Thursday, March 7, 2013

not the proper post

had a 2 hour nap
Wasn't sure if I had dinner already but from seeing the empty bowl in the kitchen,
I assumed that I haven't had dinner yet ..

then somehow I got to this youtube page

such a gooooood movie
(put on subtitles if you don't understand mando)
reveals too much of taiwanese school life >_>

that main guy looks like the older version of my cousin @@
back in the days, grade 1 in Taiwan I STILL REMEMBER ..
We had 45 students in our class and my worst subject was sose, still is. Hmm what else,


My friends and I use to play near the front school gate at lunch. One day we were playing 'red lines', where the 'ghost' walks on the red tiles (which looks like ##### at our school) and the 'humans' can step on the non red area. Okay so what happened on that day was that... I charged head first to the metal gates and got a massive bruise on my forehead.

In study periods and before 1st lesson, we'd have a person to stand by the door and report to the rest of us when the teacher is approaching. So while this poor kid stands by the door, the rest of us would be like jumping around on the tables and playing games in the classroom. There would always be this kid who eventually has to collect our lunches, even if they're not on duty for that week. Rumored that there's unknown things in the 2nd floor toilet near the side of the school. Rumored that someone fell in the pond at the front of the school and drowned (just casually recalling my year 1 memory).

Back to the movie, I wished they would just get together ermagurd. They liked each other it was soooo obvious and they knew about each other's feelings but the timing just sucked :( 
-flips table-

study time