Tuesday, April 23, 2013


breaks into this song in random situations
soz can't rap 

Highlight of the day: Kieren rapping Blanche's line in English
We're currently reading A streetcar named desire together and while she was asking for volunteers (to read certain characters), most of us tried to avoid eye contact but some poor kids couldn't help to look up  LOL 
So Kieren was voted in to 'play' Blanche (girl btw) and we read up to this line ...
Blanche [singing in the bathroom]: 'From the land of sky blue water, They bought a captive maid!'
It actually sounded decent 

Tomorrow' mission: To find this japanese person who is most likely working at Daiso in myer center
If I do find this person, I will then need to introduce myself as [insert my mother's name]'s daughter and expect them to be surprised. Damn I thought she'd design the Brisbane Daiso because she designed the sydney one but rokay. I'll just stroke the racks because she took care of the import, manufacturing part of it. HAHAAHAhahhaha...hahahaha ...</3

Daiso opened today so go check it out whenever but not never :D