Sunday, March 24, 2013

the outside

woke up at 8am this morning and played bots with victoria.
buys mejai's soulstealer
because "BUY ALL THE BOOKS" (keyori, 2013)

our ping was 350+ :(
and we were the only ones using our own net

Got ready and went to garbo to wait for vic and jessica but ermagurd people these days... long story but I waited for 20mins+ outside. THE OUTSIDE. THE HOT AS 'OUTSIDE'. Dear friends please stahp last minute changing your mind. While I was waiting out in the sun, I was playing candy crush and getting annoyed over this level that's taking me 5ever to pass. Then this man with a travelling backpack came up to me and asked me where he needs to go to catch the 175 bus. I was like holaholaholaholahola on the inside because he was a very charming chibi man. I told him to wait a sec for my internet to load..but then it stopped loading at 80% </3 I asked him where he was going and he showed me this address he wanted to head to. Then I remembered that I'VE CAUGHT THAT BUS BEFORE :D So I directed him to the correct busstop (lol he checked). 

Then I was back to my business, trying to contact the but-i'm-so-lazy jessica, then the i-never-have-my-phone-on victoria -flips table- 

Was going to buy my brunch before we go to cultural to meet up with everyone but was too late... WEJTLEKWJTLKWEJGVKLEWJWKELJFALKSFJ FUNGRY AS 

We arrived at cultural at 12:50 (10mins before the arranged time).
Everyone texted and said they'd be late. 

I know there may be legit reasons
but get it together guise :'(
at least tell us how late you'll be, so we're not just waiting and waiting and waiting (while not knowing how much longer we'll need to wait).

While we were waiting, this old asian couple walked up to us.
old asian grandma : "chinese?"
maggie, speaking in mandarin : I speak mandarin
maggie OS : oh hell nuh I ain't chinese but I don't want to sound like a sensitive loser who gets all craycray when people ask if they're chinese or not when probably, they're just asking if you speak the language.
They asked us what the colour of the free buses are. I didn't know what they were talking about because the word is only used by Chinese people. Then they explained what it was and I was like OOOOOH ok. Vic told them it was red and they thanked us. The grandma asked victoria where she was born in and she told her she was born in Australia. Then the grandma asked where I'm from, and I said Taiwan. 
she said
"you're from china too! Taiwan is a part of China! -smiles- Taiwan belongs to China"
Gave her the blankest face I could ever put on. I know there's no use trying to argue against her because that'll just be awkward and a waste of our time. I didn't respond to that statement and just looked her in the eye. Showing that I agree/disagree with her will only make the situation worse, soooo...ppppoker face ppppoker face. Can't really get mad at her because that idea was probably planted by the Chinese government who love to brainwash their citizens, especially in this matter (now I'm being racist). After a few minutes, the grandpa jumped in (metaphorically), and said
" China doesn't own Taiwan! The language is a little bit different! Right? China and Taiwan are two different countries!" 
I would give him flowers if I could. Thanks for standing up for us :'D Really appreciate it. 
Calling Taiwanese people 'Chinese' is like calling Australian people 'English'. Yeah true most of the 'Taiwanese' came from China but you know what, 'Aussies' came by boats from Europe. 
Anyway, then they walked off and I was still unsure about whether or not the free bus comes to cultural.. then vic told me that the free bus only loops around the city.... Y U NO TELL THEM?
(not really)
they were probably confused when they got down to the busstop...


-facepalms at own lameness-

Finally everyone arrived at 1:30 ...
THEN WE WENT TO PRACTICE FOR HARMONY DAY omg it was so hard cause the original song is so high pitched and we're like MANLY and it's uncomfortable when we tried. We managed to get things done in 1hr and went to city afterwards to eat (finally :'D)

Dad told me to go to sunnybank at 5:30 for dinner so we went to fun house to kill time. Saw two guys playing on the bball machine and oh gurd the one of the guy was like the past me, the ancient gone me... He went up to 211 but soz my high score was 222 I believe. The other guy only went up to 130+ so he didn't get into round 3. Probably because the guy who went up to 211 was taller LOL less effort. 

They played 2 games and I was just walking around and pretending to be interested in other game machines but seriously the other machines were basically like, to me..
" I'm not going to give you much tickets. I sit here looking like I'm fun to play, but really, I am taking all your money without you noticing the amount you're spending on me <3" 
Seriously, you just put in a token and watch it do what it is suppose to do and you can't change anything about it. For example, you put in one token and you watch the coin fall down and get pushed down and pushed down and pushed down and further and hope you get something in return. HOW BORING IS THAT?

Back to what actually happened... I played a game and I sucked. 
Swear I'm so much weaker now :\
couldn't even reach round 3 and my arm get's uber sore... arm dies at 130points

It's so funny how some chicks take it so seriously and wear sports clothes and like stretch and do warmmups before they start playing LOOOL then they get like 70 points. 

Vic and I went and played this game with minigames where you just hammer the screen. While we were playing, one of the guys who were playing bball came and gave me their voucher with 186 tickets :D:D:D THANKS THANKS THANKS. (they're like full aussie I don't understand why they'd give to me)
saving the ticket for my corndog making machine.

 Then we went and played this shooting game.. forgot the name of it but you sit inside the thing and it has a spinning wheel thing in the middle. YEAH? Ermagurd it was so intense.

Then we left the city and I arrived at sunnybank at 5:20.
Stepmum texts "we'll be there at 6pm"
sat in yu shiang yuan drinking soy milk.
stepmum texts again "we're not eating near ding hao now, we're eating at sunny park"
so I walked over the bridge again and waited for them to arrive.

We waited for the food to come for around 20 mins.
There were soo many people at 柏林, luckily we got there early and occupied seats. There were also this wedding dinner thing so that's probably why they're having trouble sending out dishes. 

I don't know how to conclude blog posts.

First hearing about the IB -> Now in the IB