Tuesday, April 9, 2013

myspace bar isscrewed up

thissongisstuck in myhead
(tryingto hit the space bar x2 times harder for it to work)
took a break from watching三國
too much info and characters in every ep, need to read the character backgrounds beforehand LOL
reckon this vid has the best translations but it actually has a deeper meaning
..for example..
"Can't persist in love relationships, there is no one left to prepare the wine. "
"儿女情长没法执着,有谁来煮酒 "
Let's break it up into two parts! (part 1 before the comma, part 2 after the comma)
Pt1: Can't persist in love relationships
In that period of the three kingdoms, relationships were ruined by the turbulent times. Male would go in the military, female would be homeless or be sent away. So couples would be apart forever and because of this, there are no such 'beautiful' love stories...pretty much saying, what's the point of knowing for figuring out (through war) who the formidable man is?
Pt2: There is no one left to prepare the wine
Caocao knew that Liu Bei was a talented person and that it's possible for Liu Bei to become threatening to him. So Cao Cao wanted to test and also kill Liu Bei if he is sure thatLiu Bei will become threatening to him in the future. One day, Cao Cao invited Liu Bei to warm the alcohol (wine) for him and asked "who do you think could be called a hero?". Liu Bei answered many people, but Cao Cao denied them all. Then lastly, Liu Bei said "Then I don't know, who do YOU think could be called a hero?" Then Cao Cao replied "A hero must have  ________, so I think the hero could only be me and you". Liu Bei then pretty much knows what Cao Cao means. A lighting strikes at that moment and Liu Bei pretended to be really scared and hid under the table. Cao Cao saw this and judged that Liu Bei was a coward, and wouldn't be much of a threat in the future so didn't kill Liu Bei.  Liu Bei outsmarted Cao Cao as he became the major threat to Cao Cao throughout the period. This is how the idiom 煮酒論英雄 came about. 
-strokes imaginary beard-
Keep that story in mind for now. So the lyrics actually say " who is there to prepare the wine" but you can interpret it as that there is no one to prepare the wine. It kind of gives off this message that there's no need to state the towering figure. You know that from the story where Liu Bei acts as if he's scared of something so small to keep himself alive. Real intelligent people are the ones who know they must act a certain way (even though it's not who they really are) in order to survive in that environment. Could he be the real hero? Could Liu Bei actually be the towering figure? People are just trying to cheat each other in the three kingdom period. There's no point in trying to find out who the real hero or to judge who's right or wrong. Could keep going on about it but it's just getting so confusing LOL Sorry Pt2 was kind of a fail to try to explain things but 

this immense admiration for caocao 
 because I like his personality though he's a little autocratic but that was what the military needed. If his soldiers become conceited and proud of their own skills, Cao Cao would probably kill him or disown him even though Cao Cao values the talented. I think some people start to speak of their own opinion etc when they find themselves to excel in that particular thing and become overly proud of it and start bragging etc. What they say are noticed and they start to build this confidence in speaking/preaching their own ideas to groups. Ultimately, it's not impossible to create his own empire of some sort. I think that Cao Cao wants to prevent that from happening and that's the reason why he just removes those potentially threatening people. Better to be safe than sorry ;D

I like that he's a fair person
He praises and rewards soldiers who have executed a deed for him. Cao Cao would reward them with the treasures they have in possession from castles they've broken into. As for those who haven't done anything, he doesn't give them anything. He would punish those who commit a crime but he would also punish himself. Which made his subordinates and people follow him. Dat thinking I like -nods-. Grandpa also believes that too and used that on me. He told me that I have to go out and work with him on the land and do useful things and that if he doesn't abide by the rule 'family members must do something useful to the family', he will not be allowed take meals. Same thing applies to me. Yep grandpa was my Cao Cao.

end of random thoughts(??)

BTW this is an Aussie guy's cover of the song
he's actually really popular in the asian countries LOL I did some research/stalking
he lives in ipswich (news)


ohay sunday night's dinnnnnerrr at secret beef 
special beef pho 
swear there's some kind of herbal stuff in the soup hmm but not bad.. 
sunnybank still has the better pho imo (cost and taste)

Went to the doctors today again cause sometimes it gets really irritating at night (to the point where I go to sleep before 2am). So I went along with le parents to see gp again, third time lucky pls. When we got there, the place was packed with sick people. People coughing and sneezing etc and there's us three, looking fine but not really. Then dad walked over to these two old grandpa and grandma and said long time no see. Then they saw me and were like omg you grew so much the last time I saw you you were like this small. Everyone can relate yeah? They started chatting etc and asking about how grandpa and grandma are going etc since they're actually their friends but they know us because we close ;D ..I suppose. They asked which school I was attending and I said QA at toowong and they were like OOOH that school where all the smart people go. 5 People insta turn their head around. 
magigie OS: hahahahaha. stereotypes. I'm not one of those smart ones soz I'm the not so bright one there to make the bright ones brighter:D

After seeing the doctors, stepmum and I went to the japanese noodle shop next to formosa. 
So good so cheap. 

Best kind of noodles = udon
no exception
always order udon when I go there

After lunch, we went into sunnybank plaza and went to medibank.
We walked in and there were 2 free desks, 1 was a middle aged asian lady and the other was a 20+ handsome asian guy. Stepmum walks in, hesitates for a few seconds and walks to the asian guy. 
maggie os: sorry I can't handle his hotness I'm going to go sit at the waiting area. 
It's not those oh-damn-can-you-please-get-to-know-me feeling. It's more like a, oh-wow-can-you-please-not-shine-so-bright-my-eyes-are-dying feeling. 

On our way to天天 to buy some chicken and pork chop (ew), we walked behind this chick and her bf...
btw her hair was different shades of brown

Have you seen those girls who just flip forward and their hair goes forward and flip their hair back again? I don't know why they do that? Is it because it makes the curls look better? Lol  I don't know.... but damn this gurrrrl needs to wash her hair properly it stinks like ..like... stinky things... It looked like those tumblr brown curly hair but I wouldn't want to put my fingers through her hair I agree with you stepmum. It just smells/looks like she never washed her hair and just hair sprayed it once every 3 days. 

Also saw some QA people omg fuk luckily I don't know know them
I did not come out today to see you people
I did not come out today for you people to see me
omg they saw me roaming in my thongs and casual v1.0.0 wear, carrying bags of groceries