Friday, March 22, 2013

it's over

What a long week...

Had design tech exam today. How did it go? 
I did the most brainless thing ever.. yes, ever. So we had to complete part A and we are to choose 1 question from part B. Guess what, I did ALL OF THEM. I tried and did EVERY SINGLE MUDDATRUCKING QUESTION (geniuuuuus). I read through the words in italics but I think my brains so screwed up now that it just filters out 'unnecessary' information. 

I can almost garentee that Mr Gooch will bring this up in class.
let the intimidation begin!
Yep, I just did a ben chiang.
I did all the questions.
Explains why I had trouble finishing the exam paper in 90 mins :\

anyway so after Dt exam, I went to the library to wait for le HL psych kids to start and complete their exams. I didn't bring my laptop today so it was very boring... Played candy crush and cytus until my phone started to heat up and turning into a 暖暖包..

It's so lame how I can't use my 'bought' cytus on itunes to be connected to android </3
Have to get the highscores again ...

really tired atm I don't think I'm blogging properly

So I napped a bit and then we went to fit the jerseys. 
S was JUST right but srsly the bigger the better (that's what she said)
M was just weird since the shoulders were so wide, but good length 

The following is a photo of my ill-self in the largest size jersey. Lookin damn fine. 
uneven socks OCD
fuq dat I dont see my socks when I walk so it doesnt bug me that much

Then Anthony and I walked to the refect and bought some food. We walked down to the library again and ate outside. Tried counting the couples in our grade and omg, only 6 couples. Past couples are 0.5 soz and awkward/close relationships are also 0.5

This was how bored we were....
with exams all completed, it felt quite good
but knowing that the results will come soon, I don't feel 'so good'..
so it wasn't like 
instead, it was like

especially the grade distribution - dad got so mad when he saw me being in the average 'number'. Sometimes I think that when he says "I don't care if you don't get wonderful marks, just don't do badly", he's lying. This is because, he see's the people who are getting better grades, and ask me why I'm not there, or how they did it. How were they able to achieve better results than I have. He'd be like, "you know what, I didn't even graduate from college and I'm still enjoying life", " it's not like those people with high degrees are able to have an easier life" etcetc. Yet everything he says, while holding my report card, would contradict those 'wise words' once said. 

In my opinion, I'd rather be super good at something, and be no-so-good at the others...because that'll mean that I have something that I can excel in (HA procrastination/sleeping). I don't want to be 'alright' at everything. I don't have good memory and I can't grasp concepts quickly, there's always this foggy section in between the path to understanding whatever I've just heard, or learning in general. 

TL;DR This term's exam is over, SO WHAT?

Yeah I did try to stay up to study physics but this voice in my head kept telling me that I should really sleep or else I'll probably 崩潰... I know I'm making excuses, but it's like these illnesses coming at me are making studying such a hard task. I've 'seen' the doctors three times in the space of 3 weeks, each for different things. 

This was basically how I studied every night (this week). 
Itchy eye, rubs eye, tries to get this sticky stuff out of eye, can't, get's frustrated, rubs eye more and repeat. This happens so often that I can't sit in front of my desk and read through ONE page of notes. I've realised that we depend heavily on our eyes to learn, and I don't like that. Having one eye that's basically useless (I couldn't see shit, it was so blurry and irritating), really gives so much strain on the other eye. NOW I REALLY LOVE HAVING TWO 'HEALTHY' EYES. 

I couldn't study on tuesday at all. So I went to sleep and hoped for the best. Turns out that my eye was infected (went to the doctors after DT paper 1) and they prescribed me with these antibacterial eye drops. The next night (wednesday night), I studied physics with my infected eye held down and basically #yoloed it with my still-healthy eye. It's been 3 days and thank goodness the bacteria is clearing and it's not producing those annoying as things, can't be stuffed talking about that in detail >_>

"You never know what you have until you lose it"

but wait, why did I see the doctor after that?
After physics exams, I had a few more eye drops because the irritation came back. A few minutes later, I could taste this weird thing at the back of my throat and was like "dafuuurrrk?O_O", then I realised it was probably the eye drops. BUT HOW?

I tried studying for DT paper 2 on Thursday night and trust me, I did rejoice over being able to use my 'infected' eye to look at a piece of text for over 2 minutes. DRAG BACK TO WHY I WENT TO SEE THE DOCTOR #3. The back of my throat felt uber swollen and it felt weird whenever I swallowed. Then we got more medication (YAY.), panadol and this gargle thing. It tasted like 川貝枇杷膏 (lul for you asians you should know what this is ...) but the instruction said not to swallow it :\

maggie: (pours 15ml into cup)
maggie: let's do this
maggie: (pours the 15ml medication in le mouth)
maggie OS: Wait how do you gargle?

Dw I cleaned up my mess ..

I'm assuming that my sickness was from the travelling eye drops that bought along the bacteria in my eye. This sounds so gross but true story. Quite exciting to have it happen on yourself actually. More stories to tell people when you're older :D 

I can use my once-infected-eye comfortably now -celebrates-
Just gotta focus on resting for now (omg YES please)

Let's end this post with a lovely story that was written upside down.
I wonder why this author was doing this, perhaps this author was bored af?  
(click on the images to view full size, and to read it properly)

then the board was flipped around 

This author should totally start writing his/her collection of short stories. 
my brain after exams
yeah I had trouble writing p, q, g, d, b 
I had them all mixed around so it was 'bipeon" instead of "pigeon" then I realised my silly mistake.'s "Swagover9000" not "Swagoven9000", MY R AND Ns =___=

I think the story is still on that board? If no one rubbed it off.. 
HAHAHAH well HF to the next class that comes in CLC! 