Thursday, September 19, 2013

confession: can't stand it

This ONE thing that I find really hard to get use to, is watching people shake their legs when they're sitting down. 

It looks weird, and does not benefit anyone but yourself because it does not look good in any way. It matches the purpose behind the "self happy time" doesn't it? Even worse, it doesn't even turn people on and if it does, slim chance brother. Personal opinion though. It seems reasonable for someone to shake their legs when they're nervous but if they do it every time they're sitting... there's a problem there (at least that's what I see). People say that it's the release/sign of nervousness, anxiety and other emotional causes but I don't understand why some people do it the instant they land their bum on a surface. 

Enough of the complaining. I did perform this "self soothing" leg shaking thing when I was young. Yeah I couldn't control this mothertrucker. I'd shake while I do my homework. It was until grandpa snapped at me and set me straight from doing this leg shaking business. I have to admit that leg shaking was like the best unconscious thing I ever did. I looked like some delinquent though HAHHAHAH So I forced myself to stop shaking when I feel like I was going to shake and eventually got rid of this habit. Isn't it embarrassing af when the whole row of chairs shake because your legs can't help themselves from shaking? I don't know about others but I'd certainly be like "my legs are fuqing rebel, whip it into shape before it looses control.TAME THIS SHIT. I WILL TAKE CONTROL OF MY OWN BODY NOT YOU". -flips table-

AHHAHA I give fuqs about what others in the society think and how I represent myself sometimes. As much as I say, "fuq what others think", I actually don't 100% because I'd look like the derpest, most retarded, underachieving (by a lot) and lazy human being on URF, if I actually gave no fuqs about what others think. Yeah so because I actually care about how I present myself to others (sometimes), I attempt to better myself by at least not making myself look like I don't even want to try and look ok. One day when you see me at home, you'd be amazed at what I do hue. 

I also use to bite my finger nails and the skin around my nails because I had nothing better to do. Nope jk. I think I had emotional problems and hence couldn't help myself from trimming my nails on the go to relieve the nervousness and other shit. Then I self disciplined the same way I did with my leg shaking habit and stopped biting my nails. The urge still comes around but I WON'T GIVE IN -victory pose- 

but to all those people who shake their legs:
Unless if you've been diagnosed.
"Can't help it" won't do, because if I could do it, why can't you?