Monday, March 11, 2013

Open day + EE draft

Managed to 'finish' refining my draft and print out 2 copies of it + evaluation form. Word count 4000ish not including title page, bibliography etc. Not enough for mando though :\ WHATEVS, I WILL COME BACK TO IT IN THE HOLIDAYS ..said no one ever...

So knowing that my EE was due in 12 hours....
I was basically back to 0% progress after I lost my muddertrucking file when I was saving it....
I basically just went,
"fuq dis"
and watched the movie I linked (聽說) over again.
It's so good 

Then for some reason, I decided to go to sleep and had 4 alarms ready for 4:30am. I don't know how or why I was so chilled, it's probably this sudden realisation that panicking and spazzing out wouldn't make much difference and that I should just prioritize sleep over everything. So yes I did manage to get out of bed at 4:30 and started editing my draft and adding info. Took out 500words because Mr Leong said that the info didn't fit the research question :(

3500W(first draft)->3000W(after 1 section taken out)-> 4000W (end)
lol if you zoom in on the photo,
when you see it...
"stupid ee"
dw I renamed it before I uploaded up to :I drive LOOOOOL I'd be so screwed if I uploaded it as 'stupid ee'

P1 English 
Students were allowed to go around to other English classes to listen to specific IOC tips etcetc
I stayed in Townend's class because I love how she's so real, tbh she says things I'm afraid to say (not everything though you wish). We had around 12-15 people left and we went through dawe's poems but I was more worried about macbeth. Whatevs no other teachers are teaching macbeth anyway so might as well just sit on my ass and not move. 

I'll upload my dawe (all of SL), macbeth Act 4 Scene 1 notes somewhere and link it [here]
after 1am 12th of march 

Wasn't even listening

P3 Mando

We have a writing task today and had to prepare 100w to bring in class. I actually wrote my 300w thing when I was procrastinating and avoiding EE but I didn't write the 100w. So there I am, at first break, scribbling down my 100w with the rest of my mando class. 
Note: most of the chicks are super prepared and here are our language B mando guys + julie bottom right. 
Check out bryan's sexy pose

yeah no one's really too sure about how to write this type of essay....
and we were all busy cramming EE on the weekend

you're welcome vic :D
second row playing surgery game after we finished the essay. 
LOL the types of games we play >_____>

 After school 
Went to the city to switch buses 
(cause 88 sucks now, too humid, too many people)

An old man came up to me and asked me how to get out of where he was. He looked really old and clueless. He pointed towards maccas/target direction and said that he wants to get out from that way and asked if that exit takes him to a 12 story building. He was reaching for his chest pocket for pen/paper or something but couldn't find it. Victoria, Julie and I exchanged glances and we told him that there are no exits near that end of the myer center. Then I directed him towards the escalator/maccas/starbucks area and told him that it's the closest exit. He was kinda clueless so we led him away from the bus stations and to noggi. Then he thanked us and we watched him wondering off to the exit....

Now I feel like I should of made sure that he was able to find that building.... I think he was looking for someone, maybe his son/daughter or something. Really hope he's not extremely lost now. According to my past observations, he's definitely not those old people who troll or try to kidnap students LOL NUH. He just reminded me of my grandpa... kind of clueless, soul in a wind down body... (great explanation maggie). HMM now I really regret not being able to help him... 

I mean, one day when I get all wrinkly and clueless and I want to find a building in a busy place.... I'd be scared. BECAUSE I'M CLUELESS. It's like me in Taipei central. I'M CLUELESS. I have no sense of direction in Taiwan. NOT EVEN KIDDING. I considered it to be a miracle when I took a bus from chungli to taipei central and made my way back without getting lost. So it's late now I hope he's safe.

we got boost afterwards :D
got 50c off any boost before 15/04 
just ..before birthday

QASMT Open day

Took my aunty and two cousins lul

Helped out at the mando activity thing, we offered calligraphy and here are some of the masterpiece that our very wonderful qasmt students produced. I didn't ask for photos from visitors because that's even moar awks cause they don't know us. 

"to my dear self, improve on school work"
the bottom words are random 

HAHAHAHA we're sooo goooood at calligraphy 
though clara wrote a really nice one afterwards

we had 
1. happy birthday
2. spring (write four times)
3. improve on school work

most people chose 'improve on school work '

music performance (for cas evidence if any of them want it)

So many random things happened throughout the day, it was hilarious and trolololol. Can't be stuffed telling you stalkers just come talk to me and I'll pour out my life story to you. JOKING, special people only. 

LOL yeah the song 

I was a drowning whale sorry guise

Anyway I found my grade 10 DT poster woot

I don't know what else to blog about..

soooooo UNTIL THEN!
exam block nek week -falls onto knees-
p.s. I was itching my foot for about 3 minutes and now it looks like I've scraped my foot onto a sharp corner or some crap. You've got to be kidding me, I don't even scratch that hard...