Sunday, March 3, 2013

Invisible Team Ninja Gank with Thresh and Co - Full Game - League of Leg...

surprise muddaparkers 
I wish he did a commentary :\

that ahri was so indecisive
"which of the 3 should I take?"
-goes for the 1 instead of 2-
"oh wait maybe the other way"
-doesn't end up killing any of them-

lol edited again
resting from drawing some last minute designs
I can't control my hand very well ..
most likely because I had a cup of really strong coffee
my sketches look retarded and out of proportion
this frustration D:<
the ideas are coming, but I just can't get it to look right on paper urrrghghghhg
my writing is so shaky too omg BEST PRESENTATION

edited again
yis, finished DT IA.
I don't even care anymore, it's done.
Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself....

It was super stressful trying to colour in the ideas and make sure the shadings are not too dodgy. Had 4 hours of sleep last night/this morning. Had a panadol because I had the world's runniest nose, it just won't stop oozing out :( On top of that, I had this sudden bullet speed (not really) of continuous sneezing that lasted for about 15 minutes each time. YEAH NOT A GOOD SIGHT LOL 

-stands up-
-240p quality-
-shaky/blurry vision-

despite this uncomfortable day I've had, I MADE SOME NEW FRIENDS/TEAMMATES
no not through omegle
no not through league of legends 
no not through rs
no not through c9
no not through real life 

since my internet is sht as hell now because my parents internet tv until 12am (then I get tired by then and sleep at the same time), I rarely get the internet all too myself :c
really want to try out valor and quinn .. pretty sure she'll be free next week on tw.

gonna try kayle & thresh duo lane one day :D:D:D 
one day...
-stokes white beard-

Is it better to choose something you have interest in, yet you know it would be a difficult/long journey and that it could all be worth nothing, or something that you're not so interested in, but almost guarantees you that you'll get a better life in the future?

 to dream or to be realistic?