Monday, April 29, 2013



Haven't been updating as much but that's because I've been spending too much time trying to write essays and it's just not working well for me at the moment. Normally, writing a 450w mandarin speech would take me less than an hour to complete but it took me 3-4 hours on Sunday to produce this 450w of bullcrap and I know I'm off topic. I also sat down (lol wait I'm always on my arse) and tried to write a paper 1 and that obviously didn't go well. I had full attention and will to finish this paper but it was so hard to organise the ideas, execute it and LIKING what I've written. 

My works in translation draft was holeyshietmolly terrible that the feedback Mr Mcgrath gave were pretty much all saying "your essay is dodgy". I read my essay again this year and daaaamnnn the essay is a mess. Yeah so I actually put in heaps of effort (one of the few times) and thought hard about how I could improve the way I analyse things etc. Though I think I can improve on some criterons if I read more books and studied analytical essays, I would be able to write less like a 'retard'. For one of the few times, I had plenty amount of sleep that Sunday night and had time to make myself some bacon and eggs the next morning :D 

I remember doing the practice IOP the night before and recording it at 6am in the morning with my sore throat (drank too much coffee) and still got a pretty good mark. The caffeine was pretty much writing the essay for me. Kind of sad but it worked. Don't try this if you haven't. You'll sound like a crazy, enthusiastic, hyperactive maniac in the recording. Mr Mcgrath wrote "great presentation", yep, nailed it (the presentation part). 

Enough about English LOL 

Let's start off with my weekend.
I only had mando essay and the rest of the weekend was just reading and studying :DDDDDDD
The amount of Ds there are represents my happiness level. 
What are you thinking? you dirty minded person.
It was so wonderful. 
I even went and wiped off the dust on my piano and played for 2 hours or so. Considering that I wiped off a layer of dust.... you could tell that I haven't been on the keys for months. I tried playing my grade 5 and grade 6 pieces and omg I can't remember how to play it. I can still play the 7 without mistakes but quite disappointed that I can't even play grade 5 and 6 smoothly and precisely, I tried the grade 8 songs my teacher gave me before I stopped and ASLDKJASLKFJSALGKSA AND I CAN'T SIGHTREAD PROPERLY QQ then of course I moved onto playing dem anime, drama ost, kpop songs HAHAHAHHAH So bored. 

Our neighbour told my dad that the music I play have changed. 
Well of course, from classical to Yiruma for example is a big jump.I think they like classical pieces more but I can't seem to find a classical piece that I want to learn out of interest. Soz deal with my haru haru ;D
See, I've never got that when I was living with my grandparents. 
Like wallabies will casually jump up to us and tell us that they like classical music...
now I check the time, the day of the week and alter my fortissimo to forte 


Oh and also, I can finally wear my bear feet (finally cold) :DD
bare feet
get it?
Doing the laundry with my BEAR FEET ;D
It was so fun wearing it around the house but I kept stepping on my other foot. 

While I was watching this show on youtube, I had my tablet (no not lenovo one) in my left hand and a frozen grape in my right hand. I nearly chewed my tablet ermagurd herpderp look at how the shape and colour (when it's doesn't have ice on the skin) are so bloody similar. Okay this is a cool story. I just realised how boring this thing is but I still took and picture and blogged about it. 

I also rewatched we got married nichkhun and victoria from years ago
even though they don't actually love each other
but AASLKJDGKLS it was so cute I wish it was real

Julie and Victoria had to stay at school from 4:30 to 9 today for musical and so I ate my froyo alone while waiting for my bus to come. $5.30! Loving the discount we get when we wear our uniform. Better make use of this before I graduate :D It was actually my second meal of the day because I had speaking comp meeting and physics prac at lunch so I was hungry af. 

Not to mention I also lost my go card, though it's only my second time. I only topped up last week and had $53 in it so I was soo devo but it's all sorted out. 

Lol why am I blogging about these things it's so useless but I guess I can look back on these posts and track the date I've lost my third go card? It should be fun reading back on these posts, WHEN I'M IN MY FIFTIES. 

Until then!