Saturday, March 30, 2013

novels, dramas and a day out with fam


Spent the half the night reading Hiyokoi and I'm still not finished with this manga =A=
I started reading 許三觀賣血記 written by 余華 on thursday when dad got pissed at me for staring at the computer with my screwed up infection. Don't get me wrong, I'm did not take initiative in doing so, it's just that this book happens to be the book that we'll have to read sooner or later for our mando written assessment. The last time I finished reading something (that I chose to read) was probably over three years ago. Not including articles, books on how to improve memory etcetc, or the books and plays that the school makes you read for English. I'm talking about fiction and non fiction novels k thanks. I did read the first book of 50 shades last year, the second and the third are still sitting my computer and I still haven't read it. Tbh it's not amusing for me (' w ') 

So I got really into reading 許三觀賣血記 and took it where ever I went. To the kitchen when I was craving frozen grapes. To my room where I sat on my ass. To --wait those are the only places I go when I'm at home (not counting toilet/bathroom). This is what normally happens when I start reading novels. I get really into it and have to finish it in one go (without too many major breaks, for e.g. buying groceries, outings), or else I just break out of the mood and it's hard to get back into it = = The book is really nice even though the type of language in there are like peasant-like. They say things like, 'fuck it/you/that', 'you're an asshole', 'they called me a whore', 'that asshole grabbed my tits' etc. That's probably why Maggie enjoyed this book so much. Anyway, the plot is fantastic and I won't spoil for those who have yet to read the book HAHHAHAHHA >:D

I slept late but still woke up at 8:30 and go out of the house soon after for breakfast before we head out to some place. We went to sunnybank, psh leik where else do you think I would go, and ate heaps (more than what's shown in the photo) since we'll be sitting in the car for a few hours. 

Then we headed off to Montville to visit "Secrets on the Lake", it's a cafe name, stop fantasizing. On the way there, we went to this lookout, and saw this.

Brilliant name.
I feel like this sign has taught me more about a type of material than what the design technology materials section has taught me about certain types of wood. 

Then we actually got to "Secrets on the Lake" and this place is pretty chill. 
Just gonna try an absorb some pythoncidere here. 

Most of the day was just sitting in the car and checking out wheels/cars, looking at trees/green stuff.
SO MUCH GREEN @@, reminds me of New Zealand, which reminds me of those intense car rides we had there. We had 4 full cars of people there. I sat with my uncle, aunty and cousin and my uncle use to drift at car shows and he's a really skilled driver in general, it's hard to get car sick. Glad that the uncles + dad who drove during the trip were all decent at driving and not like those asians in sunnybank. In New Zealand, we went on those mountain roads and by the sea (so there weren't many cars). IT FELT AS IF I WAS IN INITIAL D OMG HAHAHAHAHA nah we only went up to 120km/h. Swear we would of looked like those gangs who travel in packs of cars LOL Those days on wheels were pretty cool and the land is really nice there (I'm so out of vocab). I was trying to link back to the reason that reminded me of 'those intense car rides', because I mentioned 'SO MUCH GREEN', so I thought I should probably round off with saying 'the land is really nice there'. I tried. 

Dad was craving oysters so we went off to Mooloolaba afterwards. Actually, they wanted to have coffee around Montville but we couldn't find a parking space + it was raining. Let's just get to the food part ..

We ordered and paid 1/2 dozen for scallop and oyster but instead, we got a dozen of oyster. 
They only had two people working so I don't know how they managed to do the cooking, cleaning and order taking. The man was really nice but the lady had the stinkiest face AUS. For almost every dish, they had salt at the bottom of the food.

maggie: salt is free here?
stepmum: I'd take some home but that's too Asian

finished every bit of the diced bacon 

Look at dem salt

I forgot the exact name for this but I know it has the word 'scallop' in it. HURDUR

Mornay Oyster
yumyum but a bit odd at first.. the taste of seafood + cheese ????!!!!
still delicious (6 of them free too)
look at them salt underneath 

We ordered a dozen of fresh oysters (pic below)
look at dem salt

calamari + chips + garden salad + maaaayo
best calamari ever tasted 

 Smoked salmon salad 
So many more pieces of salmon compared to the normal smoked salmon salad we get in Brisbane.

------------ THEN WE WENT HOME  -----------

that feeling when you're 480 off the target score
this level was really difficult :(
(at that time, now I'm stuck on this other level)

magigie in the mountains
no signal

I started watching 三國 today, another historical drama but this one is non-fiction. Yes it's real and not partly made up like 甄嬛傳 (the one that I was watching in the dec/jan holidays) 
新三國 is so manly *___* 

It'll take me 78 hours to finish the entire 'drama'. I think I'm starting to prefer Cao Cao (曹操)'s as a leader. I use to think that he's cool because we have the same bloodtype but I'm starting to admire him for his quick thinking and the way he 'utilises' his people. He's logic and the way of thinking is reasonable and he's able to use his observations of the surrounding factors that'll effect his enemies to calculate the probability of him winning a war. too bright. He's clearly not a person that is full kind and crap but that's the optimal leadership personality in that time. If you're too nice, kind hearted and always stand on the 'right' side, you'd be taken down and eliminated (you die). I feel like those old people who just talk about the history 24/7....... can't really explain it fully in English but he's just admirable :D

There are so many fighting scenes already and I have to shut my eyes at some part because it's so realistic and they show like the spears slicing through arms/shoulders and so on. The horses they ride on actually fall and they tumble around and I'm like feeling so bad for the horses that had to do that. Oh yeah, and the people too. Seeing rocks hitting people in the face and blood spurting out of their head isn't really pleasant.. omg and in ep 3, a horse rolled down a 'cliff' with the carriage and I'm pretty sure the horse is heavily fractured and most likely dead. Please tell me this is fake.

I'll get back to league after I finish this drama.
Yeah it doesn't only apply to reading books, I also have a tendency of needing to finish a drama/anime/manga (that's why I drop most ongoing drama/anime/manga) in a go before I can do other things. 

Count this one as a proper post pls.
My job is done (for today)

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I don't give a crap about TSM (or NA teams in general)
but I really don't know how to react to regi's decision

while everyone else is just like tough-ing it up and not giving much fuck(s)

(i love your shirt though)
I cried with him not gonna lie
dadyrus and dyrus why you mek me cry everytim


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Super late update (Harmony + cross country)


We had Harmony day and Cross Country yesterday. Without carrying my laptop around the school, it felt like a part of me was missing. Intense bond between Mr Laptop and I. It was really hot on the day but still wore my qi pao. Can’t complain because I’m not wearing layers of fabric like everyone else LOL

Pictures tell a thousand words
jokes incoming selfiz :D

heavy eyebags due to insufficient sleep and allergy soz

Thanks to jessica for sending me the selfiz 

Our Mando HL class did a performance and we got the guys to do a wave behind us. 7 people turned up on the weekend practice but only 5 of us came on the day. So we were pretty worried >_> but we still managed to finish the song in peace. 


Damn imagine how hot it'll be, to wear those olden day clothes (what victoria is wearing). I would defs pass out if I was in those clothes. Say heeelllo to our grade's cutest teletubby - Alfie.  HAHAHA 

Idk why but he just reminds me of the teletubbies. Apparently, back when I was in kindy, I'd have to finish an episode of teletubbies before I would get in the car and get driven to school/childcare or else I'd throw a tantrum or something. My favourite scene in teletubbies is when the toast-looking thing flies out of the toaster and lands onto the plates. LOL FASCINATING *___* because that never happens irl.

Anyway.. the heels were making me walk uber slow because the heels were at an awkward height (not tall or short) but mainly it's just that I roam in thongs (if you see me in sunnybank at dinner).

After Harmony day, we had cross country and everyone (not really) got changed into their house colours. Curie won the war cry because we're cool. Just kidding it was unfair.

 QASMT Cross Country for me
Year 10: I tried and I ran and managed to get a place (like 19 or something) 
Year 11: I stopped trying and was unfit and walked the entire course
Year 12: I walked a bit of the course then we went to the toilet then came back and cut heaps of the course

Walked around the activities with my umbrella. 
Then I ended up holding the umbrella for random people because I'm an 'angel' who's suppose to help out people. Lol yep we wore wings and sht. I swear my legs were like burning (because I couldn't really shade my legs. Our house cannot skip to save our lives. Our highest record for skipping is 21... -facepalms-

On Sunday,
we went to sunny park for dinner and it was storming real hard. There was this massive lightning and thunder some time we were eating our food. I was facing the window so I was prepared for the sound waves to hit us after this lightning came. The thing is, my parents were facing me so they couldn't see that lightning. THEY LEGIT JUMPED UP AND WERE ABOUT TO SPIT THEIR FOOD OUT. gaawwsh thank goodness we didn't go out of power or else we'll have to leave without finishing our food (but then the food eaten would be 'free').

For one of the few times, I was actually scared of the crazy weather. 
Normally, I'd be emotionless and just  let the weather do its shit but that day, THAT DAY... TF MATE. TF. 
This type of weather is really concerning but we checked radar and saw this coming anyway (and we went out psh like #yolo) 
inappropriate maggie

Blogging at this time
Yesterday, I was trying to listen in maths but ermagurd it was so hard to because there was this thing stuck in my eye and I couldn't get it out. Went to the doctors again ..-flips table-

Arrived home at 3:30 and went to sleep soon after....woke up this morning and realised that I missed dinner.. and missed daily capsules and I'm home..

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Chaox kicked out from TSM 
Not sure how to react to that 
waiting for chaox to post the reason why, then compare it to TSM's announcement LOL

-tears up-

Sunday, March 24, 2013

the outside

woke up at 8am this morning and played bots with victoria.
buys mejai's soulstealer
because "BUY ALL THE BOOKS" (keyori, 2013)

our ping was 350+ :(
and we were the only ones using our own net

Got ready and went to garbo to wait for vic and jessica but ermagurd people these days... long story but I waited for 20mins+ outside. THE OUTSIDE. THE HOT AS 'OUTSIDE'. Dear friends please stahp last minute changing your mind. While I was waiting out in the sun, I was playing candy crush and getting annoyed over this level that's taking me 5ever to pass. Then this man with a travelling backpack came up to me and asked me where he needs to go to catch the 175 bus. I was like holaholaholaholahola on the inside because he was a very charming chibi man. I told him to wait a sec for my internet to load..but then it stopped loading at 80% </3 I asked him where he was going and he showed me this address he wanted to head to. Then I remembered that I'VE CAUGHT THAT BUS BEFORE :D So I directed him to the correct busstop (lol he checked). 

Then I was back to my business, trying to contact the but-i'm-so-lazy jessica, then the i-never-have-my-phone-on victoria -flips table- 

Was going to buy my brunch before we go to cultural to meet up with everyone but was too late... WEJTLEKWJTLKWEJGVKLEWJWKELJFALKSFJ FUNGRY AS 

We arrived at cultural at 12:50 (10mins before the arranged time).
Everyone texted and said they'd be late. 

I know there may be legit reasons
but get it together guise :'(
at least tell us how late you'll be, so we're not just waiting and waiting and waiting (while not knowing how much longer we'll need to wait).

While we were waiting, this old asian couple walked up to us.
old asian grandma : "chinese?"
maggie, speaking in mandarin : I speak mandarin
maggie OS : oh hell nuh I ain't chinese but I don't want to sound like a sensitive loser who gets all craycray when people ask if they're chinese or not when probably, they're just asking if you speak the language.
They asked us what the colour of the free buses are. I didn't know what they were talking about because the word is only used by Chinese people. Then they explained what it was and I was like OOOOOH ok. Vic told them it was red and they thanked us. The grandma asked victoria where she was born in and she told her she was born in Australia. Then the grandma asked where I'm from, and I said Taiwan. 
she said
"you're from china too! Taiwan is a part of China! -smiles- Taiwan belongs to China"
Gave her the blankest face I could ever put on. I know there's no use trying to argue against her because that'll just be awkward and a waste of our time. I didn't respond to that statement and just looked her in the eye. Showing that I agree/disagree with her will only make the situation worse, soooo...ppppoker face ppppoker face. Can't really get mad at her because that idea was probably planted by the Chinese government who love to brainwash their citizens, especially in this matter (now I'm being racist). After a few minutes, the grandpa jumped in (metaphorically), and said
" China doesn't own Taiwan! The language is a little bit different! Right? China and Taiwan are two different countries!" 
I would give him flowers if I could. Thanks for standing up for us :'D Really appreciate it. 
Calling Taiwanese people 'Chinese' is like calling Australian people 'English'. Yeah true most of the 'Taiwanese' came from China but you know what, 'Aussies' came by boats from Europe. 
Anyway, then they walked off and I was still unsure about whether or not the free bus comes to cultural.. then vic told me that the free bus only loops around the city.... Y U NO TELL THEM?
(not really)
they were probably confused when they got down to the busstop...


-facepalms at own lameness-

Finally everyone arrived at 1:30 ...
THEN WE WENT TO PRACTICE FOR HARMONY DAY omg it was so hard cause the original song is so high pitched and we're like MANLY and it's uncomfortable when we tried. We managed to get things done in 1hr and went to city afterwards to eat (finally :'D)

Dad told me to go to sunnybank at 5:30 for dinner so we went to fun house to kill time. Saw two guys playing on the bball machine and oh gurd the one of the guy was like the past me, the ancient gone me... He went up to 211 but soz my high score was 222 I believe. The other guy only went up to 130+ so he didn't get into round 3. Probably because the guy who went up to 211 was taller LOL less effort. 

They played 2 games and I was just walking around and pretending to be interested in other game machines but seriously the other machines were basically like, to me..
" I'm not going to give you much tickets. I sit here looking like I'm fun to play, but really, I am taking all your money without you noticing the amount you're spending on me <3" 
Seriously, you just put in a token and watch it do what it is suppose to do and you can't change anything about it. For example, you put in one token and you watch the coin fall down and get pushed down and pushed down and pushed down and further and hope you get something in return. HOW BORING IS THAT?

Back to what actually happened... I played a game and I sucked. 
Swear I'm so much weaker now :\
couldn't even reach round 3 and my arm get's uber sore... arm dies at 130points

It's so funny how some chicks take it so seriously and wear sports clothes and like stretch and do warmmups before they start playing LOOOL then they get like 70 points. 

Vic and I went and played this game with minigames where you just hammer the screen. While we were playing, one of the guys who were playing bball came and gave me their voucher with 186 tickets :D:D:D THANKS THANKS THANKS. (they're like full aussie I don't understand why they'd give to me)
saving the ticket for my corndog making machine.

 Then we went and played this shooting game.. forgot the name of it but you sit inside the thing and it has a spinning wheel thing in the middle. YEAH? Ermagurd it was so intense.

Then we left the city and I arrived at sunnybank at 5:20.
Stepmum texts "we'll be there at 6pm"
sat in yu shiang yuan drinking soy milk.
stepmum texts again "we're not eating near ding hao now, we're eating at sunny park"
so I walked over the bridge again and waited for them to arrive.

We waited for the food to come for around 20 mins.
There were soo many people at 柏林, luckily we got there early and occupied seats. There were also this wedding dinner thing so that's probably why they're having trouble sending out dishes. 

I don't know how to conclude blog posts.

First hearing about the IB -> Now in the IB

Friday, March 22, 2013

it's over

What a long week...

Had design tech exam today. How did it go? 
I did the most brainless thing ever.. yes, ever. So we had to complete part A and we are to choose 1 question from part B. Guess what, I did ALL OF THEM. I tried and did EVERY SINGLE MUDDATRUCKING QUESTION (geniuuuuus). I read through the words in italics but I think my brains so screwed up now that it just filters out 'unnecessary' information. 

I can almost garentee that Mr Gooch will bring this up in class.
let the intimidation begin!
Yep, I just did a ben chiang.
I did all the questions.
Explains why I had trouble finishing the exam paper in 90 mins :\

anyway so after Dt exam, I went to the library to wait for le HL psych kids to start and complete their exams. I didn't bring my laptop today so it was very boring... Played candy crush and cytus until my phone started to heat up and turning into a 暖暖包..

It's so lame how I can't use my 'bought' cytus on itunes to be connected to android </3
Have to get the highscores again ...

really tired atm I don't think I'm blogging properly

So I napped a bit and then we went to fit the jerseys. 
S was JUST right but srsly the bigger the better (that's what she said)
M was just weird since the shoulders were so wide, but good length 

The following is a photo of my ill-self in the largest size jersey. Lookin damn fine. 
uneven socks OCD
fuq dat I dont see my socks when I walk so it doesnt bug me that much

Then Anthony and I walked to the refect and bought some food. We walked down to the library again and ate outside. Tried counting the couples in our grade and omg, only 6 couples. Past couples are 0.5 soz and awkward/close relationships are also 0.5

This was how bored we were....
with exams all completed, it felt quite good
but knowing that the results will come soon, I don't feel 'so good'..
so it wasn't like 
instead, it was like

especially the grade distribution - dad got so mad when he saw me being in the average 'number'. Sometimes I think that when he says "I don't care if you don't get wonderful marks, just don't do badly", he's lying. This is because, he see's the people who are getting better grades, and ask me why I'm not there, or how they did it. How were they able to achieve better results than I have. He'd be like, "you know what, I didn't even graduate from college and I'm still enjoying life", " it's not like those people with high degrees are able to have an easier life" etcetc. Yet everything he says, while holding my report card, would contradict those 'wise words' once said. 

In my opinion, I'd rather be super good at something, and be no-so-good at the others...because that'll mean that I have something that I can excel in (HA procrastination/sleeping). I don't want to be 'alright' at everything. I don't have good memory and I can't grasp concepts quickly, there's always this foggy section in between the path to understanding whatever I've just heard, or learning in general. 

TL;DR This term's exam is over, SO WHAT?

Yeah I did try to stay up to study physics but this voice in my head kept telling me that I should really sleep or else I'll probably 崩潰... I know I'm making excuses, but it's like these illnesses coming at me are making studying such a hard task. I've 'seen' the doctors three times in the space of 3 weeks, each for different things. 

This was basically how I studied every night (this week). 
Itchy eye, rubs eye, tries to get this sticky stuff out of eye, can't, get's frustrated, rubs eye more and repeat. This happens so often that I can't sit in front of my desk and read through ONE page of notes. I've realised that we depend heavily on our eyes to learn, and I don't like that. Having one eye that's basically useless (I couldn't see shit, it was so blurry and irritating), really gives so much strain on the other eye. NOW I REALLY LOVE HAVING TWO 'HEALTHY' EYES. 

I couldn't study on tuesday at all. So I went to sleep and hoped for the best. Turns out that my eye was infected (went to the doctors after DT paper 1) and they prescribed me with these antibacterial eye drops. The next night (wednesday night), I studied physics with my infected eye held down and basically #yoloed it with my still-healthy eye. It's been 3 days and thank goodness the bacteria is clearing and it's not producing those annoying as things, can't be stuffed talking about that in detail >_>

"You never know what you have until you lose it"

but wait, why did I see the doctor after that?
After physics exams, I had a few more eye drops because the irritation came back. A few minutes later, I could taste this weird thing at the back of my throat and was like "dafuuurrrk?O_O", then I realised it was probably the eye drops. BUT HOW?

I tried studying for DT paper 2 on Thursday night and trust me, I did rejoice over being able to use my 'infected' eye to look at a piece of text for over 2 minutes. DRAG BACK TO WHY I WENT TO SEE THE DOCTOR #3. The back of my throat felt uber swollen and it felt weird whenever I swallowed. Then we got more medication (YAY.), panadol and this gargle thing. It tasted like 川貝枇杷膏 (lul for you asians you should know what this is ...) but the instruction said not to swallow it :\

maggie: (pours 15ml into cup)
maggie: let's do this
maggie: (pours the 15ml medication in le mouth)
maggie OS: Wait how do you gargle?

Dw I cleaned up my mess ..

I'm assuming that my sickness was from the travelling eye drops that bought along the bacteria in my eye. This sounds so gross but true story. Quite exciting to have it happen on yourself actually. More stories to tell people when you're older :D 

I can use my once-infected-eye comfortably now -celebrates-
Just gotta focus on resting for now (omg YES please)

Let's end this post with a lovely story that was written upside down.
I wonder why this author was doing this, perhaps this author was bored af?  
(click on the images to view full size, and to read it properly)

then the board was flipped around 

This author should totally start writing his/her collection of short stories. 
my brain after exams
yeah I had trouble writing p, q, g, d, b 
I had them all mixed around so it was 'bipeon" instead of "pigeon" then I realised my silly mistake.'s "Swagover9000" not "Swagoven9000", MY R AND Ns =___=

I think the story is still on that board? If no one rubbed it off.. 
HAHAHAH well HF to the next class that comes in CLC! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

one more left...

someone was playing this song out loud in CLC this morning omfg lol it sounds so troll  (probably cause of the backings)

probably will edit this post again..later in the night

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Couldn't study all last night because 我的眼睛 was so irritated and there was something in it and I couldn't get out at all. So I went to sleep at 10pm (knowing that I can't study with this), and woke up at 3am thinking that 我的眼睛 would be better by then. NOPE, still can't see properly, vision 240p can't see shit clearly there's obviously a layer of stuff over it. Thank goodness I only have DT today and it's multiple choice aw yeeeeaaah.

Got to school at normal time, crammed for DT but forgot what casting meant so I defs got that question wrong. I KEEP THINKING OF CASTING (magic related). 
in my mind
"can I cast metal?" 
"can I cast ceramics?"
"can I cast timber?"
"can I cast plastic"

but really, you can't cast ceramics or timber :(

After DT, I went to see the doctors and got my eye drops. It turns out that the root of the problem I was having was because it's super irritated and 細菌入侵 and I have bad immune system atm because of my 生活作息. 

Then I got home at 2pm and went and  had a nap. Planned to wake up at 3pm but I woke up at 5pm. Okay, how the fuk do I not recall myself getting up and pressing down the alarm button then going back to sleep...
Shall not trust myself with 1 alarm ever again.
I thought I could do it ..

Doctor told me to get more rest
does that mean I don't need to do my physics exam tomorrow?

Anyway let's be realistic, I need to do well in physics so I'm going to stay up later tonight.

I feel like I've been doing minimal amount of contribution. Every time I get on skype, I see 100+ messages in that group and the members exchanging opinions for improvement etc. Then there's me, the one at a bloody awkward place on urf, Australia, where I'd be awake when they're asleep and vice versa. It's been 1 week, I should be promoing and sorting things out but things are always getting in the way and I can't get in contact with this other person. Also it's been 26 hours, I still haven't replied those questions chucked at me :(

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


me after walking out of the room

crammed so hard for Macbeth
doesn't get Macbeth
gets the poem I'm not particularly familiar with 

Physics and DT left !
Good luck everyone!!!
super runny nose been asking for tissues the whole day, fuzzy brain and aircon in my face thanks IB 

Finally. I've got around to taking photos (lul not scanned) of my annotations
spot the bad grammar and spelling 
 shush I tried k :(

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'm flipping screwed

exam block soon
Taking a 30second break from maths

me thinkin' about IOC

thinkin' about exams


Saturday, March 16, 2013


nooo way

 I find this catchy

played 4 games last night/this morning on na
won 2 then lost 2
I honestly have no idea how to play lulu and how she works. So I just Ctrl + 4 whenever I could o___o 
The first 2 wins were so easy, like we just face rolled the other team in about 25mins but then the losses omg, it was such a drag and ollie's client crashed and we had to 4v5 and hold against tanks </3
Not playing sona for the time being, blitz grabs are so bull right now I DON'T UNDERSTAND.. He could just grab you even though the animation shows that he missed. The recent game was so lame omg we were doing alright but then I had the worse positioning na and got burst down by riven and xin dat combo over and over again LOL. 

ERMAGURD I HELPED (and didn't ks) :D
but we still lost 

4 games on na, still not as intense as the games on tw
maybe'll just come on na to have fun

having keyori's 24 hour stream on the background while studying for maths
snapchat with jessica goes from portrait photos to photos of our laptop and room LOL

it's 1am on sunday
I'm staring at my maths notes while trying to pronounce the words like..
ocean as OH-SEE-ON
lotion as LO-TI-ON
potion as PO-TI-ON
tough as TOE
anchor as AN-CHER
hyperbole as HI-PER-BOWL
professional as PRO-FESS-SEE-ON-ALL

things that come into my mind at night

我累了 假裝接受人都有秘密的
我累了 假裝習慣了被忽略的不快樂

而是一種溫柔 想扮好體諒你的角色

Friday, March 15, 2013

proper post won't come for now

I love finding old songs and how it just brings back dem memories

F.I.R sings the most inspiring songs :'D

Other good songs by F.I.R:
- Lydia
- 月牙灣
- 我們的愛
- 千年之戀

aww nuh i didn't..
just spend 1 hour trying to find this song
the melody just popped into my mind out of nowhere,
but there are so many songs with 'Need somebody to love me' in the lyrics it took so long going over all the songs DAAAHHHH

guy song for that LOL
it's like the songs are made for each other 
yeah I found it on the way 

my arm was itchy, so I scratched it a few times (like 5)
and now it looks like I scraped only that part of my arm
it's red, and spots of blood
though the one on my foot is healing AWWW YIS 
mozzie bite (which turned into a cut) is taking 5ever to heal
gee stahp complaining mugigie 

That was the last game I played on tw .. morgana support 
(because she can just flash in and r two people instead of one in mid lane...unless if jungler is ganking)
ddddominate the brushes because the other support is shit scared of your q >:D
Note the date - 28th of Februrary 2013
below this stat is like bots bots bots bots (since I'm trying out other champs), and then you'll see my defeat streaks. I swear they're trying to balance out my wins and losses. Since ollie and jacob got me so many wins and stoof. There were so many trolls, ragers, afks and people who dc more often than me, so even if I had an  'okay' score, I'd still loose.

still thinking if I should play one game today

third year in IB
finally getting the hang of this exam thing

I stayed at home today to 'study'
dad texted me at 10 

Dad: done bullshitting for you
Magigie: Thanks dad love you

yes dad cooperated with me and made up a reason for absence today
ttthhhhhhhaaannnnksssssss <3
ended up sleeping the whole afternoon
because I woke up at 3am....and stayed awake until 12pm
worth it though

Thursday, March 14, 2013

kill it with fiiirrreee

she's so awesome
watching her videos at 4am in the morning :D

p.s. sorry I've beeeen laaaazy and haven't scanned and uploaded yet AHEM still adding notes

I think out loud at home so this would be how I start the conversation with myself.
Cause you know, there's gotta be someone who makes the first move between us
mugigie: put some pants on gurdammit

Monday, March 11, 2013

Open day + EE draft

Managed to 'finish' refining my draft and print out 2 copies of it + evaluation form. Word count 4000ish not including title page, bibliography etc. Not enough for mando though :\ WHATEVS, I WILL COME BACK TO IT IN THE HOLIDAYS ..said no one ever...

So knowing that my EE was due in 12 hours....
I was basically back to 0% progress after I lost my muddertrucking file when I was saving it....
I basically just went,
"fuq dis"
and watched the movie I linked (聽說) over again.
It's so good 

Then for some reason, I decided to go to sleep and had 4 alarms ready for 4:30am. I don't know how or why I was so chilled, it's probably this sudden realisation that panicking and spazzing out wouldn't make much difference and that I should just prioritize sleep over everything. So yes I did manage to get out of bed at 4:30 and started editing my draft and adding info. Took out 500words because Mr Leong said that the info didn't fit the research question :(

3500W(first draft)->3000W(after 1 section taken out)-> 4000W (end)
lol if you zoom in on the photo,
when you see it...
"stupid ee"
dw I renamed it before I uploaded up to :I drive LOOOOOL I'd be so screwed if I uploaded it as 'stupid ee'

P1 English 
Students were allowed to go around to other English classes to listen to specific IOC tips etcetc
I stayed in Townend's class because I love how she's so real, tbh she says things I'm afraid to say (not everything though you wish). We had around 12-15 people left and we went through dawe's poems but I was more worried about macbeth. Whatevs no other teachers are teaching macbeth anyway so might as well just sit on my ass and not move. 

I'll upload my dawe (all of SL), macbeth Act 4 Scene 1 notes somewhere and link it [here]
after 1am 12th of march 

Wasn't even listening

P3 Mando

We have a writing task today and had to prepare 100w to bring in class. I actually wrote my 300w thing when I was procrastinating and avoiding EE but I didn't write the 100w. So there I am, at first break, scribbling down my 100w with the rest of my mando class. 
Note: most of the chicks are super prepared and here are our language B mando guys + julie bottom right. 
Check out bryan's sexy pose

yeah no one's really too sure about how to write this type of essay....
and we were all busy cramming EE on the weekend

you're welcome vic :D
second row playing surgery game after we finished the essay. 
LOL the types of games we play >_____>

 After school 
Went to the city to switch buses 
(cause 88 sucks now, too humid, too many people)

An old man came up to me and asked me how to get out of where he was. He looked really old and clueless. He pointed towards maccas/target direction and said that he wants to get out from that way and asked if that exit takes him to a 12 story building. He was reaching for his chest pocket for pen/paper or something but couldn't find it. Victoria, Julie and I exchanged glances and we told him that there are no exits near that end of the myer center. Then I directed him towards the escalator/maccas/starbucks area and told him that it's the closest exit. He was kinda clueless so we led him away from the bus stations and to noggi. Then he thanked us and we watched him wondering off to the exit....

Now I feel like I should of made sure that he was able to find that building.... I think he was looking for someone, maybe his son/daughter or something. Really hope he's not extremely lost now. According to my past observations, he's definitely not those old people who troll or try to kidnap students LOL NUH. He just reminded me of my grandpa... kind of clueless, soul in a wind down body... (great explanation maggie). HMM now I really regret not being able to help him... 

I mean, one day when I get all wrinkly and clueless and I want to find a building in a busy place.... I'd be scared. BECAUSE I'M CLUELESS. It's like me in Taipei central. I'M CLUELESS. I have no sense of direction in Taiwan. NOT EVEN KIDDING. I considered it to be a miracle when I took a bus from chungli to taipei central and made my way back without getting lost. So it's late now I hope he's safe.

we got boost afterwards :D
got 50c off any boost before 15/04 
just ..before birthday

QASMT Open day

Took my aunty and two cousins lul

Helped out at the mando activity thing, we offered calligraphy and here are some of the masterpiece that our very wonderful qasmt students produced. I didn't ask for photos from visitors because that's even moar awks cause they don't know us. 

"to my dear self, improve on school work"
the bottom words are random 

HAHAHAHA we're sooo goooood at calligraphy 
though clara wrote a really nice one afterwards

we had 
1. happy birthday
2. spring (write four times)
3. improve on school work

most people chose 'improve on school work '

music performance (for cas evidence if any of them want it)

So many random things happened throughout the day, it was hilarious and trolololol. Can't be stuffed telling you stalkers just come talk to me and I'll pour out my life story to you. JOKING, special people only. 

LOL yeah the song 

I was a drowning whale sorry guise

Anyway I found my grade 10 DT poster woot

I don't know what else to blog about..

soooooo UNTIL THEN!
exam block nek week -falls onto knees-
p.s. I was itching my foot for about 3 minutes and now it looks like I've scraped my foot onto a sharp corner or some crap. You've got to be kidding me, I don't even scratch that hard...