Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Super late update (Harmony + cross country)


We had Harmony day and Cross Country yesterday. Without carrying my laptop around the school, it felt like a part of me was missing. Intense bond between Mr Laptop and I. It was really hot on the day but still wore my qi pao. Can’t complain because I’m not wearing layers of fabric like everyone else LOL

Pictures tell a thousand words
jokes incoming selfiz :D

heavy eyebags due to insufficient sleep and allergy soz

Thanks to jessica for sending me the selfiz 

Our Mando HL class did a performance and we got the guys to do a wave behind us. 7 people turned up on the weekend practice but only 5 of us came on the day. So we were pretty worried >_> but we still managed to finish the song in peace. 


Damn imagine how hot it'll be, to wear those olden day clothes (what victoria is wearing). I would defs pass out if I was in those clothes. Say heeelllo to our grade's cutest teletubby - Alfie.  HAHAHA 

Idk why but he just reminds me of the teletubbies. Apparently, back when I was in kindy, I'd have to finish an episode of teletubbies before I would get in the car and get driven to school/childcare or else I'd throw a tantrum or something. My favourite scene in teletubbies is when the toast-looking thing flies out of the toaster and lands onto the plates. LOL FASCINATING *___* because that never happens irl.

Anyway.. the heels were making me walk uber slow because the heels were at an awkward height (not tall or short) but mainly it's just that I roam in thongs (if you see me in sunnybank at dinner).

After Harmony day, we had cross country and everyone (not really) got changed into their house colours. Curie won the war cry because we're cool. Just kidding it was unfair.

 QASMT Cross Country for me
Year 10: I tried and I ran and managed to get a place (like 19 or something) 
Year 11: I stopped trying and was unfit and walked the entire course
Year 12: I walked a bit of the course then we went to the toilet then came back and cut heaps of the course

Walked around the activities with my umbrella. 
Then I ended up holding the umbrella for random people because I'm an 'angel' who's suppose to help out people. Lol yep we wore wings and sht. I swear my legs were like burning (because I couldn't really shade my legs. Our house cannot skip to save our lives. Our highest record for skipping is 21... -facepalms-

On Sunday,
we went to sunny park for dinner and it was storming real hard. There was this massive lightning and thunder some time we were eating our food. I was facing the window so I was prepared for the sound waves to hit us after this lightning came. The thing is, my parents were facing me so they couldn't see that lightning. THEY LEGIT JUMPED UP AND WERE ABOUT TO SPIT THEIR FOOD OUT. gaawwsh thank goodness we didn't go out of power or else we'll have to leave without finishing our food (but then the food eaten would be 'free').

For one of the few times, I was actually scared of the crazy weather. 
Normally, I'd be emotionless and just  let the weather do its shit but that day, THAT DAY... TF MATE. TF. 
This type of weather is really concerning but we checked radar and saw this coming anyway (and we went out psh like #yolo) 
inappropriate maggie

Blogging at this time
Yesterday, I was trying to listen in maths but ermagurd it was so hard to because there was this thing stuck in my eye and I couldn't get it out. Went to the doctors again ..-flips table-

Arrived home at 3:30 and went to sleep soon after....woke up this morning and realised that I missed dinner.. and missed daily capsules and I'm home..