Friday, April 26, 2013

kids these days

see it for yourselves
FB page

Edited:the page is deleted now so that's why redirects to your fb homepage 

I can't even. I need to see these kids irl I've only met the normal ones while I was in Taiwan. Most of the photos are kids in primary school and junior high school. ARE YOU JOKING WITH ME? Contacts, make up, dyed hair etc what are their parents doing. Surely you can say Taiwan has heaps of hot chicks/guys but honestly...I look at them for a good 20minutes and forget their faces 2minutes later. I cannot find this 'pretty' feature or presentation that'll leave me thinking about their hotness through the rest of the day. It's almost like they're all aiming to be the same thing, to look like the same thing but I have to admit that the girl with brown hair in the cover photo is cute. The rest I don't even know what to say. I feel like the society is being a bit too harsh of them (including me lol).  This facebook page was on the Taiwanese news and they kind of criticised on the fact that these kids are trying to look more mature and trying to make friends, gain fame through the internet instead of studying. You know what? I think the society is criticising itself. Yeah asif these kids would do this if the society/media didn't create the phrase - 正妹 (pretty chick). 

BACK WHEN I WAS A BLOB AIGHT lol still am. We just studied hard together and cared no shit about how we looked. I was a loud and extroverted kid with a pancake face (hard to imagine aye) and I tried to make my classmates happy by making a fool of myself and cracking jokes in the middle of the class. I had friends that liked me for what I do, they didn’t have to like me for who I am. I am a student, I am female, I am able to speak mandarin, I am mean, I am weird, I am critical, I have trouble speaking my mind, I don’t trust easily etc but they only see what I do, the me that was extroverted, happy and cheerful. Who I am might not even come close to that. No one would know that I am able to speak mandarin if I don't actually physically SPEAK mandarin or tell them that I do. Though what I do is effected by who I am, but people do things that don’t necessarily represent who they are, or what kind of person they are because of certain reasons.

  I still remember that I use to make the most retarded drowning action while we were playing tag. Honestly, NO ONE CARED about the reputation or the looks but now, these kids are trying so hard and changing themselves to be a part of the 正妹 "club" and they end up looking similar to each other.

TL;DR I feel bad for these kids having to feel like they need to look pretty at such a young age. Yeah f_k you society, gonna talk shit about them when you're the root of the problem. IMO, bring back the compulsory school hairstyle, make it all bob hair DONEDONEDONE.

Yep I went to a private school for a few months and all the chicks had to have short hair, so remember that photo with me holding a weird stick thing? I was attending that school at that time. Legit everyone looked the same, most of us look fugly as. 


The most innocent stage of my life – me attending this private school in Taiwan.
what is pretty?what is popularity? what is friends? Actually, no one had friends because we're all classmates, we study, we eat, we nap, we brush our teeth together that is all. We go home and we spend time with our family. We didn't use the word 'friend' very often, you could say that we acknowledge each other’s existence and know that they’re just another one of us. It was all education based, school was my life. Now ‘school’ is just a part of life to me. I'm not sure if I prefer that kind of education in private schools in Taiwan or the education in Australia but I certainly know that my parents are more fond of ‘school’ just being a part of life, that’s why I’m here bruda.
Well that went off in a different direction..

 I could do better (with my EE final draft), but I chose sleep over this so I am prepared for the consequences that have yet to come. It feels pretty nice anyway you could say I'm a bit rebellious ;D 

 Also, things have been clashing with each other but lucky a few have resolved and saved my lil' arse. I apologise for my absences. 

They make my day 10x better