Sunday, April 7, 2013


playing creative cause I'm resource-less now and playing survival from beginning?
aint nobody got time for dat

I was watching this episode on talk show about children who were raised up by animals. They were discussing about how 'strange' the children have become and how some of them changed biologically (started growing hair/fur) when they lived with the animals. There was a boy who was abandoned in the woods in Russia and was raised by a pack of wolves. He walked on fours and ran very quickly, he doesn't use his hands to eat and doesn't know how to talk. He just doesn't do things that human beings do, he behaves fully like a wolf. Howls to the moon, fears in closed space.

What I found irritating is the fact that the people in the talk show kept saying how abnormal, weird, strange and wrong this child has become. Why does that child have to be like the human beings when we are the ones who have neglected them? If he was brought up in the wild...I think it's perfectly normal for him to not act like a human. Why must people judge the child as an intellectually restricted person? How is that bad? He's still living well in the woods and with the animals (doesn't have to deal with the bs we go through). He shouldn't be forced to fit in to the community. It's so unfair for him. Who he sees as his family/his kind, are the wolves. Not us. He's a part of them, not us. Why should we be selfish and all of a sudden claim to take him 'back'. I just don't agree with the way they talked about him. In another case, the scientists successfully kept this twins away from the wild and tried to put them back into the society but of course, they've adapted to the wild and died soon after. ISN'T THIS ENOUGH TO SHOW THAT PEOPLE SHOULD JUST LET IT BE. When the child is mentally adapted to the wild, just let them be with what they know and recognise as home.


 CAKE *____*
it's okay few days left ...URRHR CAKE PLEASE
once I start eating cake, I'll keep eating them for weeks like I can't stop.
That's why I've been avoiding cake for a few months because THAT one slice of cake will trigger this intense crave for more :(

It sounds better when I don't look at the video and just listen to the song. Tbh only clicked on this vid because RWJ's name was on the title. I actually subscribed destorm and never really watched his vids. Not really use to RWJ rapping but it's good :D

on a side note:
maaan I want to watch anna akana's part in InAPPropriate comedy. She acted as the asian driver and saw like 5 seconds of it and it's pretty damn funny. Iron man 3 is also coming out -sprinkles confetti around- time to wait for the upload and watch it with my homies me,myself and I :(