Friday, September 13, 2013

Report cards

Did worse in some subjects, improved on the others, so I pretty much stayed the same and that's not what I wanted. I wanted to improve but

IB mocks: "it's a no from me"
I guess I'm forever stuck around this range
-spins to the rings of jupiter-

Hopefully this weekend getaway will be rather refreshing. Kind of excited but I think I be spending more time travelling than actually doing something much more worthwhile. Now I feel super lazy and just want to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday. I JUST WANT TO SLEEP OMG. Does it ever occur to other people? I was actually way more energetic throughout the day because our supervisor for non chem class offered us coffee and damn that lasted pretty long. Normally I just die out after p4, communication and interaction becomes extremely difficult for me. 

Back onto what I was going to blog about, report cards. My parents beat me to the mailbox but I noticed the unusual lack of sound in the house so I knew, immediately, that they were intensively studying something, which in this case, is my report card GG I kind of wish I've been failing subjects and in the C zone for the majority of my life, because then, they'd encourage me to do better whenever my scores improve or they'll probably just give up on me. However, I've been in the "Uh doing alright, could do better" zone for quite some time so  I hear the judgmental comments but idk just suck it up.When I drop in a subject, the reaction would amplify by 1205918 in comparison with me improving at a subject that I had grown to have absolutely no fuqs to spare for it (though I did anyway because.. expectations, again..)

It sucks to know that my grades would be of more value than it actually is because it will matter, a lot. Not just to me, but to us and them. I wished it would be just for me but unfortunately, the game has begun. I of course, involuntarily became one of the two participants. 

It worries me when some people aim high. Although it's none of my business but if it indirectly challenges me then fine I'm all in. They pick the prize before they even enter the game. Now that's a funny joke to the players already in the game. Aiming high, by "high" is the lengthy/large distance between the current point to the desired point. Whilst if the person goes for their desired point which is not far from their current point , then that wouldn't be called "aiming high". That'll just be something along the lines of a "realistic approach" of some sort idk translate to mando pl0x. I've once aimed so high (it was interested) but it was honesty not realistic after so many attempts to reach it #sadlife #notbright #verydark #blek 

Why set such a large goal before you've even had the experience of trying to reach it? I'm not trying to demotivate but simply trying to say "don't expect a smooth life and brag about it" because the joke of the year could just be you. Talking big is just digging a hole for yourself to jump in. Right now we'll endure.