Saturday, March 30, 2013

novels, dramas and a day out with fam


Spent the half the night reading Hiyokoi and I'm still not finished with this manga =A=
I started reading 許三觀賣血記 written by 余華 on thursday when dad got pissed at me for staring at the computer with my screwed up infection. Don't get me wrong, I'm did not take initiative in doing so, it's just that this book happens to be the book that we'll have to read sooner or later for our mando written assessment. The last time I finished reading something (that I chose to read) was probably over three years ago. Not including articles, books on how to improve memory etcetc, or the books and plays that the school makes you read for English. I'm talking about fiction and non fiction novels k thanks. I did read the first book of 50 shades last year, the second and the third are still sitting my computer and I still haven't read it. Tbh it's not amusing for me (' w ') 

So I got really into reading 許三觀賣血記 and took it where ever I went. To the kitchen when I was craving frozen grapes. To my room where I sat on my ass. To --wait those are the only places I go when I'm at home (not counting toilet/bathroom). This is what normally happens when I start reading novels. I get really into it and have to finish it in one go (without too many major breaks, for e.g. buying groceries, outings), or else I just break out of the mood and it's hard to get back into it = = The book is really nice even though the type of language in there are like peasant-like. They say things like, 'fuck it/you/that', 'you're an asshole', 'they called me a whore', 'that asshole grabbed my tits' etc. That's probably why Maggie enjoyed this book so much. Anyway, the plot is fantastic and I won't spoil for those who have yet to read the book HAHHAHAHHA >:D

I slept late but still woke up at 8:30 and go out of the house soon after for breakfast before we head out to some place. We went to sunnybank, psh leik where else do you think I would go, and ate heaps (more than what's shown in the photo) since we'll be sitting in the car for a few hours. 

Then we headed off to Montville to visit "Secrets on the Lake", it's a cafe name, stop fantasizing. On the way there, we went to this lookout, and saw this.

Brilliant name.
I feel like this sign has taught me more about a type of material than what the design technology materials section has taught me about certain types of wood. 

Then we actually got to "Secrets on the Lake" and this place is pretty chill. 
Just gonna try an absorb some pythoncidere here. 

Most of the day was just sitting in the car and checking out wheels/cars, looking at trees/green stuff.
SO MUCH GREEN @@, reminds me of New Zealand, which reminds me of those intense car rides we had there. We had 4 full cars of people there. I sat with my uncle, aunty and cousin and my uncle use to drift at car shows and he's a really skilled driver in general, it's hard to get car sick. Glad that the uncles + dad who drove during the trip were all decent at driving and not like those asians in sunnybank. In New Zealand, we went on those mountain roads and by the sea (so there weren't many cars). IT FELT AS IF I WAS IN INITIAL D OMG HAHAHAHAHA nah we only went up to 120km/h. Swear we would of looked like those gangs who travel in packs of cars LOL Those days on wheels were pretty cool and the land is really nice there (I'm so out of vocab). I was trying to link back to the reason that reminded me of 'those intense car rides', because I mentioned 'SO MUCH GREEN', so I thought I should probably round off with saying 'the land is really nice there'. I tried. 

Dad was craving oysters so we went off to Mooloolaba afterwards. Actually, they wanted to have coffee around Montville but we couldn't find a parking space + it was raining. Let's just get to the food part ..

We ordered and paid 1/2 dozen for scallop and oyster but instead, we got a dozen of oyster. 
They only had two people working so I don't know how they managed to do the cooking, cleaning and order taking. The man was really nice but the lady had the stinkiest face AUS. For almost every dish, they had salt at the bottom of the food.

maggie: salt is free here?
stepmum: I'd take some home but that's too Asian

finished every bit of the diced bacon 

Look at dem salt

I forgot the exact name for this but I know it has the word 'scallop' in it. HURDUR

Mornay Oyster
yumyum but a bit odd at first.. the taste of seafood + cheese ????!!!!
still delicious (6 of them free too)
look at them salt underneath 

We ordered a dozen of fresh oysters (pic below)
look at dem salt

calamari + chips + garden salad + maaaayo
best calamari ever tasted 

 Smoked salmon salad 
So many more pieces of salmon compared to the normal smoked salmon salad we get in Brisbane.

------------ THEN WE WENT HOME  -----------

that feeling when you're 480 off the target score
this level was really difficult :(
(at that time, now I'm stuck on this other level)

magigie in the mountains
no signal

I started watching 三國 today, another historical drama but this one is non-fiction. Yes it's real and not partly made up like 甄嬛傳 (the one that I was watching in the dec/jan holidays) 
新三國 is so manly *___* 

It'll take me 78 hours to finish the entire 'drama'. I think I'm starting to prefer Cao Cao (曹操)'s as a leader. I use to think that he's cool because we have the same bloodtype but I'm starting to admire him for his quick thinking and the way he 'utilises' his people. He's logic and the way of thinking is reasonable and he's able to use his observations of the surrounding factors that'll effect his enemies to calculate the probability of him winning a war. too bright. He's clearly not a person that is full kind and crap but that's the optimal leadership personality in that time. If you're too nice, kind hearted and always stand on the 'right' side, you'd be taken down and eliminated (you die). I feel like those old people who just talk about the history 24/7....... can't really explain it fully in English but he's just admirable :D

There are so many fighting scenes already and I have to shut my eyes at some part because it's so realistic and they show like the spears slicing through arms/shoulders and so on. The horses they ride on actually fall and they tumble around and I'm like feeling so bad for the horses that had to do that. Oh yeah, and the people too. Seeing rocks hitting people in the face and blood spurting out of their head isn't really pleasant.. omg and in ep 3, a horse rolled down a 'cliff' with the carriage and I'm pretty sure the horse is heavily fractured and most likely dead. Please tell me this is fake.

I'll get back to league after I finish this drama.
Yeah it doesn't only apply to reading books, I also have a tendency of needing to finish a drama/anime/manga (that's why I drop most ongoing drama/anime/manga) in a go before I can do other things. 

Count this one as a proper post pls.
My job is done (for today)