Monday, September 23, 2013


I was just stalking my dad's page then I saw him post this quiz via a facebook page/app.


The quiz was "why guys are afraid to go after you", great thanks he's concerned about my love life. SORRY I DIDN'T HAVE GUYS WRITE ME LOVE LETTERS IN PRIMARY SORRY DAD TEACH ME HOW TO REEL IN DEM OPPOSITE GENDER QQ 

This one is for ya'll single couldn't mingle ladies. 
because the results are quite awkward when perceive from a guy's perspective ;)

Test - Why guys are afraid to go after you
You're in Africa and you're extremely thirsty (to the point where you could die if you don't drink something) but there are only 4 types of drinks, which one would you reluctantly choose?

a. Black spider + bitter melon mix juice
b. fresh snake blood + coconut mix juice
c. Caterpillar + sweetened sago cream mix drink
d. "Choke/false" crocodile gravy/meat juice mix

a. Black spider + bitter melon mix juice
Your appearance creates a distancing feeling. People think you're very arrogant, or have an imposing manner hence they feel pressured and concerned that you'll reject them if they ask you out, so they're just watching you from afar (stalker lol). 

b. fresh snake blood + coconut mix juice
You're have overwhelmingly strong capabilities. In short, you're too OP. Like those strong individual woman, you are independent and confident. You can handle things well, making guys feel useless. 

c. Caterpillar + sweetened sago cream mix drink
You make guys think that there are a lot of competitors. Your physical appearance is attractive, so guys would think that you either have a boyfriend, or you have a lot of people going for you so they just choo choo the way out ;) (irl you get none)

d. "Choke/false" crocodile gravy/meat juice mix
You make guys think that you're hard to control. You're valiant, you stand up for yourself and you never compromise. After battling with you a few times, guys know that you're way out of their league. 

Told my dad I chose b and he was like "we'll see"
but for ya'll guy readers out there, I'll just add in another quiz for the fun of it. 
Again, please excuse my dodgy translation.

Test - Suitable professions
You stand in front of a special window that has 6 buttons located next to it. Pressing down any one of the 6 buttons will allow you to see a scenery that you've never seen before. Which one of these spectacular views would you like to see?

a. Challenging winding mountain roads
b. Any view that relates to food 
c. A piece of green grassland scenery 
d. A beautiful sky line overlook
e. Any view that relates to trees, forests 
f. A starry night


a. Challenging winding mountain roads
You're a little stern and snobby, but glow with intelligent, soulful eyes. You gracefully leap and run towards your goal. Your intelligence and your will to take action is like a fiery steed. You have an evident potential for success because you've already perfectly planned out and set goals for yourself to achieve and you're ready to go all out and make it all happen. So in any kind of stance and environment, you'll be able to accomplish things that other people envy you of being able to do. Since you're blessed with these traits of a successor, you should make use of it. You can consider fields surrounding accounting, computers, trade, technology etc

b. Any view that relates to food 
Eat then sleep, sleep then eat. Your misty eyes only brighten up when you eat. Any other time, you'd be finding entertainment or sleeping. You don't really know or care about competition, pressure or striving to be better or the best. All it matters is to do things that you want to do, you don't really care even though it doesn't really fit in with most people around you. Your life philosophy is "Mind over matter, just be happy". You're probably not able to grow under those standard systems where you are to go along the rules and make sales because you won't be able to adapt and people around you can be frustrated with you. So you could consider the creative fields, whether it's an artist, interior designer, beauty, cooking and so on, you will likely be able to prosper.

c. A piece of green grassland scenery 
Work when the sun rises, rest when the sun sets. Your calm expression at all times reveal a stabilizing sense of power. You live on a fixed slow pace rhythm and you work hard for your goals. You are diligent and you never break the rules, never become delusional or greedy. As long as the work given is completed, you're all good and pleased. You are responsible and you are good at carrying out tasks. If you're told to give spontaneous, weird ideas, you might feel like you might as well forfeit. On the other hand, you feel much better when you're given tasks from other people. You should consider administrative, educational, professional, technical personnel fields and so on.

d. A beautiful sky line overlook
You're like a curious bird, flying through the heaven and earth as your heart unbound itself from the stress and strains in the world. You will go out and experience all the pain, happiness, despair etc to only be exhausted and retire back into your nest, satisfied with your life. You have a great reaction and great social skills. You don't like to be restrained. If you could meet or be in contact with different friends and new things, it would make your life more meaningful. Utilize your outstanding public relation skills to create more opportunities for yourself and the world. You should consider performing arts, salesmen, public relations, tourism field and so on. 

e. Any view that relates to trees, forests 
Dashing, quick thinking and average looking monkey in the group, but you're actually more sophisticated in your thoughts, constantly thinking of the next plan. It wouldn't be a little bit too much to say that you're a witty character, you're always able to make full use of your advantages. People unconsciously like you, admire you and trust you, even though you may inadvertently reveal your impatient side, but it does not happen to ruin the good impression you have in people's minds. With your wit and abilities, it's not hard to get to the top of the pyramid. Try news, doctors, lawyers, politics and so on.

f. A starry night
The languid demeanor, sharp and mysterious eyes, seemingly able to see through the masks of humanity. Sometimes reluctant for gentle care, sometimes growing tired of the constant comfort. You're always hot and cold, one moment you're passionate, the next you're indifferent, depending on your mood. Although you can be influenced by other's emotions, but that doesn't happen very often. You live for yourself, so you don't like to be interrupted and disturbed when you're doing things. The controlling power must be in your own hands. Never ever ever let other people tell you what to do and what is best for you. Instead, it's best for you to tell others :"How this will ..", "How that will...". Consider psychoanalyst, prognosticator, analyst and so on.

Anyone chose f ? QQ
It was either e or f for me but I chose f because I pictured ants and crawly insects sticking to the window and no that's not my kind of scenery. So close..... I could of been a monkey. 
voice in mind: what's so bad about a monkey huh?