Saturday, March 2, 2013


tried out the paranormal thing on my phone 
looooks weiiird @@
yes that's fred the slimmer version

oh yeah just saying if you see me on my phone all the time, it's because candy crush saga is so addictive I can't even. MUST GET ALL 3 STARS for EVERY LEVEL.
valerie asked me to do this level (think it was 22) for her, finally got 3 stars in 3 gos :\ I'm still 5ever stuck, I'm just missing one person to let me get to the next level ... IM SO ALONE NO ONE IS ACCEPTING -CRIES-

 being a lazy ass getting off at city to catch another bus. We passed this photo of a puppy and it was soooooooooo ewjalektjewing adorable, I was going to take a photo of it but the lights turned green :(

We were trying out readings and oh gurd so accurate in a way which is kind of creeping me out but maggie approves. I GOT A DEATH CARD LAST YEAR TWICE IN A ROW (then I gave up asking about it, nek week... )
Julie got 3+ death cards in a row when she asked about her relationship with _. -shakes head- not sure if I should calculate the probability of the cards drawn but there are things that can't be explained in that way.

hmm what else..


Check out julie's professional colouring in skills LOL 
she drew this supposedly spider looking suit but it looked like victoria's secret wings (but sausages sticking out instead of wings) 

After School, vic and I fast walked down to the bus stop. We were walking down the steep road and telling ourselves that we would totally slip down the road -imagines what it look/feels like when we fall-
nek minnit
this guy behinds us slips and falls down
I'm a bad person :(

It's just what we do... we imagine the worst when we're doing risky actions. Since we walk down the EVEN STEEPER road from high street, we tell each other that we're going to fall and slip, tumble and break our bones. So far, we haven't jinxed ourselves yet. Though we did see jessica slip and fall down that road before.. 
We're bad people :(

Anyway, we got to city and went and buy some things, missed 160 and had to catch 150. sooo many humans at city -panics- Then got driven home :D:D:D:D wet weather + dance advantage AW YIS 

QA(SMT+CI+HS) Dance 
(probably my last one)
TBH it was tiring... 
I function like lenovo battery 3rd year in use -> lasts only an hour, maybe a bit more if you're lucky and don't game in class 8D

We got there at 6:40pm and the auditorium doors were already opened so thank gurd cause it'll be weird to just stand outside and 你看我 我看你 

It was quite awkward in the beginning since no one was dancing or jumping of some sort. I suppose people were just waiting for the cue to start having a seizure. There were also a count down to ..the time when the dance officially starts? FIRST SONG HARLEM SHAKE 

that escalated quickly

a bit too quickly..imo.. so I was just like "o____o??????? "
nevertheless, people still managed to do all sorts of weird things during that 1 minute + of harlem shake 

So while the battery was still fulled, we got into real quick (after harlem shake ofc). This year, we're missing julie, melissa and lily so it feels really empty :'c We all went to the masquerade dance together in grade 10 and it was pretty fun. Julie's weird dances, melissa's arm pulling dance, lily's grind/shake/roll dance ohgurd. This year, victoria and I are just having a little dance battle between ourselves >: D WE HAD 6 ROUNDS. Super tiring. We didn't know too many songs so it was just like, aw yeah let's just..bob, side step >___>

Still pretty fun, I almost forgot how to 'have fun' irl. I only hf in league because "GL HF" 
hitting the clubs in 13.5 months 

We went around and danced with people we knew, with people we didn't know, with people we still don't know and with teachers HAHAHAHAHAHAH 

-dances with bio/tok and business teachers-
-dances with chemistry teacher-
-maggie doesn't even do chemistry-

-jumps to randoms-
-does the bernie dance-
how to make friends 101 inspired from troliver

THEN of course by 8:00, we're all flat out so we went and just stood in front of the aircons. Jenny's stitch suit is SOOO KAWAII omg the fabric is like my towel (lol that's another story) FEELS SO NICE :D

Then I got my phone and started taking photos of people and lights 
p.s. blogging is an occupation, I must collect some event photos
not of people though cause that's hella awks and the cam sucks at night portraits 

^someone getting carried through/by the crowd
^is someone doing the illuminati sign..

my calves are killing me atm 
stahp with the vertical jumping

hooray to michael (in my instep too PROUD) for organising the dance!!!!

best photo we had of the night
after dance ^