaps of blood throughout my life, in my sleep or accidentally. You can call me a vampire huehuehue

side note: Finally reached level 30 today -throws a solo room party- thanks to cousin for motivating me to play, now I'm back to watching worlds and studying

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I like this song

so I whaled it

please don't report me 

Monday, September 23, 2013


I was just stalking my dad's page then I saw him post this quiz via a facebook page/app.


The quiz was "why guys are afraid to go after you", great thanks he's concerned about my love life. SORRY I DIDN'T HAVE GUYS WRITE ME LOVE LETTERS IN PRIMARY SORRY DAD TEACH ME HOW TO REEL IN DEM OPPOSITE GENDER QQ 

This one is for ya'll single couldn't mingle ladies. 
because the results are quite awkward when perceive from a guy's perspective ;)

Test - Why guys are afraid to go after you
You're in Africa and you're extremely thirsty (to the point where you could die if you don't drink something) but there are only 4 types of drinks, which one would you reluctantly choose?

a. Black spider + bitter melon mix juice
b. fresh snake blood + coconut mix juice
c. Caterpillar + sweetened sago cream mix drink
d. "Choke/false" crocodile gravy/meat juice mix

a. Black spider + bitter melon mix juice
Your appearance creates a distancing feeling. People think you're very arrogant, or have an imposing manner hence they feel pressured and concerned that you'll reject them if they ask you out, so they're just watching you from afar (stalker lol). 

b. fresh snake blood + coconut mix juice
You're have overwhelmingly strong capabilities. In short, you're too OP. Like those strong individual woman, you are independent and confident. You can handle things well, making guys feel useless. 

c. Caterpillar + sweetened sago cream mix drink
You make guys think that there are a lot of competitors. Your physical appearance is attractive, so guys would think that you either have a boyfriend, or you have a lot of people going for you so they just choo choo the way out ;) (irl you get none)

d. "Choke/false" crocodile gravy/meat juice mix
You make guys think that you're hard to control. You're valiant, you stand up for yourself and you never compromise. After battling with you a few times, guys know that you're way out of their league. 

Told my dad I chose b and he was like "we'll see"
but for ya'll guy readers out there, I'll just add in another quiz for the fun of it. 
Again, please excuse my dodgy translation.

Test - Suitable professions
You stand in front of a special window that has 6 buttons located next to it. Pressing down any one of the 6 buttons will allow you to see a scenery that you've never seen before. Which one of these spectacular views would you like to see?

a. Challenging winding mountain roads
b. Any view that relates to food 
c. A piece of green grassland scenery 
d. A beautiful sky line overlook
e. Any view that relates to trees, forests 
f. A starry night


a. Challenging winding mountain roads
You're a little stern and snobby, but glow with intelligent, soulful eyes. You gracefully leap and run towards your goal. Your intelligence and your will to take action is like a fiery steed. You have an evident potential for success because you've already perfectly planned out and set goals for yourself to achieve and you're ready to go all out and make it all happen. So in any kind of stance and environment, you'll be able to accomplish things that other people envy you of being able to do. Since you're blessed with these traits of a successor, you should make use of it. You can consider fields surrounding accounting, computers, trade, technology etc

b. Any view that relates to food 
Eat then sleep, sleep then eat. Your misty eyes only brighten up when you eat. Any other time, you'd be finding entertainment or sleeping. You don't really know or care about competition, pressure or striving to be better or the best. All it matters is to do things that you want to do, you don't really care even though it doesn't really fit in with most people around you. Your life philosophy is "Mind over matter, just be happy". You're probably not able to grow under those standard systems where you are to go along the rules and make sales because you won't be able to adapt and people around you can be frustrated with you. So you could consider the creative fields, whether it's an artist, interior designer, beauty, cooking and so on, you will likely be able to prosper.

c. A piece of green grassland scenery 
Work when the sun rises, rest when the sun sets. Your calm expression at all times reveal a stabilizing sense of power. You live on a fixed slow pace rhythm and you work hard for your goals. You are diligent and you never break the rules, never become delusional or greedy. As long as the work given is completed, you're all good and pleased. You are responsible and you are good at carrying out tasks. If you're told to give spontaneous, weird ideas, you might feel like you might as well forfeit. On the other hand, you feel much better when you're given tasks from other people. You should consider administrative, educational, professional, technical personnel fields and so on.

d. A beautiful sky line overlook
You're like a curious bird, flying through the heaven and earth as your heart unbound itself from the stress and strains in the world. You will go out and experience all the pain, happiness, despair etc to only be exhausted and retire back into your nest, satisfied with your life. You have a great reaction and great social skills. You don't like to be restrained. If you could meet or be in contact with different friends and new things, it would make your life more meaningful. Utilize your outstanding public relation skills to create more opportunities for yourself and the world. You should consider performing arts, salesmen, public relations, tourism field and so on. 

e. Any view that relates to trees, forests 
Dashing, quick thinking and average looking monkey in the group, but you're actually more sophisticated in your thoughts, constantly thinking of the next plan. It wouldn't be a little bit too much to say that you're a witty character, you're always able to make full use of your advantages. People unconsciously like you, admire you and trust you, even though you may inadvertently reveal your impatient side, but it does not happen to ruin the good impression you have in people's minds. With your wit and abilities, it's not hard to get to the top of the pyramid. Try news, doctors, lawyers, politics and so on.

f. A starry night
The languid demeanor, sharp and mysterious eyes, seemingly able to see through the masks of humanity. Sometimes reluctant for gentle care, sometimes growing tired of the constant comfort. You're always hot and cold, one moment you're passionate, the next you're indifferent, depending on your mood. Although you can be influenced by other's emotions, but that doesn't happen very often. You live for yourself, so you don't like to be interrupted and disturbed when you're doing things. The controlling power must be in your own hands. Never ever ever let other people tell you what to do and what is best for you. Instead, it's best for you to tell others :"How this will ..", "How that will...". Consider psychoanalyst, prognosticator, analyst and so on.

Anyone chose f ? QQ
It was either e or f for me but I chose f because I pictured ants and crawly insects sticking to the window and no that's not my kind of scenery. So close..... I could of been a monkey. 
voice in mind: what's so bad about a monkey huh?

Friday, September 20, 2013

Movie: In Time

Only 20mins into the movie and I feel like I have all the feels in the world.
That scene.

Since my internet was being ubnub, I dug out my hard drive and found some movies that I never got around watching. Lucky pick, I watched "In Time" and it was honestly one of the best movies I've ever seen. The concept is awesome and it's not one of those fantasy-like movies that take you WAAAYY out of reality. I wish I actually saw this movie when it first came out but I'm glad I watched it tonight because it's making me super conscious of the time I have left until the final exams. "You can do so much in a day", meanwhile I sleep away nearly half of the day and they're doing all these badass things while I'm just breathing and youtubing. Not saying that I should go out and do what they do, but at least make the most of the time I have by studying or do something that betters myself. As for things on a larger scale.... I don't know what to say about it because it's not black and white, right or wrong to be exact. I'd recommend fellow IB students to maybe watch it when they're not feeling motivated.

See, now I'm reevaluating my life and thinking #deep all because I watched a freakin movie.

Quoting my mum, "If I earn 10, I give at least 2 away to those who need help and that's why he allowed me to live on."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

confession: can't stand it

This ONE thing that I find really hard to get use to, is watching people shake their legs when they're sitting down. 

It looks weird, and does not benefit anyone but yourself because it does not look good in any way. It matches the purpose behind the "self happy time" doesn't it? Even worse, it doesn't even turn people on and if it does, slim chance brother. Personal opinion though. It seems reasonable for someone to shake their legs when they're nervous but if they do it every time they're sitting... there's a problem there (at least that's what I see). People say that it's the release/sign of nervousness, anxiety and other emotional causes but I don't understand why some people do it the instant they land their bum on a surface. 

Enough of the complaining. I did perform this "self soothing" leg shaking thing when I was young. Yeah I couldn't control this mothertrucker. I'd shake while I do my homework. It was until grandpa snapped at me and set me straight from doing this leg shaking business. I have to admit that leg shaking was like the best unconscious thing I ever did. I looked like some delinquent though HAHHAHAH So I forced myself to stop shaking when I feel like I was going to shake and eventually got rid of this habit. Isn't it embarrassing af when the whole row of chairs shake because your legs can't help themselves from shaking? I don't know about others but I'd certainly be like "my legs are fuqing rebel, whip it into shape before it looses control.TAME THIS SHIT. I WILL TAKE CONTROL OF MY OWN BODY NOT YOU". -flips table-

AHHAHA I give fuqs about what others in the society think and how I represent myself sometimes. As much as I say, "fuq what others think", I actually don't 100% because I'd look like the derpest, most retarded, underachieving (by a lot) and lazy human being on URF, if I actually gave no fuqs about what others think. Yeah so because I actually care about how I present myself to others (sometimes), I attempt to better myself by at least not making myself look like I don't even want to try and look ok. One day when you see me at home, you'd be amazed at what I do hue. 

I also use to bite my finger nails and the skin around my nails because I had nothing better to do. Nope jk. I think I had emotional problems and hence couldn't help myself from trimming my nails on the go to relieve the nervousness and other shit. Then I self disciplined the same way I did with my leg shaking habit and stopped biting my nails. The urge still comes around but I WON'T GIVE IN -victory pose- 

but to all those people who shake their legs:
Unless if you've been diagnosed.
"Can't help it" won't do, because if I could do it, why can't you?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I am not a tattoo enthusiast so I've never thought of getting a tattoo anywhere on my body.


because I don't want to go through the pain to have something permanently "inked" into my skin. What if one day I change my mind or things happen and I want to remove the tattoo? I change my desktop background once a term so does that mean I'll change my mind about my tattoo in 10 weeks or so after I get it? Maybe it's just that I haven't found something that means so much to me that I'll want to remember for the rest of my life, preferably on my skin. I would always try so hard to scrub/scratch off the temporary tattoo after I apply them on LIKE WHUUUT money wasted. 

THEN I came across this picture of the process of scarification and that took it to the next level. I was first very confused then I felt scared from imagining it on my back. I generally have a medium tolerance for pain but just thinking of that makes me shiver. It's like hurting yourself and waiting for your body to heal and eventually get what you want, permanently and when it goes wrong......owh.........There's nothing bad about it as long as the person really wants it. At the moment I would definitely pass. I'll probably change my mind. Who knows.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wet n Wild + Southport

I'm back in brissy. Can't explain how much I miss this place (even though I've only been away for 1 day and a bit). South port was super foreign to me and navigating alone was hectic. I'm really worn out but it was worth it. I shall blog linearly, that should be easier to follow through.

Met up with Victoria at Cultural to catch the train to Helensvale. Vic was late because she couldn't find her ID card that was in her pocket. I can't even (but she bought me a drink instead so all gee LOLOLOLOL). We still managed to make it to the station and catch the train we were planned to get on. Then we caught the bus to go to Wet n Wild. There were so many Japanese people, about 95% of the passengers were Japanese. We hopped off the bus and thank goodness they didn't get off HAHHAHA because that means more people at Wet n Wild, more queue time and less fun.

Just a heads up. The last time I went to Wet n wild was when I was about 4 or something LOL IDK but dad told me that he and mum took me there back when I was very little.

We got our Gold pass and bought the lockers and saved money into our wristband. I had this mini internal conflict on whether or not I should just wear bikini or wear something over it but at last I just hashfag yolo it and go without something over it. I'm pretty self conscious and all that because I have tiger stripes if you know what I mean. I gained fat all of a sudden #puberty around my bum so I have dem tiger stripes (no it's not zebra, IT'S TIGER BECAUSE I SAID SO). Now I'm just like, meh whatevs I can't hide them 5ever.

SOSOSOSO. We walked around and found the whirlpool springs! It was cloudy at that time so we thought we should get warmed up first but nahah. BAD DECISION. It was so cold when we got out omg. Next stop, we went on Mammoth Falls because we don't need to carry those raft-like things up the stairs #lazy. It sucked for me because I couldn't see shit :( I was just going down with my back faced towards where we were going. It was pretty chill and relaxing but the water was freaking cold compared to whirlpool springs. We were a bit hyped up so Victoria and I went to black hole which was labelled as one of the "thrill ride". Honestly, it wasn't that scary and "thrilling" but not too shabby. We screamed "ATAR 99" until we reached the bottom, though I don't know what it sounded like to the lifeguards at the top. It was so fun inside that we decided to go again but on the other "tube" and huehuehue it was fun. The climb with the stupid heavy raft was worth.

I'm not sure about the order of the rest of the rides we went on, so I'll just arrange them in order:
Thrill Rides:
- Blackhole
(talked about this)
- Kamikaza
Oh my goodness this ride. Here I went down with my back faced towards the part where we fall down. I actually prefer that side because I really can't see how steep it was HAHAHAHHAHA Honestly felt like I was flying off. I'd say this is the most thrilling ride in Wet n Wild. Didn't last long but it was super thrilling and I felt a bit dizzy afterwards.

- Mach 5
We went on the side ones first and there are soo many bumps I can't even. It was similar to mammoth falls so it was meh.  Wait what? the middle three solo lanes? WORST RIDE EVER. Okay here's what happened. Victoria and I were thinking to race each other down but she went down straight away when I was still asking the lifeguard if I was in the right position LOL By the time I made sure that I had reduced the risk of me hurting myself from the ride, Victoria already took off and left me up at the top still confused about where I should place my hands. I quickly followed up and holy shimolly my back hurts so bad. You could feel the joint of the slide scraping your back every second it was horrible. I couldn't even think about how steep I was going. When we met each other at the bottom, we said "OWHH" before anything else. Our backs were red and burning. Please fix this.

- Tornado
AHHAHA This one....
Well the raft was really heavy so the duo couple behind us helped us carry our raft up to the top. ILY stranger! Pretty much they helped us because we were in the way though but still super grateful for their help. Lesson Learnt, hire guys or super strong women to carry raft next time. And again, I had my back faced down so I couldn't see how steep it was. but it was pretty fun in general. Though the raft carrying experience was painful. My legs and arms omg.

- Constrictor
It was chill as because we went on Kamikaza etc before this so this was nothing compared to the others. Victoria and I did the mushroom and rolling method to carry our raft up the path. It was a pretty long ride so I guess the walking and waiting was worth. Oh we waited for this ride because we went on this ride much later in the day when there were a bit more people but still not many.

- Aqualoop

- Flow Rider
I can't surf. End of story.

- Mammoth Falls
(talked about this)

- River rapids
I was thinking to go to the enclosed one but when I saw the entrance to the tunnel... NAH CHANGED MY MIND. The water was legit 2/3 of the tunnel I don't want to suffocate and drown. Yes I could also be a bit claustrophobic. The opened ones were so calming and really fun :D

- Skycoaster
...ok fine I am a pussy I'm scared of this ride so I didn't even think about going on it.
Next time....I will conquer it -victory pose-

- Super 8 
This one was super lame. I bounced and flew a bit on my way down wtf I'm doing this wrong. The kids were like super excited and just dived down the instant they got to the top then there's me, super tired from all the walking.

- Surfrider
next time...

- Zip Line
next time...

Family Fun
- Buccaneer Bay
We only walked pass this to get to another ride.

- Calypso Beach
Don't think I'd bother go there because the only thing I'll get from it is sunburn.

- Giant wavepool
We went in and out of wavepool about 4 to 5 times in between rides. It was soososososo fun without the sea taste to it.

- Whirlpool Springs
(talked about this)

So you can say that we've basically been on all the ones we're physically capable of doing. Plz skycoaster looks too badass. At 2:40, I was super sleepy and tired so I opt out and wanted to go shower and change out of swimwear (it was getting colder). We chilled about for an hour or so near the wavepool and left the place at 4:45.

Photo or it didn't happen:
LOL psh what were you expecting

Look at how blek I am just from 1 day. I have a light tan line even though I applied 50+ sunscreen fml AND it was a cloudy day. Stronger UV but less sunlight. Still gets blek. Wonder what november onward would be like.. 

I have terrible sense of direction so I rely heavily on the translink website and google map when I venture out to new places. I managed to take the right bus from Wet n Wild and got off at the right stop (it was dark-ish so it was hard to recognise the area). The bus driver was really nice and offered everyone on the bus some candy. I didn't take one because I didn't have time to think and process this unusual situation. p.s. my natural reflex is generally a no (with a smile). I also learned that a banana is a herb. Driver 10/10. The second bus I took,came extremely late so I just waited there and refreshed the translink page every 3 minute to check the bus status #panic #Ididn'tknowwhereiwas #phonelowbattery On top of that, there were people walking in packs, loooking like they're on their way to a bar or night club. So I'm like carrying 2 bags, pretending to be super occupied with my phone but secretly panicking and hoping that the bus will come soon. By the time I got on the bus, it was pretty much night time so I couldn't even guess out where I was visually. Thankfully, translink web has this thing that tracks where you are and all that so I got off at the right stop #onlyfoundthatoutonsecondbus Needless to say, public transportation are too complicated and sometimes more inconvenient. 

Skip this if tl; don't want to read:
Finally met up with mum and we went to her apartment and we chilled and talked. She told me how she felt about everything and it was just so emotional :( One of the many things she told me was that she felt distant from me even when we're together and she doesn't know how she should approach me because she hasn't been in my life for a long period of time. We don't spend that much time together so our interactions are quiet awkward. I agreed with her and told her that I don't know what it is like or what I should do or act when I'm with her. It sounds so silly. Yet it is a feeling or interaction that we're both very foreign to. 

She was afraid that I'd hate her and develop this uncontrollable desire to be loved (and throw myself into relationships over and over again to be hurt). Turns out, her living presence had been my emotional support over the years. Oh and I'm also pretty darn realistic and self protective after seeing and experiencing that getting head over heels in love is just plain stupid and destructive. Sorry if I offend anyone but the truth is the truth. We talked about so many things and it was like a massive confession hour filled that pretty much drained all my emotions away from me.. which is great because I need to stop using emotions on anime and random sad youtube videos and focus on school. 

Keep reading
Woke up the next day and did some physics notes #crii #physicsissohard. Yes one of the 2 bags was for my laptop and phone charger etc AHHAHAH -facepalm- We went and had lunch at the coffee club afterwards. Mum's friend drove me to Helensvale to catch the train so I don't have to wait at Southport for a bus to take me there :'D Arrived back at South bank and caught the bus back home. 

(from being scared of getting lost)

I feel tired again from thinking about it...
Will be calling it a night very soon

Friday, September 13, 2013

Report cards

Did worse in some subjects, improved on the others, so I pretty much stayed the same and that's not what I wanted. I wanted to improve but

IB mocks: "it's a no from me"
I guess I'm forever stuck around this range
-spins to the rings of jupiter-

Hopefully this weekend getaway will be rather refreshing. Kind of excited but I think I be spending more time travelling than actually doing something much more worthwhile. Now I feel super lazy and just want to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday. I JUST WANT TO SLEEP OMG. Does it ever occur to other people? I was actually way more energetic throughout the day because our supervisor for non chem class offered us coffee and damn that lasted pretty long. Normally I just die out after p4, communication and interaction becomes extremely difficult for me. 

Back onto what I was going to blog about, report cards. My parents beat me to the mailbox but I noticed the unusual lack of sound in the house so I knew, immediately, that they were intensively studying something, which in this case, is my report card GG I kind of wish I've been failing subjects and in the C zone for the majority of my life, because then, they'd encourage me to do better whenever my scores improve or they'll probably just give up on me. However, I've been in the "Uh doing alright, could do better" zone for quite some time so  I hear the judgmental comments but idk just suck it up.When I drop in a subject, the reaction would amplify by 1205918 in comparison with me improving at a subject that I had grown to have absolutely no fuqs to spare for it (though I did anyway because.. expectations, again..)

It sucks to know that my grades would be of more value than it actually is because it will matter, a lot. Not just to me, but to us and them. I wished it would be just for me but unfortunately, the game has begun. I of course, involuntarily became one of the two participants. 

It worries me when some people aim high. Although it's none of my business but if it indirectly challenges me then fine I'm all in. They pick the prize before they even enter the game. Now that's a funny joke to the players already in the game. Aiming high, by "high" is the lengthy/large distance between the current point to the desired point. Whilst if the person goes for their desired point which is not far from their current point , then that wouldn't be called "aiming high". That'll just be something along the lines of a "realistic approach" of some sort idk translate to mando pl0x. I've once aimed so high (it was interested) but it was honesty not realistic after so many attempts to reach it #sadlife #notbright #verydark #blek 

Why set such a large goal before you've even had the experience of trying to reach it? I'm not trying to demotivate but simply trying to say "don't expect a smooth life and brag about it" because the joke of the year could just be you. Talking big is just digging a hole for yourself to jump in. Right now we'll endure. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

another project yay

Really excited to get this "project" underway and completed before the holidays
It's been a while since I had the chance to do anything creative so HAHAHAH uhm soz if I get super involved and all that....

I have this massive post about my weekend but I didn't get to finish it this morning and went to sleep at 1am. Come on I started the post at 10pm and took no breaks. Why does it take so long for me to blog.... but anyway I shall leave that post in draft mode for a few more days.

Recently been back to this song, like omg why can't I get sick of it
would be a great song for duet choreo

and no I did not find it from gta 4 please. 
I'm still stuck watching wife swap on youtube I don't have time for game -cough- IB -cough-

Finally got qtac and uac filled out on Sunday! My preferences are legit so realistic if you know what I mean #nomed I'm actually super surprised when dad let me put this weird trololol course down as my last preference for qtac HHAHAHA I have 2 more space on my uac, someone suggest an interesting course? I honestly don't care if it sounds retarded because the more unique, and unwanted, the more wanted in the future?

Saturday, September 7, 2013


So True:

Oh my Goodness What am I doing, stuck on youtube whelp
She's (carol) so positive and enthusiastic like wow I can't even imagine it. Should be pretty cool having her kind of rules around the house.
She'd be controlling me like.
-reaches hand out in front of me- "you cannot eat this"
then I'll thank her later in life

I almost want to destroy something when I heard that the chore board was going to be erased but THANK GOODNESS it was only removed HAHHAHAHA I luurrrve the chore board.

The head to head convo was even better like awwww yeaahhhhhhh fight on -brings out popcorn-

Friday, September 6, 2013

Post QCS + IB Mocks

Please relate,

For QCS 

  • Hopes that written task is not about something mysterious and unknown like stars, planets, universe. Opens stimulus. Wants to destroy stimulus. 
  • Writes "tears stacked welled up in her eyes" in QCS written task
  • Expands words like "we're" to "we are" because I'm having trouble getting to the word count.  Adding more content would ruin it. 
  • Spends the last 15 minutes thinking about what title should be given to this fabulous piece of work. Ends up with the corniest and the most retarded AND confusing title in the history of my academic life. 
  • Crosses out dais and wekes and replaces them with days and weeks because tbh it looks like a new language I don't want to learn
  • My handwriting changes as time goes on, especially in QCS short response (bad time management skills)
  • Agitated when I make the label bend in the corner where I try to pick it off. Feels like I've already lost the game.
  • Gets super irritated and demotivated when I stick the label on the box provided and it's not perfectly straight or on/in the box
  • Gets frustrated because there were no questions that required the use of colouring pencils. WHY YOU BREAK MY DREAM QCS. 
  • Celebrates because there were no questions that required the use of a compass. Didn't have a compass. 
  • Actually enjoyed doing the maths question in multichoice part 1 over every other question in the paper. Let me do you again.
  • Couldn't do the second last question in short answer. I really do suck at maths ......and english because I don't understand what they meant by "part"
  • Finishes QCS and relieved that I still have IB to redeem myself 
For IB Mocks
  • Thinks sl maths was easier than last term. Loses marks from small errors which totaled up to a disgraceful number. 
  • Felt that paper 1 was easier than paper 2, gets better mark in paper 2. Never trusting feelings again.
  • Leaves answer as K=+/- 2 (example), loses 1 mark because the correct answer is "K=-2 and K = 2"
  • Confuses teacher when multiplication step was done outside the box. unintentionally. 
  • Intimidated when the teacher writes your name after "how did you get this without a calculator" then having the comment crossed out because yep I did it outside the box. I've learnt my mistake sorry.
  • Couldn't do some of the easiest giveaway questions but managed to get "harder" questions right. Maths. It made me sad.
  • School raises the cut offs for maths. Facts. It made me sadder.
  • Remembers quotes that ended up being totally irrelevant to any of the questions in English paper 2. 
  • Studies the importance of being earnest 2 days before the exam. Misses out the most important feature of the play - black humour. Knew it was a bad idea but it was worth a try.
  • Only class that didn't get their English paper back because the teacher was away, like usual. It was expected.
  • Liking my handwriting in the past few English Papers. Mentally communicates with grade 6 teacher EACH TIME and telling her off for giving me my pen licence much later in the year compared to everyone else in the class. Oh Yes I still remember you very well.... You were racist too. How ironic when you talk about love, equality and acceptance whilst holding the Holy Bible in the middle of Christian Studies and then progress to trash talk about other races. Bitch get your hands off the Holy Bible and get yo shit together, you've stained the words and preaching from your own religion. What a joke. Someone not even baptized or officially accepted, has more respect for your religion than someone like you, who call yourself a committed and accepted believer of your own religion. Karma better be doing its job.
  • Losing all hopes in getting a 7 for HL mando after so many confusions in paper 1
  • Walking out of a DT exam early, knowing that the possibility of getting a wrong answer right after changing it, is far less than just leaving the answer as it is. My worst area in Maths is probability.
  • Stares at the flashing light (from the ventilating fan) on the floor for 20 mins after finishing DT paper 1 for the same reason as the previous dot point. Anticipates for a supervisor to walk past and let the light hit them to estimate the angle at where the light was shining from. Proceeds to attempt to draw out an imaginary path from the light source to the floor.
  • Blurs own vision whilst gazing at the light and listing the things that looks similar to the shape. very amused.
  • Flips through DT paper 3 and finds a question along the lines of  "State 2 symptoms of nut allergy" in Option A: Food science and Technology. School only allows Option C: CAD/CAM - the most confusing option in the syllabus.
  • Finishes mocks. Glad that it's still mocks.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


source of motivation to get up from a good nap: need to charge phone

could of just slept all the way to tomorrow but no nope can't bare the thought of leaving the house with electronics at 20% or lower.









這種感受, 是沒辦法傳達的





Monday, September 2, 2013


Just as the title says. Good Luck to everyone sitting the qcs exam tomorrow and on Wednesday! May you unveil your hidden powers in your exams and crank through dem WT, multichoice and short answers without sweating all over your table.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

10 gaming facts about me

1. My first mmorpg game was Runescape : my cousins invited me to play and we'd grind for nights when they come over to my house (which was about every night). We played hard out for nearly 2 years or so but we had a lot of fun on it back in the days, like trolling, chatting up random people and getting 13908530294823 boyfriends, to the point where I had to record down their ign and what their characteristics were to ensure that the conversation connected from one night to another, so there's no confusion and I don't get busted right on the spot AHHAHAAHAHHAHA people be following you around the map and spam "be my gf" until you accept them. That's right, my plateskirt brings all the boys to the yard.

2. I was a member on Runescape for a few months : I was surprised that dad agreed to pay for it. I unsubscribed because being level 48 ish (old level system) as a member isn't really beneficial in any way and it's always so quiet in members world. Also, I don't have enough money to buy a house and decorate it. Jokes I did have the money for it but I need to have decent amount of money in my bank to feel safe. Then I went back to playing free till level 70+ and by that time my cousins were around 90+ because they started earlier than me and were better at games than me. I'm also a big fan of zezima. He will forever be my idol in runescape. forever.

3. My second mmo game was Club Penguin : This game was so beast with all the mini games. I joined club penguin under the influence of my cousins (again). I actually miss my cousins, we're not even close now :'( lol not nelson and jason but the other two that I've never mentioned of. They play a large role in my entire gaming experience. Let's refer them to "the Ys" because I'll be mentioning them again later in this post.

4. I was a member on Club penguin : The Ys and I joined EPF, short for elite penguin force, and were active agents roaming around places and stalking people LOLOLOL Yes we thought the spy phone was badass. Being a member on club penguin, my penguin was always stylish and had one of the coolest igloos ever. I had a few puffs and took them each out on a stroll every night. #unconditionalequallove

5. I was up to date with the latest tamagotchis : Back in grade 7 and 8 when tamagotchis were "banned" from school, we'd go to the toilet at lunch and connect our tamagotchi's under the toilet walls. We're so rebel. Had 2 or sometimes 3 tamagotchis in my pocket just keeping it close throughout the day. I gifted them away to my friends afterwards when I grew out of it.

6. I'm pro only on wii sports bowling : Let me tell you the bowling ball looks super shiny. I love it but now I'm super scared I'll do really bad and lower my skill points AND lose my shiny ball. It think I reached pro in grade 8 so my skills have deteriorated :(

7. I play manual on mariokart wii and ds : I'm one away (special cup) from getting all gold for all the circuit cups on wii and I know most of the secret paths/shortcuts in the game. Mariokart on ds was definitely easier than wii because there's no need to physically "steer" the controller. With that said, I don't like slotting the controlling into the wheel and hold onto the wheel because it feels weird AHHHAHAHA The extra boost after a sharp turn/drift with manual makes life so much easier. That's how I beat the wii course records, I doubt it's easy to beat them all with automatic. Speaking of the courses, I dreaded rainbow road just like most people but I love peach's garden. I also played online, I'm not sure what my VR is but it's above 5000 (I'll check the next time I play). The climb is pretty tough with all the japanese players on international going unbelievably fast #hacks

8. I'm always p3 on super mario bros : The yellow mushroom head is always me, I'm just so use to her and I'll only loook at her in game so when I play p1, p2, p4, I'll screw up and die first.  Whenever I'm in a safety position, I like to sit back and press the down button (mushroom bop dance) and watch my cousins press A and submit to me. When we finished the game, it felt like a part of me crumbled and died on the inside.

9. Despite having a league of legend account for almost a year, I'm still not level 30 yet : I don't spend as much time playing league, instead I just watch endless youtube vids and streams relating to league. I'm actually scared that my parents would walk in and catch me gaming on a school day or weekend because they'd say "if you have time to game then you should of had time to do ________________ (the list goes on forever)". They're fine with me gaming if they've seen that I've been putting a lot of effort into studying, like for mocks, and they actually encouraged me to game and relax but lol is sometimes a bit too intense and stressful and I can't be bothered opening the client #lazy2themax

10. Boosted through mw3 campaign with a retarded wii remote : BUT I still haven't finished it because I actually feel dead every time I play the game so the next time I get a thought along the lines of "let's actually finish this muddatrucking game", the other part of me responds with "no your eyeballs are going to legit pop out of your eye sockets and you will get stuck in that position for the rest of your life don't do it brah". The main problem I have with it is that there's not enough time to sit back and think or just rest for a bit, even between animations and crap. Even though I could pause it but the other part of me would tell me otherwise. Vision first, vision first, gotta keep your vision clear for a real life war. Playing cod on comp is kindddd of (??) easier than wii remote because the remote is just retarded and super sensitive like "omg did you just changed your posture/yawn? let me move the aim to somewhere far away from where you were aiming at". Uhm also the graphics isn't as bad as what everyone says, it's still alright I'm not complaining.

I played other mmorpg games, it's not that they're not worth a mention but these 10 just stuck with me for the longest. My childhood gaming experience was based all around wii LOL that was the only gaming console I had and still have. I don't own a psp, ps1/2/3/4, xbox, wii u or nintendo ds but we trade around between the cousins. I tried some genre of games but they're quite hard to pick up as well as being entertained and drawn towards the game for a med/long period of time. Oh and I watched more than I played pokemon.... gaming consoles in younger days were luxurious. We were content with trading cards :')