Saturday, April 6, 2013

should be studying


update: woopwoop I got back on that place :D 
Stuffing around with redstone I should be studying ...
going on survival trying to find zombies I should be studying ...

 Met up with vic at sunnybank and we walked around and decided to go try out this new shop - Coco Jungle Chocolate Lounge. We looked at the menu for a good 10 minutes. At first, I didn't notice the name of the shop so when I saw 'coco jungle crepe', I thought they were going to give me a jungle. Then vic had to tell me I'm wishin'. I ordered Strawberry crepe and it was ermaghurdly good because it's been ages since I've tasted something quite like this (desserts in general). Vic ordered crepe with breakfast stuff inside with garden salad.  Overall the food is quite expensive imo but it's okay I saved. Then we ate and chatted for nearly an hour LOL Mostly it's just me venting and ranting...
Don't worry it's doesn't have anything to do with school and friends etc 
psh gossiping is for the weak. 

Then we went to Newway and sang for quite a long time. 
I suck :(
but it's fun anyway~
I love how the darkness eats away half of my face

I slept at 3 and dad woke me up at 9 this morning
dad: we're going outside to eat
maggie: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -turns over hides under cover-

Then I thought I should stop being so 宅 (indoorsy person). It's like whever my parents suggest or want to go out to eat, I'd be doing the devo rawr liek " nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrhhhhhhhhh". Dat karaoke outing was INDOORS fyi. Yeah Anyway I ended up going outside.

After we had breakfast, we decided to go to sunnybank fish market to buy seafood. It was my first time going in there but my parents have been there liek 1209421 times. Dad is friends with uncle d and we've been to one of their new years gathering so he could recognise me.

dad: -points at this A4 laminated chart- who made this translation chart?
uncle d: your brother

he wasn't joking
dad spend a while trying to find an error in the chart
what brothers do 

Then we saw this fortune toad on the counter but with no coin in its mouth so we told them to put any coin in the mouth. Then they were like, OOH that's probably why it's not working that effectively. 

Sorry I'm not doing a great job at blogging (even after 2 years). 
Too focused on making traps on minecraft....