Sunday, April 14, 2013

things I said before I turned 17

#swag #batcave
next year I'm going to do the exact same expression and pose 
it shall be the annual swag photo

My first post ever on this blog was on the 27th of December 2010. I initially wanted this blog to be filled with my awkward drawings. I would link my blog on facebook and hope that my 100 facebook friends would come and read it. Now I only ever link it via skype. Around 2 years ago, my blog template also allowed people to comment on the posts and we had some funny chats on it. Now I can't seem to find a template that has a working comment thing.. Back then, I was really close with my taiwanese/asian buddies at Redeemer so I blogged in mandarin. Now I feel like I should be more international HAHAHHA As time goes on, I started to record down my boring life and thoughts (thank goodess I didn't end up pouring out my feels as much) instead of uploading my fugly drawings to entertain people. I blogged about how lazy and tired I was, it seemed like the only things I blogged about. HAHAH just looking back on my posts and thinking "damn I complain too much".

In 16th of April 2011, the day after my birthday, I blogged about how I was too lazy to blog about my birthday and how delicious the cake was. Seems reasonable because I was in grade 10... come on, I really didn't give much fucks about anything. On my birthday last year, I posted a corny as post to thank my mother. Sorry guise you'll have to deal with this year's 'thank you' post. Keeping it short aight. 

Hi Mummy,
I love your letters, I've kept every single letter you've sent me and they're all packed away nicely in a box. I love receiving your letters and reading your handwriting. Every time I see the paper envelope, I'd take the letter and quickly run to my room and read it. I couldn't read some of the words back then, and had to ask grandma, but I didn't mind her reading it. I love your birthday presents too, even though it comes a week or two later than the actual date. I know you're much busier nowadays because you stopped writing letters to me. Instead, we talk on line or email. I've always had trouble saying "I love you" to people but when I'm on the phone with you or wherever, whenever, I could always comfortably say that.
Thank you for giving birth to this fugly black monster baby me. 

Not the best thank you letter but this is the internet, stalkers don't get to know. 

Thank you grandma for treating me like your daughter, to the point where dad would complain, grandpa for verbally whipping me into shape. You'd always say, "you'll thank me when you grow up". Yes I do thank you for being mean and tough on me, though I did hate you as much as I hated myself. Thank you dad for putting up with me, for rejecting those girls because of me. I'm glad that you've found your happiness now. I want to quickly grow up so you can relax more and not worry about me. Thank you stepmum for caring for me unconditionally and listening to my problems and giving me advice. Thank you stepdad" for being my parenting role model, being the coolest person in the world. Thank you uncles and aunties for being very kind to me and asking me jokingly if they could adopt me as their daughter and having your last name as my middle name. Most of all, thank you all my friends for being my friends. I'm really grateful for your existence. I really do. No matter how close/far we are. 

get me emotional and I will do that, but while I'm not, I'll probably perform magigie style self defense. 

I'm going to round off this post with this sentence. 
until then!