Friday, March 15, 2013

proper post won't come for now

I love finding old songs and how it just brings back dem memories

F.I.R sings the most inspiring songs :'D

Other good songs by F.I.R:
- Lydia
- 月牙灣
- 我們的愛
- 千年之戀

aww nuh i didn't..
just spend 1 hour trying to find this song
the melody just popped into my mind out of nowhere,
but there are so many songs with 'Need somebody to love me' in the lyrics it took so long going over all the songs DAAAHHHH

guy song for that LOL
it's like the songs are made for each other 
yeah I found it on the way 

my arm was itchy, so I scratched it a few times (like 5)
and now it looks like I scraped only that part of my arm
it's red, and spots of blood
though the one on my foot is healing AWWW YIS 
mozzie bite (which turned into a cut) is taking 5ever to heal
gee stahp complaining mugigie 

That was the last game I played on tw .. morgana support 
(because she can just flash in and r two people instead of one in mid lane...unless if jungler is ganking)
ddddominate the brushes because the other support is shit scared of your q >:D
Note the date - 28th of Februrary 2013
below this stat is like bots bots bots bots (since I'm trying out other champs), and then you'll see my defeat streaks. I swear they're trying to balance out my wins and losses. Since ollie and jacob got me so many wins and stoof. There were so many trolls, ragers, afks and people who dc more often than me, so even if I had an  'okay' score, I'd still loose.

still thinking if I should play one game today

third year in IB
finally getting the hang of this exam thing

I stayed at home today to 'study'
dad texted me at 10 

Dad: done bullshitting for you
Magigie: Thanks dad love you

yes dad cooperated with me and made up a reason for absence today
ttthhhhhhhaaannnnksssssss <3
ended up sleeping the whole afternoon
because I woke up at 3am....and stayed awake until 12pm
worth it though