Friday, September 20, 2013

Movie: In Time

Only 20mins into the movie and I feel like I have all the feels in the world.
That scene.

Since my internet was being ubnub, I dug out my hard drive and found some movies that I never got around watching. Lucky pick, I watched "In Time" and it was honestly one of the best movies I've ever seen. The concept is awesome and it's not one of those fantasy-like movies that take you WAAAYY out of reality. I wish I actually saw this movie when it first came out but I'm glad I watched it tonight because it's making me super conscious of the time I have left until the final exams. "You can do so much in a day", meanwhile I sleep away nearly half of the day and they're doing all these badass things while I'm just breathing and youtubing. Not saying that I should go out and do what they do, but at least make the most of the time I have by studying or do something that betters myself. As for things on a larger scale.... I don't know what to say about it because it's not black and white, right or wrong to be exact. I'd recommend fellow IB students to maybe watch it when they're not feeling motivated.

See, now I'm reevaluating my life and thinking #deep all because I watched a freakin movie.

Quoting my mum, "If I earn 10, I give at least 2 away to those who need help and that's why he allowed me to live on."