Friday, April 5, 2013

sneak peak

sneak peak at my beast-as house
the worse part of making any building is doing the roof, especially when you have something like this.
I was just trying to finish off the roof (I finished the left part), then I fking fell down the block I was standing on. 
how the fudgery do i get back to that place fuuuuuu
the right side are all blocked already and i'll have to smash them down again to be able to get to that place :(
I've learnt my lesson, work from the 'dead-end' first.....
I've fallen down 32293857932 times already damn it's not like Brickforce where you can just wear a jetpack and go around everywhere (help me minecraft masters). Oh and the reason why I stopped playing Brickforce was cause I lag so hard when we're in game and I get shot in my base. K cool. 

Actually found Brickforce in the summer holidays and played it hardout in Taiwan. 
What you do in the game is that you make a map (or you can choose not to and just join games). You use blocks to make the map and you can make whatever you want (like minecraft). Then you join games or host games and people come and play against/with you. The people are split in 2 teams and you spawn at two designated spots (where you put the marks at in your map) and you go shoot the enemy team members down. Kind of like minecraft+cod but brick version. Anyway, yeah comp too bad for it, net too bad for it :\
going outside today