Sunday, September 1, 2013

10 gaming facts about me

1. My first mmorpg game was Runescape : my cousins invited me to play and we'd grind for nights when they come over to my house (which was about every night). We played hard out for nearly 2 years or so but we had a lot of fun on it back in the days, like trolling, chatting up random people and getting 13908530294823 boyfriends, to the point where I had to record down their ign and what their characteristics were to ensure that the conversation connected from one night to another, so there's no confusion and I don't get busted right on the spot AHHAHAAHAHHAHA people be following you around the map and spam "be my gf" until you accept them. That's right, my plateskirt brings all the boys to the yard.

2. I was a member on Runescape for a few months : I was surprised that dad agreed to pay for it. I unsubscribed because being level 48 ish (old level system) as a member isn't really beneficial in any way and it's always so quiet in members world. Also, I don't have enough money to buy a house and decorate it. Jokes I did have the money for it but I need to have decent amount of money in my bank to feel safe. Then I went back to playing free till level 70+ and by that time my cousins were around 90+ because they started earlier than me and were better at games than me. I'm also a big fan of zezima. He will forever be my idol in runescape. forever.

3. My second mmo game was Club Penguin : This game was so beast with all the mini games. I joined club penguin under the influence of my cousins (again). I actually miss my cousins, we're not even close now :'( lol not nelson and jason but the other two that I've never mentioned of. They play a large role in my entire gaming experience. Let's refer them to "the Ys" because I'll be mentioning them again later in this post.

4. I was a member on Club penguin : The Ys and I joined EPF, short for elite penguin force, and were active agents roaming around places and stalking people LOLOLOL Yes we thought the spy phone was badass. Being a member on club penguin, my penguin was always stylish and had one of the coolest igloos ever. I had a few puffs and took them each out on a stroll every night. #unconditionalequallove

5. I was up to date with the latest tamagotchis : Back in grade 7 and 8 when tamagotchis were "banned" from school, we'd go to the toilet at lunch and connect our tamagotchi's under the toilet walls. We're so rebel. Had 2 or sometimes 3 tamagotchis in my pocket just keeping it close throughout the day. I gifted them away to my friends afterwards when I grew out of it.

6. I'm pro only on wii sports bowling : Let me tell you the bowling ball looks super shiny. I love it but now I'm super scared I'll do really bad and lower my skill points AND lose my shiny ball. It think I reached pro in grade 8 so my skills have deteriorated :(

7. I play manual on mariokart wii and ds : I'm one away (special cup) from getting all gold for all the circuit cups on wii and I know most of the secret paths/shortcuts in the game. Mariokart on ds was definitely easier than wii because there's no need to physically "steer" the controller. With that said, I don't like slotting the controlling into the wheel and hold onto the wheel because it feels weird AHHHAHAHA The extra boost after a sharp turn/drift with manual makes life so much easier. That's how I beat the wii course records, I doubt it's easy to beat them all with automatic. Speaking of the courses, I dreaded rainbow road just like most people but I love peach's garden. I also played online, I'm not sure what my VR is but it's above 5000 (I'll check the next time I play). The climb is pretty tough with all the japanese players on international going unbelievably fast #hacks

8. I'm always p3 on super mario bros : The yellow mushroom head is always me, I'm just so use to her and I'll only loook at her in game so when I play p1, p2, p4, I'll screw up and die first.  Whenever I'm in a safety position, I like to sit back and press the down button (mushroom bop dance) and watch my cousins press A and submit to me. When we finished the game, it felt like a part of me crumbled and died on the inside.

9. Despite having a league of legend account for almost a year, I'm still not level 30 yet : I don't spend as much time playing league, instead I just watch endless youtube vids and streams relating to league. I'm actually scared that my parents would walk in and catch me gaming on a school day or weekend because they'd say "if you have time to game then you should of had time to do ________________ (the list goes on forever)". They're fine with me gaming if they've seen that I've been putting a lot of effort into studying, like for mocks, and they actually encouraged me to game and relax but lol is sometimes a bit too intense and stressful and I can't be bothered opening the client #lazy2themax

10. Boosted through mw3 campaign with a retarded wii remote : BUT I still haven't finished it because I actually feel dead every time I play the game so the next time I get a thought along the lines of "let's actually finish this muddatrucking game", the other part of me responds with "no your eyeballs are going to legit pop out of your eye sockets and you will get stuck in that position for the rest of your life don't do it brah". The main problem I have with it is that there's not enough time to sit back and think or just rest for a bit, even between animations and crap. Even though I could pause it but the other part of me would tell me otherwise. Vision first, vision first, gotta keep your vision clear for a real life war. Playing cod on comp is kindddd of (??) easier than wii remote because the remote is just retarded and super sensitive like "omg did you just changed your posture/yawn? let me move the aim to somewhere far away from where you were aiming at". Uhm also the graphics isn't as bad as what everyone says, it's still alright I'm not complaining.

I played other mmorpg games, it's not that they're not worth a mention but these 10 just stuck with me for the longest. My childhood gaming experience was based all around wii LOL that was the only gaming console I had and still have. I don't own a psp, ps1/2/3/4, xbox, wii u or nintendo ds but we trade around between the cousins. I tried some genre of games but they're quite hard to pick up as well as being entertained and drawn towards the game for a med/long period of time. Oh and I watched more than I played pokemon.... gaming consoles in younger days were luxurious. We were content with trading cards :')