Thursday, April 18, 2013


Agreed with the thing about 'communicating through implications'. 
Though I'm not a person who loves and enjoys socialising 24/7, but when I come across people who communicate through implications.. it makes me want to put a gun to their head and ask "what do you want". 
LOL that's the dramatic scene in my mind don't worry I don't own a bubble gun
Is it really that hard to just cut into what you want and be straight forward? Yes I agree that asking for some certain things maybe awkward and weird and you feel like you should lead up to it..but in reality, what it sounds like to ME is somewhat long the lines of.. "I'm insecure and I need time omg I can't just say it out loud I'm so nervous can I disappear before I say something stupid and embarrassing" laa dee dah. What the heck why do I need to watch you be nervous it makes me nervous too, just be nervous in your head pls?

It's totally fine if you're leading up to something you want to ask about logically and it wouldn't be SOO obvious that the whole conversation only ever existed because they want something from you. Instead of trying to HINT people to offer you want you wanted from them...

I remember back in grade 2 at Calvary, my friends would literally stare at my 'asian lollies' (lol that's what they called it), and tell me that it looks really nice. LIKE SERIOUSLY, just tell me you want it. Don't just look at my food and tell me it's nice. Of course it's nice! They'd keep looking at the and give compliments to the visual representation of the lollies. Yes my friends at Redeemer have done that too. I'll get annoyed and give them the food while ranting about how they should be more straightforward or else I won't give them my food next time LOLOLOLOL Thankfully they've gotten use to being straightforward, it was a hard journey... those days where I'll sit them down and look at them in the eyes and tell them... 'saaaayyy what you want'. 

Whenever people try to communicate through implications (and are too obvious while committing the crime), I just nod, pretend I don't know what they want and chuckle on the inside because I know they're trying hard to ask for a favour and they just can't bring themselves to ask what they want. Then I'll just say what they want and make sure that they know that I know what they want (If I'm feeling happy). This is what I like about kids, they just say what they want. 
youngest cousin: I want a ferrari

maggie: oh cool I can't afford it

meanwhile in the society
person A (who wants me to buy a ferrari, note: this is an example only): I've been to the vehicle maintenance over five times for the past few months. I think my car is too old. It's nearly over the warranty too. How can I get to work without a car though? Should I sell it? But then I think cars are a better type of transportation than public buses. Maybe I should consider buying a second hand? Or maybe I should just buy a brand new car? What do you think? Which price range do you think is reasonable? I like the idea of customed cars. Have you heard of any brands that are famous in making them? I think I know one that starts with an "F".

2 types of responses this person will get..

1. mugigie being mean: plus one for second hand yo (though I know you want a ferrari)

2. magigie being nice: so you want a ferrari? Sorry I can't afford one. 

You see. Mugigie legit will not give a fuck and just 'push away' your question. Come on, if you're more straight up you'll have 50% more chance of me saying OH YEAH YES OK I'LL HELP YOU I GOT YO BACK.  Then, if I'm nice, I'll say what you want for you, and just kindly reject you because you're pissing me off. Joking, I'll still consider helping you but you're at a disadvantage there my friend. 

ohyes blogging today because I'm unable to focus looking at something without straining my eyes. Yeah so I'm looking away from the screen every 5 seconds or so. It all started to get worse after shower, like eyes were itchy as fk and there were heaps of secretions that it was super irritating and I couldn't see properly. K awesome so I used the chlorsig that my gp prescribed me and just went to sleep. It was so frustrating because every little small movement of the eyeball will cause irritation and you know there's secretion stuck in there. Woke up after 12 and went back to sleep again. Woke up this morning feeling like I could itch my eyes for a whole century. Then we tried to make an appointment with the specialist (got a referral letter from GP yesterday arvo) but the receptionist was very ruuuuuuude. Also, not going to wait until May thanks. So after all this trouble, we went to see the optometrist instead. This optometrist was suggested from a family friend, he told us that this doctor is really good @@ The doctor asked about the condition etc and checked and said that it was 過敏性結膜炎 (allergic conjunctivitis). True that the irritation happens only at some times during the day and it's not red 24/7. Then the doctor did a quick eye sight test. 
Thank goodness he kept saying 妳的眼睛很好 (your eye/eyesight is very good). 
phew I thought my eyesight would be worse now after meeting laptop-kun two years ago.  

The optometrist asked what kind of eye drops I've been using and was like "hahahahah GP will only prescribe you antibiotics". Lesson learned, go to the optometrist instead of the gp when you have eye problems. The secretion was caused from the 白血球(white blood cells) trying to defend off the bacteria which was worsened by the allergy. Makes a bit more sense, back on oratane bitches. Should of gone to the optometrist three weeks ago =___=

damn you allergy
you got me there

怒哭 - 氣到想乾脆全不都不要