Thursday, April 4, 2013

Reinstalled on the 4th of April 2013

yeah that is me now
goodbye world 
I'm playing minecraft
Reason is that my parents are legit watching and downloading so much dramas/shows that taking up most of the bandwidth (so I can't play league, ping goes insane). Holla to singleplayer creative minecraft. Yeah stuff zombies I'm not ready for that yet. Multiplayer? Friends? I don't know who else still plays this game apart from this guy who legit plays minecraft in every single physics lesson. Defs gonna lan with my cousins and lead them down my best traps aus.

Today, le cousins were derping around and just playing around like they always do. Then there's me playing candy crush lol. Since they're all younger than me so they like to 'play'. Yeah we tease and 'bully' the smallest one, he's pretty use to it and fights back anyway and overall it's just a joke so no one cares. So while they were basically 'tangling' around each other, I took a troll photo with one of my cousins. 
Aunty was like, "dang you guys look like twins."
LOL  in Taiwan some people thought we were bro and sis when we go out and his brother would be like 'okay'. Well we actually are similar in that we have almost identical moles and we have similar eyes hahahahahhahhahhah we're even more alike than to our real brothers whut. 
k cool story,
gonna go back to my life.
minecraft life