Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nosebleeds & shz

I almost forgot how it felt like to be constantly occupied with nosebleeds.

LOL but that's not how mine goes like. 

Nosebleeds suck. Especially when you're in public because people get shit scared when they see blood. Like seriously. Ladies be pouring down there and they're still scared of blood ok. Well I didn't get a nosebleed in public thank you very much but I was woken up by one yesterday LOL Shush I have nothing else to blog about :(

It was exactly like those nose bleeds I had in my primary days. I had them almost every day and they'd last for at least 30 minutes until I forcefully get rid of the blood clots. The blood clots were massive, to the point where I'd sometimes choke on them (because they sometimes slide down) but I gradually got use to dealing with them. This nose bleeding thing was passed down from grandpa. He had frequent nose bleeds in his younger days. He told me that he once even fainted and nearly died. I'm not sure if he was exaggerating but he said that his nose bleeds were extremely severe. Thankfully the only thing I got from bleeding was anger and frustration. p.s. I've never fainted/passed out before, at least in my memory.

At random times throughout the day, it'll just be like "hey wassup heard you haven't got a nosebleed for 2 hours... I'M COMING BABY" -nose bleeds- kkkkoool. I still remember sitting at grandma's dressing table with a rolled up tissue stuck up my nostrils and another box of tissue papers next to me. It was so devastating because they were making dumplings and I was missing out on it because of my stupid nosebleed. THIS IS WHY I HAVE A BAT CAVE NOW YEAH GREAT.

I knew it wasn't an ordinary nose bleed because the common methods to stop nosebleeds did not work at all. What do you mean by tilting my head forward? Do you want me to get blood clots stuck up my nose and choke. What do you mean by pinching my nose and holding it there? Blood will be dripping out my nose regardless you stoopid. If it doesn't drip out then I'll be swallowing them you dumbsht. Life of a professional nose bleeder. I probably swallowed heaps of blood throughout my life, in my sleep or accidentally. You can call me a vampire huehuehue

side note: Finally reached level 30 today -throws a solo room party- thanks to cousin for motivating me to play, now I'm back to watching worlds and studying