Tuesday, April 2, 2013

just sketching #2


so far, my holidays consist of me 
1. rereading the books in my possession (not textbook)  
2. watching random shows and drawing at the same time
3. candy crush saga (working magic)
4. sleeping in the day

Let's share something random today.
This one is about this consecutive creepy dreams I had around the week before exam block. Some of my friends know this already because I told them about these dreams straight up the next day. Someone pls analyse this and tell me what I'm thinking subconsciously. 

I remember that I started on the second floor of a small grocery shop (those asian ones). The shop was really dark and dusty but some how I didn't really find that weird or anything. The only source of light was from the window and I couldn't tell if it was the sunrise or the sunset. I was carrying those baskets and was actually feeling very cheerful (because I was picking out asain snacks like pocky and the panda chocolate snacks etcetc). I noticed this guy around my age do the same too. We were the only ones in that floor but I didn't really mind that and did not find it awkward or unusual. Then I proceeded down to the first floor with my snacks. The stairs were one of those spiral looking stairs made out of metal and again, I didn't find this creepy or strange. I went and walked around the aisle down in first floor and continued to 'enjoy' my time shopping for snacks. The guy also came down stairs and we started chatting normally and discussing about which snacks were good and all that. Then we went to the cashiers which was basically next to the exit/entry door. We didn't see any workers inside the shop but we still waited at the cashiers for someone to come. Then, two men in suits walked up from the end of the shop and told us that the shop isn't opened yet. My first thought was to get out of the shop since it's obviously not open and I shouldn't be in here. I thought I was probably on camera and I should run for my life before I get caught. So I did, I left my basket full of snacks (tear drops on one eye) and pulled the door open and slipped out of the shop and ran a few steps. I looked back hoping to see the guy behind me, also running away... but I didn't see him. Instead, I saw one of the men in black suit peek out of the door and looked at me with a creepy smile. Then I parkoured my way down the street in Taiwan.  

what the fckery.

I can't remember other dreams on top of my head but they're all realistic QQ
DAMN WHY CAN'T I HAVE THOSE CRAZY UNREALISTIC DREAMS like riding a trynarasourous, unicorn or the noch ness monster. Or even sitting on a purple cloud eating pineapples with Abed. 

this gif makes me chuckle