Friday, September 6, 2013

Post QCS + IB Mocks

Please relate,

For QCS 

  • Hopes that written task is not about something mysterious and unknown like stars, planets, universe. Opens stimulus. Wants to destroy stimulus. 
  • Writes "tears stacked welled up in her eyes" in QCS written task
  • Expands words like "we're" to "we are" because I'm having trouble getting to the word count.  Adding more content would ruin it. 
  • Spends the last 15 minutes thinking about what title should be given to this fabulous piece of work. Ends up with the corniest and the most retarded AND confusing title in the history of my academic life. 
  • Crosses out dais and wekes and replaces them with days and weeks because tbh it looks like a new language I don't want to learn
  • My handwriting changes as time goes on, especially in QCS short response (bad time management skills)
  • Agitated when I make the label bend in the corner where I try to pick it off. Feels like I've already lost the game.
  • Gets super irritated and demotivated when I stick the label on the box provided and it's not perfectly straight or on/in the box
  • Gets frustrated because there were no questions that required the use of colouring pencils. WHY YOU BREAK MY DREAM QCS. 
  • Celebrates because there were no questions that required the use of a compass. Didn't have a compass. 
  • Actually enjoyed doing the maths question in multichoice part 1 over every other question in the paper. Let me do you again.
  • Couldn't do the second last question in short answer. I really do suck at maths ......and english because I don't understand what they meant by "part"
  • Finishes QCS and relieved that I still have IB to redeem myself 
For IB Mocks
  • Thinks sl maths was easier than last term. Loses marks from small errors which totaled up to a disgraceful number. 
  • Felt that paper 1 was easier than paper 2, gets better mark in paper 2. Never trusting feelings again.
  • Leaves answer as K=+/- 2 (example), loses 1 mark because the correct answer is "K=-2 and K = 2"
  • Confuses teacher when multiplication step was done outside the box. unintentionally. 
  • Intimidated when the teacher writes your name after "how did you get this without a calculator" then having the comment crossed out because yep I did it outside the box. I've learnt my mistake sorry.
  • Couldn't do some of the easiest giveaway questions but managed to get "harder" questions right. Maths. It made me sad.
  • School raises the cut offs for maths. Facts. It made me sadder.
  • Remembers quotes that ended up being totally irrelevant to any of the questions in English paper 2. 
  • Studies the importance of being earnest 2 days before the exam. Misses out the most important feature of the play - black humour. Knew it was a bad idea but it was worth a try.
  • Only class that didn't get their English paper back because the teacher was away, like usual. It was expected.
  • Liking my handwriting in the past few English Papers. Mentally communicates with grade 6 teacher EACH TIME and telling her off for giving me my pen licence much later in the year compared to everyone else in the class. Oh Yes I still remember you very well.... You were racist too. How ironic when you talk about love, equality and acceptance whilst holding the Holy Bible in the middle of Christian Studies and then progress to trash talk about other races. Bitch get your hands off the Holy Bible and get yo shit together, you've stained the words and preaching from your own religion. What a joke. Someone not even baptized or officially accepted, has more respect for your religion than someone like you, who call yourself a committed and accepted believer of your own religion. Karma better be doing its job.
  • Losing all hopes in getting a 7 for HL mando after so many confusions in paper 1
  • Walking out of a DT exam early, knowing that the possibility of getting a wrong answer right after changing it, is far less than just leaving the answer as it is. My worst area in Maths is probability.
  • Stares at the flashing light (from the ventilating fan) on the floor for 20 mins after finishing DT paper 1 for the same reason as the previous dot point. Anticipates for a supervisor to walk past and let the light hit them to estimate the angle at where the light was shining from. Proceeds to attempt to draw out an imaginary path from the light source to the floor.
  • Blurs own vision whilst gazing at the light and listing the things that looks similar to the shape. very amused.
  • Flips through DT paper 3 and finds a question along the lines of  "State 2 symptoms of nut allergy" in Option A: Food science and Technology. School only allows Option C: CAD/CAM - the most confusing option in the syllabus.
  • Finishes mocks. Glad that it's still mocks.