Thursday, April 11, 2013



Hows holidays? Everyone's done something productive right?
ahahahha well I'm feeling really guilty for resting so long but damn illness you got me there.


Grandparents came back from Taiwan (finally :'D) and we went to the airport to pick them up. Then we went to grandparents house and helped them unpack etc. After that, le cousins and I went and studied the photos we have up hanging up on the wall. Some of them are really derp and awkward so I won't post it on the internet HAHAHAHAH trying to prevent intense blackmailing (don't think it's working). 

This is a photo of le family on our little street in Taiwan. Grandpa's brother's family also lives on the same street so we always play together. 3 gen living together. 

who's dat retard on the red bike

hahahaha man I was whitish
what happened QQ
I was tanned as a baby, light toned while living in tw, tanned living in australia, less tanned but still tanned now.

check out this even younger photo of le cousins and magigie

12th of jan, 2001 
gawsh so much swag
what the heck am I holding

Then we got really bored and decided to play some cod. I didn't bring my laptop so we rotated around on cousin's computer. Nelson and I camwhoring while Jason's busy playing cod. 

Being a bull

Met up with vic today at garbo and headed to southbank for lunch. We went to.. okay I forgot the name of the restaurant.... Anyway it was Japanese and we sat there for ages and talked about so many random things LOL Something along the lines of existing things in another type of space. ya know what I mean?
Yeah and school work :( 
Realised that the teachers we liked (teaching method) all left the school </3

Here are some pictures of the food 
because I'm asian.
Asians be taking photos of whatever they're eating.

After lunch, we went to city and met up with Julie to give her some stuff she bought online. Watching her play DDR is so entertaining. I tried but so unco. Then I tried bball machine again and scored 133 points. 
julie: I've never seen you play so bad before
magigie: gan -misses another shot-
I miss those days (like 4 years ago lul) when I was tankish and could go over 200 and my boys be mirin'. Jokes we're on the same level.  

Then we went and played some 2p game where you shoot zombies. We walked back and saw this guy throwing on his knees WHAT? He was really good and rarely missed his shots and shot at a consistent pace (wtf tank arms). After watching him play, we raced. 
Vic (4P) vs Julie(3P) vs Maggie (2P)
game 1: we were pretty close. Julie and I were trying to knock each other out of the way at the end and while we were doing that, we didn't realise that victoria was catching on.. then she won. 
game 2: I finally got the hang of drifting, though I failed a few times and miscalculated the corners but still managed to beat vic and come first :D

We went to hazel, chilled and played cards. We played 接龍 and heart attack (that game ever ends omg). Vic lost both the games (3 times each) and so she's going to shout us something huehue :D

On my way walking home, I saw this asian lady walking up my street and going to each of the mailboxes to put in this info card. I slowed down for her to put the card into our mailbox, hoping that she won't directly hand it to me or something...BUT after she went and put in the card, she turned back and asked me how my day was. Then she asked me which bus I took to get home.....and I told her the suburb bus and pointed towards the direction. She thought I was fit. Oh you. stop it. (=/////=)/

HAHHAHA I'm unfit. I ran out of breath playing bball and ddr.