Sunday, April 21, 2013


I was planning to work my work in translation on friday night but I slept from 6pm all the way to saturday 8am. It was so nice but now I'm feeling the stress (??) and regretting it. I tried to be more productive on Saturday but because it's 'SATURDAY' and

Nah I'm just joking I finished reading "A streetcar named desire" :D
I liked this but not to the point where I'd like to write an IB essay for it.
As for Cosi, I really don't think I'll be able to finish that today on top of my WIT, reflective statement, summary notes on the three books, finalising scaffold, memorising mando oral and read over my physics prac that I'll have to do alone on Monday (lol this one will probs only take 5 mins to read through) </3

I've always tried to avoid eating icecream because I know it's a guilty pleasure. Once you take one spoon, IT'S SO HARD TO STOP. So yeah that's right, the 30cent icecream doesn't attract me at all soz bb. Even if I had 30cents left on me, I wouldn't go buy one. However, this green tea ice cream showed up in our freezer and I was like "what is this wizardry it knows where I live". I still don't know how or who gave us these evil angels but I have to admit that it tastes soooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooood. 

We went back to grandparent's house for dinner and the first thing I see when I got there was this white feathered chicken strolling in our backyard. 

Maggie: when did we buy a living chicken?
Grandpa: ahahahah it’s the neighbour’s chicken, it comes to our side every day
Maggie: very fearless       -sharpens knife- 

this is where I sit you all down and tell you guys a memory of mine
When I was living in Mcgregor (10+ years ago), and attending some kindy/grade 1 here... I would be my grandma's shadow and follow her everywhere. One day, grandpa and grandma bought a living chicken home in a box. Out of curiosity, I asked if we're raising" the chicken. Grandma told me that she's going to kill it and it will be our dinner. ...ermagurd now it sounds so gross... Then she bought the chicken into the room where we normally clean the fish (dem loots). I could hear the chicken trying to fly around the room but I couldn't see anything because the door was closed. 
Bingo we did have chicken that night. 

grandma be slaying chickens 
you go grandma 

This is my keyboard as of 19th of April 2013.

Thanks Anthony and Navina.
Mr Gooch was quite concerned with the way I brainstorm design ideas. I spent the whole lesson taking off the keys and shaking my laptop LOLOLOLOLOLOL I told him that I need to do repetitive things for an idea to come. Quick thinking 101.

My cousin has officially challenged me on minecraft. He said he'll build something cooler than my house. Of course creative mode mate. Ain't nobody got time for survival. Plays survival, sets to peaceful, fuq dat I'm here to create. While we were trying to figure out what to do on the server. We found this crack on the ground and dug in. I was digging in one spot straight down to the bottom and Jason stood legit on me and kept digging lower and killed me thanks. trolls. It was so funny though. 
