Friday, May 31, 2013


actually had this post drafted for a few days but never bothered posting it

Neighbour gave us carrot cake
ended up bringing it to school to share with everyone
because sharing is caring
we just don't want to eat it LOL

it actually tasted pretty nice 

When your dad likes your candy crush auto posts....

Back to spirit tales!
but playing another class

as for school work..
There's too much to say...
but then there's no point talking about it because everyone is going through it anyway

siq post 

Monday, May 27, 2013


with mum sending me photos of her new cat,
it makes me aslgkjalsdkjga jealous D:
just over a month old, cute as fuuuuuuuu
<3 <3 <3

I like dogs for their loyalty and their dog-like nature
but I think my lifestyle is more similar to what cats do.

Lying around and do nothing is my favourite pastime 

Just chucking in photos on my phone...

 Had a long nap and woke up finding that I missed dinner and asdlgjasldkhjaldkjfsaldfasldkfjsalkgjdsaglkdsj but still managed to find some food. 

I'm so lazy nowadays that I just beg my parents to bring back food when they go out and have meals + shopping etc. The outside world is just too much for me to handle and it's the weekend which is the time for rest (like every other day). I use to go out on weekends with them to eat but recently.. going outside/changing out of baggy clothes are just too much of a hassle. Might as well stay at home, lie around and do nothing. Jokes I reading books now. 

so delicious. 
They say food tastes better when you eat with others. I say food tastes better when you eat it alone with your never ending list of youtube videos. That sheer satisfaction I can never forget <3 

say hi to my bffl
was eating grass so intensively didn't even notice me rokay

I'll just drop another photo here
evidence of child abuse

Really glad that the koreans owned the chinese. 
Except now I don't know what to do with my life without all stars. 
This is one of the worst post I've done,
poor attempt maggie

until then

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Spent my friday night watching all stars
the first game was so intense
xpecial's first blood OUTPLAYED the chinese :'D
thought na could probably pull it off and win the first game but it just went downhill really quickly...

The support showdown
1. Custom game. Each side will have a player and a bot
2. two sides must have the same adc champion
3. choose a support champion (your best)
4. Support cannot build ad or ap items, look after your adc
5. must follow your adc and protect them at all times
(engage when they engage, disengage when they walk off)
6. try to kill the other team and win

I feel like the computers resemble the real players
jooookkkkes :D

asjdglksjgalskdjafs;dlfka;lskf i want a cat

Friday, May 24, 2013

Late Birthday Celebration

Jessica's late birthday celebration today!
This week was hectic but I think I've been slacking off on TOK and mando writing assessment prac which were both due today. Anyway, most of us were uber nervous about our tok essays yesterday so we postponed the celebration. 

Breadtop's strawberry cake is the best
#noregrets #justkidding #guilty #gains #whatisformal 
because using instagram the way it's suppose to is too mainstream...


Physics experiment
finding rainbows. 
The room was so asjdglksajgd dark and we had to use the torch light from Alfie's phone LOL

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursdays suck

I should make a list of games I will try after finals @@
still haven't tried legends of edda but I finally got around to installing it. 

We watched a vid on the new xbox one in instep a few days ago. "cant cheat anymore on dance central". Looks really good but I'd rather get a better comp LOL 

Had a random tok/d&m chat in physics with bianca and alfie today. If you don't know, the euthanasia bill in nsw was voted down today. Which means, terminal il;ness patients will not be allowed to request assistance to end their own life. In my opinion, people should have the right to end their life when they're suffering from an illness that cannot be cured or treated. It's so unfair. There's no 'end of the tunnel' for them, the tunnel only ends when they are relieved from the pain they're going through, when they die. I don't understand, why should the patients be treated like a lab mice. Being kept alive for a bit longer with morphine, just to test out how far the tunnel goes. It is inhumane and ruthless. Where is the bloody compassion in parliament? People go through a long term self destruct to escape this pain. They're going to a painful death. Why are they not allowed to go through a painless death? Is it really that fun to watch people suffer? 

Once we called the RSPCA to come and 'inspect' this wallaby that was lying in the middle of our front yard for 6 hours or so. The wallaby just lied there and didn't even move when we stood at the entrance of the door (normally they'd quickly jump away). It looked like the wallaby had a leg injury, his/her foot was bleeding. Mind you, it wasn't a small cut, it reached from the tip of the foot to the 'ankle'. The RSPCA came and they covered blankets, sheets over the wallaby to calm him/her down. Then they carried the wallaby into the van. They told us that the wallaby's wounds were too deep it'll affect his/her future life. On top of that, the wallaby is most likely shocked, mentally scarred, from humane contact. So they've decided to put down the wallaby. 

All I'm saying is..humans are given the authority (from themselves) to put an animal out of his/her misery, "why can't we share the same compassion for our loved ones?". COME ON, IT'S THEIR REQUEST. This is the ultimate, most selfish act imo. 
Yeah I know this is a sensitive topic but everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I do realise that voicing my opinions here will make no change but I'd like to look back on some posts in future years and be like, "wow I have always been so awesome", "interesting thought maggie".

lol we also discussed on whether we believe souls exist or not. According to quantum theory, it does.
There are documentaries of them, something that most of us don't see or feel that animals do. Sounds like I'm a lunatic but can anyone rebut against an experience? I woke up early one morning around 4am and couldn't sleep at all so I walked out of my room and lied on the couch. My pony tail was hanging off the arm rest area and I lied there perfectly still to watch the sunrise. Suddenly, I felt my pony tail was being 'flicked' and it was so bloody freaky. I don't know why but I was fearless back then and even got up to check behind the couch to see if there were ANYTHING (psh I was 10) but I didn't find anything. 

Off the top of my head, they've been spotted in the white house and in the taiwan's presidential office (reporters who come in and out knows) and they're always the same ones...and many more hahahahah I listened to all these reports until I fell asleep during the holidays. #bored 

anyway >_>
Caffeine will write the TOK essay and mando written assignment for me. 
This is going to be a long night..... 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

what is normal?

What happens so often in life is that we often spend too much time being sad and depressed over something someone else said. We spend minutes, hours, days thinking about that comment somebody said about you. We spend so much time being sad over things. We spend so much time finding excuses for mistakes we've made. 

If you dropped 10 dollars on your way to a place, would you spend 20 dollars to go back and find that 10 dollar? 

what's done, is done.
why make things difficult for yourself?

I spent 70 minutes looking at Hallux valgus in Design Tech for mdp. It's actually quite interesting. I have that deformity myself so that makes it x1000 more interesting than it should be. Mine's actually passed down from my grandma. She'd say, "why do you get the bad gene from me?". It's not that severe atm so it's not causing pain. I also tend to walk abnormally, my feet rolls inwards SHUSH I'M ADJUSTING QQ. Apparently most people nowadays do that too so they have awkward slanted ankle. 

Will need to get a surgery if it gets worse in the future. See, things are so much more interesting when you can relate to it. 
-looks at own foot-
-looks at x ray images online-
-looks at own foot-
-looks at google images-
now the more I look at the shape of my toe..
the more I find it abnormal
but then I don't know what a normal toe looks like...
it looks weird to me
wtf why is it so straight in the photos

four days left!

每一口 換來的都是幸福



my flaw

It's scary when you know what happened in the past that made you the kind of person you are. I know my flaws and I wasn't afraid to show them that I am aware of its existence. My childhood stage really shaped me into the kind of person I am today. There are some things that were lacked, some that were excessive, most of our childhood aren't perfect and that's totally fine. 

It was the first time I've told anyone that I wanted to be loved. Up front, straight forward. It was until then...I was finally able to finally loosen the bandage and show the scars. 

When the words fell upon, "he'd always tell them he loves them but I've never heard him say that he loves me" head tells me to criticize him, but my voice gave away the emotions I have kept in for so long. My voice was shaking at  "say that he loves me". To be honest, that surprised me. 
 I've been brushing it off like it wasn't a big deal. All I ever wanted was for him to love me as much as he loved the others. All I wanted is for him to say "well done, you are a good child". I never seemed to live up to his standards. Ever had that feeling of rejection as you look at your loved one, caring and loving everyone else but you? 

You never allowed me to show my weak side. You taught me to keep my emotions to myselfDo not cry. I still remember distinctively the first and the only time I've cried in front of you. You told me that only weak people cry. You ordered me to stop. Do not voice opinions. Opinions are only allowed for the ones who have contributed and given more than taken.  Do not act affectionate for attention for my needs because that's what spoiled children do.  Again and again, you'd tell me you despise spoiled children. You'd tell me I was spoiled when I woke up a few hours late on the weekend. How ironic, why is it perfectly fine for anyone else to do it? and for you to return that same level of affectionate back to them? Yet I wasn't allowed be a part of that?

Years later. I am criticized for not being able to act affectionate to them. You know what, I just couldn't do it. 
"aiiya if maggie could 撒嬌 that'll be good" "she doesn't know how to"
Speak of me as the stupid one who doesn't know how to get on people's good sides. 
I can't bring myself to do it naturally. Especially to the group of people who've once forbid me to do so. It's the way I've been structured, programmed. I know the issue with my flaw but the real obstacle is that I've identified that behaviour as my enemy's behaviour. 

Until I'm out of my mind, I would never want to behave like my enemies.

wtf 寫著寫著,眼淚又掉下來了

 I'm sorry if gave herpes to your eyes. I have to admit this post is not my usual ones. No need to get use to it!! :D

Monday, May 20, 2013

Is this the new trend?

I don't think anyone will ask me anything 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Congrats !


First of all, I'd like to congratulate Nelson for getting into smt woohoo! Sucks that I'll be graduating this year so I won't be able to give him the seedy smile all day errday :(

Interesting image of the day:
lololol Though the last one is kind of mean, exclude that pls

I make weirdly shaped froyo but not this time :'D
Tbh I feel nervous every time I push down the lever. I feel that I'll screw it up, or it'll come out watery in some way. The base will be all good, but it's so hard to balance the top part without it falling over.
This is why I know I'll be the worse person to make food for people in front of them. Imagine me making your subway. I'll probably take double the time to make one. With you looking at me and judging my every move (at least that's what I do when I'm waiting for mine HAHHA), I'll feel pressured to perform better. Imagine me making your froyo for you at noggi. I'd probably afraid that you'll judge me hard when I fail to even put the ingredients on the froyo without spilling one or two sides....until I get use to making them.

Tried out taro flavoured froyo! 

Watched a show episode about 'relationship between dad and daughter'. Made me think ..if my kid was being bullied by other kids at school. I'll legit suit up, put some sunnies on, wear dem black high heels and turn up at the school I had blindly chosen for my son/daughter to be educated at. I'd like to have a 1v1 with the bullies and make sure they don't mess with my kid ever again. 

 omg I can't even english. 


I played league on thursday after a month or so and it felt really weird since I've been watching streams more often than actually playing it. Then I logged on yesterday to play a quick bot game before going to sleep. 
Great leader badge acquired.
Felt even more proud than receiving anything in real life HAHAHAH </3 #sadlife

I've only ever received honourable opponent on na but back then was so easy to get someone to 'honourable opponent' you.
1. play support
2. say ggwp at the end of every game

Anyway, I still don't know how you get the great leader badge LOL
apparently you have to get the right ratio of friendly to teamwork
1. apologise for every mistake 
2. play support
3. thank your adc
4. make calls/ping
5. say ggwp at the end of every game 

Players on different servers are quite different. 
Here's my summary of the type of players on na and tw (my opinion):

I've played with players who continuously make the same mistake and blame their death on someone else. For which, the support and jungler gets blamed for their death for having bad map awareness. I flip tables everytim. Glad that the pings have improved now. 
On the other hand, there are great players who are generally just making plays in their lane and not making a big deal (or caps screaming at the team) about a 1v2 or simply having the enemy jungler gank him/her from time to time. 

[I don't know about now LOL I haven't played on na for a while]

Bad players can be so bad that you'll want to hit your head to the brick wall. They can be as clueless and unresponsive as a psyduck. Most bad players I've played with are quiet and reserved. They don't make calls or blame their death on anyone else. I'm assuming that the cocky good players they've once played with had taught them lessons. 

Half of the good players (and some bad) I play with are cocky. They seem to have exceptionally good map awareness. They yell at other lanes for everything they do, such as being counter jungled etc. They use the most demoralizing phrases to put people down and they go on and on for the whole game.  
 The other half of the good players are nice and they don't give a poo about mistakes as long as you address it and apologise for it. They are so good, to the fact that they help others and motivate teammates to play better in the game, without verbally abusing people. 

I know that I shouldn't be catagorising players in terms of 'bad' or 'good', good players could be just having a bad game or bad players could be accidentally playing well LOL but what I mean is the performance of the players in game. 

ready to watch the all stars nek week

Friday, May 17, 2013

Paper cuts

paper cuts on your fingers suck the most
because you have to bend your fingers etc and it stings 

I can replay that type of pain/feeling you get when you are getting the paper cut.. It's sharp and quick and you can feel how deep the paper goes into your skin. It's almost as easy as pretending to hear the sound of nails scratching the chalkboard and getting a weird feeling inside. Very lame. 

ooh so goooooooooooood 
if a guy can sing that props to you -applause- 

Tomorrow will be the third and very last time I'll need to embarrass myself in front of strangers with my awkward speech. Yay. Though I can't get my old speech out of my mind so... hahahhah...I hope I don't accidentally mix in some random idioms. I'm going to get owned, can't remember anything. Xiao V you will do me proud won't you?!?!?!??!?!?! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Everyday thing


Fred and Kevin playing league in cas with their mobile internet. 
Still gets better ping than I do on na :(
It was hilarious because Fred was playing katarina with dodgiest touchpad and tried playing using a stylus too omg new strat. Kevin was spamming the keys hard out I'm surprised Mr Hall didn't even take notice. Nevertheless, they still won I don't even know LOL

watched wongfu's new vid "to those nights" 
omg the chick's 'friend' is so perf ;____;
can't believe he's only the 'friend' 
now I cannot be stuffed to finish this post.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Another ep of me ranting

Here goes another rant.
Heard about this news 3 days ago but never got around to rant about it.
Yeah, in short, the Philippines killed a Taiwanese fisherman. 
Okay, this sounds like Philippines are ruthless and all but there's more to it. The fishing boat was indeed travelling in the area which the Philippines and Taiwan are still laying claims to. Which meant that the area is not specifically Taiwan's or Philippines. The thing is, Philippines fired 32 times at the boat. whaddheck m8. It'll be reasonable for a shot or two to signal the fisherman to gtfo but 32 shots? Apparently it was also consecutive, continuous shots. 

One of the fisherman died so the Taiwanese president came out yesterday(or the day before lol can't remember) to request for an apology from the Philippine government. I still remember dad saying "ma ying jeou better use this chance to regain his status". Dang right he's not doing too well now though it's his second round as the president. ECFA? How about you go _ yourself? He didn't even tell the rest of the country about the details of the agreement and what happened in the negotiation process. Basically wasting tax payer's money. American scholars suggested that China were using ECFA to reduce the possibility for Taiwan to sign FTA with other countries. Since ECFA has passed through, China can pressure Taiwan's economy (economic sanction). Everyone knows that China wants Taiwan for its economy and by signing that ECFA, Taiwan is pretty much sold off to China. Yes, yes 'Mr Ma', in my opinion, successfully brainwashed people to vote for him, and let him unify Taiwan with China through controlling Taiwan's economy. He just doesn't have the balls to represent Taiwan (he's not even born in Taiwan dafuq) and wants personal gain from the position, acting as the 'peacemaker'. LOL I'm sounding a bit too critical/negative but I'm looking at his motives without being bias. I'm not blue, or green. IM ORANGE. I SUPPORT THE UNDERDOGS :DD though I know they have very minimal chance to win the election. 
come on, the orange one is the "people first party", sounds legit.

There there I went off topic again. I was talking about how Mr Ma doesn't do his job at all as the leader of the country...Today, dad said "nah ma ying jeou... bu xing.. mei yong" "馬英九...不行..沒用" " Mr Ma..not good..useless". 

Philippines apologised but it was..insincere..

Let's put it into a relate-able situation:
You ride your scooter (LOL) at the street next to yours because they have a 'scootable' street. One of the people living on that street brings out an AK47 and continuously fire at you and your 'friends' for an hour and you couldn't escape. 
(totally relate-able guise)
You died.
Your family wants them to apologise.
 They appoint this other person living in the street to apologise for them. 
Where's the person that shot you? Not even in jail. Just chillin at home on the couch yo.
Not even paying the full amount for your death
you know what? 
your life was worthless to the people living on the street.

You could say they're probably paranoid and thought you were some invaders in fishing boats == but 32 shots mean they want you dead (and you didn't trespass either). Well that gives enough reasons for the Taiwanese community to get pissed off at both governments. 

I was thinking to rant about samsung but naaaah another day.
I'll probably get a lot of hate if I write that though so I'll cite everything HAHAHHAHA
I read an article (around 8-15 pages) in the business magazine the other day and it was so tiring to read it because it was in full mando. All these business terms I've never heard of QQ. They also translated a Korean ex samsung worker's article about how the business works there etc. The analysts said that though samsung looks to be getting better and better results, but the connections are slowly breaking off and in time, they will no longer be standing so 'strong'. Hmm, after doing research on my own, it could be true o__o

but I definitely understand the reason why I couldn't buy a samsung phone back then. 
"no samsung" she said.
So I have Sony now.

people: what type of phone is that?
maggie: the one that you can chuck it in the toilet

maggie: ..and it'll still work

 I wonder if anyone's actually interested in my rants or the 'upcoming' rant LOL
nek minnit, no views.
I'll just-
keep ranting you can't stop me.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Short post

QUT ambassadors came to talk to us on Monday.
Took all of the booklets because it was free :DD

Thank you julie for the snacks

I don't know if I'm the only person who thinks this way but..
imagine if I run my hand over the racks and the glass falls and shatters on the floor *___*
the same thing.
Back in Redeemer we use to have those crazy hours long services at the chapel. It would be hot as fu with no fans etc... so I started to wonder what it'll feel like if I just suddenly stood up in the middle of a speech/performance/prayer and run up the aisle and out the doors. Then my #yolo side would tell me "why not" but then I can't be stuffed so I end up still seated in my seat and thinking about random interesting things in life. 

blueberrrrrrry froyo!
accidentally made too much QQ
froyo monday

had kfc this arvo
shared the 12$ for 12 pieces 

Victoria and I sat in foodcourt and we were just observing random people like we always do. It's so awkward when the person you're looking at suddenly looks back at you. Maybe I should do a creepy smile when they catch me observing. I was looking at this 25+ year old man waiting for his food and nek minnit he turns back and looks at me and ermagurd I was caught off guard and basically was defeated </3 


until then.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day

this is so cute ermagurd
no jokes the whole thing is so cute, dem facials 


Found this vid while I was frantically searching through the folders for photos of grandma and stepmum

pls don't kill me
grade 10 was fun

Anyway Happy Mothers Day!!
So pumped for tonight's cake <3<3<3

We did a Mothers Day program after dinner and it was pretty funny and awkward because we normally don't get too corny. Pictures tell a thousand words. heh :D

Leon played cello, Tina played violin and flute, Jason and Nelson rapped and I played ..a video
windows movie maker m8

try humming the harmonised girl part while listening to the guy sing
still trying..


Saturday, May 11, 2013



Started watching japanese dramas on friday night and watched more of it this morning. I stopped after noon because I realised that I have a few things to do before Mothers day. 

Yeah I ended up watching 4 eps of 35 year old high school student, waiting for the next ep to come out! It's not bad in my opinion, I think parents should really watch it. My parent's view on bullying and the matter of teenage suicide  - "that's bad, they really need to talk to their friends, teachers and family" " if they're being bullied, just talk to someone! why would they ever suicide because of that?". I told them that bullying isn't so simple sometimes. Sometimes there are just no one to talk to, no friends, no teachers or anyone would care. Some people are weaker, or against stronger bullies and it's not so easy to ask for help. There are existing pressures that holds people back from admitting the fact that they're being bullied. Most parents don't understand, or they are simply not observant enough to realise it. Watch the drama and everyone will probably learn more than they do in those 'anti-bullying' lectures.

TO DO LIST (to be completed within 24hours as of 7pm sat)
* Start and finish physics dcpce
* Memorise mandarin competition speech
* Start and finish mandarin Homework
* Start Major Design Project IA and complete everything up to development 
* Make a mothers day vid for stepmum and grandma
* Make a mothers day+ birthday vid for mum

and I'm still here blogging about it.
You can clearly see that I have mastered the art of procrastinating. Then there's these people who are bored out of their mind and have nothing to do (nothing they HAVE to do) wanting to have a d&m session. I'm so ready to make the best mothers day video(s), just you wait. 

we were suppose to have maths diagnostics first up on friday but we didn't end up doing it. Woohoo! I suck at probability and honestly couldn't take the info in. Had a meeting for mando oral competition, Mr Leong wanted to listen to us recite our speech but he told me that he'll listen to mine next week because I've done it before. Even better, because I didn't memorise my speech at all and was expecting him to get mad :DDD Session cancelled because the guidance councilor didn't go to school that day so I had the whole study period to try and memorise my mando speech WHICH turned out to be null/cancelled/excused for me YUS. Though I didn't get to ask the councilor for her opinion on how I should prioritize my uni/course preferences, but I was pretty happy at that time reading the email in study period.
1. no diagnostics
2. mando speech next week

DOUBLE rainbow? what does it mean?

Ahh this vid always makes me chuckle in a wtf way.

In 6months, we'll be sitting in the final IB exams... 
Just the thought of it makes me nervous but #yolo 

until then.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


We're currently going through probability in maths and so we've been doing "IQ" tests in class to collect data.  What I really think is that Mr Baker is secretly judging our intelligence LOL joking... He mentioned the group "Mensa" which is a high IQ society with gifted people, and Densa which is the low IQ society. I want to know who edited this page on wikipedia. What the heck m8, smartest 2%? It doesn't mean that the rest are stupid, it just means that they're just not in the 2%. I cringe when I read that highlighted sentence. 

speaking of 'gifted'
We were suppose to do it in grade 10 but for some reason I didn't do it because I was absent. In grade 11, the people who didn't do the gifted exam were called back to do it with the grade 10s and I dogged for Bring it on. So while most of the students in the academy have done the exam, I'm still derping around and tagged as the unknown, THE UNIDENTIFIED. Let it be that way. I'm pretty sure teachers rank students, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm already really glad that australian education doesn't pull the 'ranking' rule. In Taiwan, our grade results (overall for all subjects combined) would be posted on the notice board and ranked from 1 to 12124124135262421241212 (whole cohort) with your points next to your name. So of course everyone cared about their school work HAHAHHA Great strategy Asia. The extent that Australian schools have reached is just showing the grade distribution in each subjects which people already hate/love. 

On another topic, QASMT formal is in 6 weeks or so and it's becoming really frustrating to pass on the cohort's opinion on mob dance. The teacher 'supervising' just doesn't seem to get the FACT that it's our formal, the student's. If the teacher doesn't approve of our ideas, then we won't get anywhere and that is what I'm worried about. WHY DID I EVEN JOIN THE COMMITTEE. FUUUUUU. If I'm not interested in being responsible with the dance, then how am I suppose to initiate the idea and motivate people to do it. 
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
The supervisor also changed our theme concepts, decoration ideas etc. K THANKS just going to turn our formal into your formal? I've told the supervisor the students' viewpoint on what's been changed this year and again, the supervisor doesn't give a bum and continues to use the phrase "trust me".The students are all very frustrated, please stop.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"I've always depended on the kindness of strangers"

In the beginning of the year, my parents told me that I should follow my dreams, choose my own path and enjoy what I do.... I had trouble trying to find what I enjoy and want to do as a career but I eventually found something that I'm interested in. Now, they tell me that they won't allow me to do what I want to do. If that sounded confusing to you, it basically went like this..
parents: do what you like to do! enjoy it! do something you're passionate about!
maggie: I don't know what I want to do
parents: you could do engineer if you like it, or a lawyer
maggie: okay I'll do engineer
months later
parents: you should really do something you're interested in, so you can succeed in that field.
maggie: okay I think health science is pretty cool and I want to help
parents: no we think health science is bad because you'll put in so much effort, then find yourself long way down the med road and lose your freedom. Instead, we think engineering is better for you and your future.
maggie: okay I'll do engineer
parents: what are you interested in the engineering field
maggie: software or mechanical I guess
parents: no that's a bad choice I know some software engineers who regret becoming one and are now teachers. You need to rethink your choices. Software engineering is shit (yep they said that in mando)

oh did I really have a choice all along?
I'm sure many of you out there have experienced these kind of conversations or the short version of that.
parents: you will be doctor
you: ok

There goes parents killing off my interest in anything. Why not just tell me what to do instead of criticising my choices. Now I'm not even interested in anything really. I know that they're trying to help me but are they just trying to make me live the life they want? Are they trying to relive their own dreams through me? They could be just concerned about whether or not I can get a job and live independently in the future but I'm not sure if they've ever considered if I'll lose interest in even doing the job and living the life I was told to live. Every time I've tried to stand up for my beliefs, they'll just pull out examples of where people regret doing the course/career they've chosen. They'll say, "well I don't like my job either, but it's my job and I have to live off doing this job that I don't like at all". Somehow, I just don't have any adults around me that actually enjoy their jobs and can stand up for it. To be honest, I'll rather live a life that I don't regret living than to live a life that is bounded by restrictions and full of things I have absolutely no interest in. Well not all of us get the choice to do whatever we like so boo hoo, suck it up. 

I've been tricked into thinking I could do what I enjoy.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Buddha's festival + musical + grandpa's 70th birthday (and ballon???)

Twas an eventful weekend !

Played diablo to do some action ;D and service
every time someone said diablo I just think of..

but no not that.
I was so fail at it but finally got the hang of it an hour later AHHAHA #sadlife
jack: "are you even taiwanese?"
We spent 3 hours or so just playing around with diablo and sitting around waiting for kids to approach us. Then we went and watched performances for an hour or so. Met some redeemer friends on my way back to the food stores and activity area. It was nice catching up with them :D  

Met 4 QAHS year 11s, still don't really know them but all I heard in their conversation was how they can't stand this guy who acts like a jerk but doesn't do anything in real life. I've never heard that kind of things happen between guys at smt in my grade.. or I'm probably just unaware of it. The last time I've heard guys 'bitching' about someone else was probably in grade 8 when we went on the 1 month camp. 

The guys had a massive fight, they spread butter on their dorm toilet seat, clogged the toilet (I think) , got in trouble, no one owned up for a while so THAT specific dorm weren't allowed to collect the ingredients for dinner that night. GG. They'd also give the shittiest chores to him, like chook feeding because you have to go get the food from this tiny shed that has a giant rat in it and spiders in the corners of the shed. Then you'll have to walk to the chooks all the way behind and over the guy's dorms. 

I found a few photos but this photo is the cutest omg look at that lamb in her arms it's so cute daaawwwwhhhhh 

We were actually 'shaving' them that day so ...
this was what really looked like..

Anyway Ballon was the best thing eva. 
Though we've had fights as a class but we really became a family. Actually, to this day, I still miss those times we wake each other up , go for a run (compulsory LOL) and eat breakfast together. Do chores, go on hikes/ do activities, make lunch together, more activities, free time and play on the piano in the church, make diner together, 3-5minute showers, arguing over who get's to hang their washed clothes on the line first. I have to admit that washing machines are one of the greatest invention HAHAHA IT IS. Hiking was the worse part of it all. The mosquitos mate. THEM MOZZIES. Couldn't even hide under the covers because it was hot as :(

On the bright side, the mozzies were massive (hence slower) so it was easier to just grab/slap it in mid air. 

Talk about hiking...
This is hiking
for all those who've been to ballon would know what 'real' hiking is. We were legit thrown off at different spots (in groups) with a map, compass, portable radio, food, cooking utensils, tent, change of clothes, sleeping bags etc. We figure out our own way to get back to the camp in 4 days (planned before we set out). I think it was 4 days? or 3 days? LOL I can't remember correct me if I'm wrong. The thing is, on our second or third day, they told us that there's going to be a massive storm. So we had to leave all our stuff out there and get driven back to the camp and go out to the spot again the next day to pack our things and continue our way back. What the heck. 

We also had food shortage. 

The gains from Ballon
+ more than 5kg 
All the cookies we make while we're bored, dem 2 bowls of cereal each morning, sandwiches at lunch, pizzas, pies, pastas for dinner. So good. 

I could go on about how Ballon is awesome and how lucky my grade is for being the last cohort who gets to experience it. Now it's replaced with Tuchekoi, a not-even-a-month-camp, which imo is ballon on training wheels. They even had concrete paths. Bish the only concrete at Ballon was at the staff area. 

Arriving back from Ballon, it felt so weird sitting in a car. We were fascinated by the bituminous roads HAHAHA "OMG IT'S A ROAD *___*" "asian food was great" "chairs were great" "hot showers omg" "working doors yus" the comments go on and on.


After I signed off for volunteering, I bused to city and waited for 415 for 20mins or so it was so dark omfg. I had to use my phone light to walk down that steep hill I could of tumbled down. 

Grandpa's bday dinner on Sunday night, left around 4:30 and couldn't go see the Buddha's festival fireworks but it was worth it. HAD FOOD AND CAKE :D

Tina played on her violin for grandpa and the rest of us played minecraft. We thought we could get away from performing something but NO, we have to do something for this week's mothers day gathering NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 
We're just going to do a mando rap that goes something like this (still unfinished):


Whelp need more ideas.

I did demonstrate my maturity to my grandparents and they're quite pleased and I think that's the best birthday gift I can afford :( Since they actually educated and raised me. Don't judge me too hard alright I am very sensible. Grandpa is that kind of person who values productivity, not academically, but rather more in a physical way. He specifically said on the night " 我討厭懶惰的人" (trans: I dislike lazy people), "我們賺100,只能花90" (trans: we earn 100, but only spend 90) and those kind of things. I think his mean words somehow made me more aware of the kind of person I can be. 
I've memorised his top mottos man (also dad's motto)
Happy Birthday Dad (4th)!
Happy Birthday Grandpa!

At this point in time I give 0 damn about whether or not I can fit in my formal dress.

wow this post ..was so organised I can't even...

until then!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

short post - my weekend

summary of weekend...
saturday: volunteered at buddha festival activities in day, helped out at school musical at night
sunday: volunteered at buddha festival food stores, grandpa's birthday gathering at night

my body is sending warning signals
At least my cas is done now, just need to write up reflections :D
Did absolutely no school work this weekend except for looking through people's written assignment. Still have one to look at tonight and I really want to sleep but I promised, no backing out. 

I'll post up some photos later
Had too much exposure to humans this weekend, couldn't handle it. 
I wonder if anyone else out there feels the same...

Made my old friend walk around southbank with me LOL awks everyone else was busy :( 
Sorry and thank you for accompanying me. 

until then!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

smt musical

-leads people to the toilet-
people: "thank you"
maggie: "it's okay"

level 5 basic social skills 
I should of said "you're welcome"
why am I so awkward :(

The city was kind of foggy today.
Took a photo because I was bored ok hahaha

Not going in chronological  order 
made my froyo
the kiwi was pretty sour
never again

What actually happened today:

We had our monthly exercise this arvo, jogged from the oval all the way to the bus stop. It was so tiring LOL haven't ran irl for so long. I only freerun in my dreams. We arrived at city and Julie went to buy her sushi, Victoria bought teppenyaki for me and subway for herself and I went and bought hazel for all of us. Afterwards, we went to catch the 415 and walked back to school. It was like HIT and RUN but it's BUY and FAST WALK. We did manage to get back to school at 10 past 4, which gives us 20 minutes to eat our dinner. I had$5  currrrrry and there were so much rice. 4 times more than I normally eat Q____Q still managed to finish it! On top of that, I also drank grass jelly milk tea large size. 

The usher and ticket sales crew worked the chairs and the entrance area. Then I went and checked out the make up crew in action. Taking sefiz, chillin while they're concentrating on doing the make up.

I actually don't have many decent 'uploadable' photos and the following photo was actually taken on wednesday but whuteva, the filters were cool.


Though we did spend some time spazzing about what time we should open doors etc and which toilet we're suppose to show the guests... but it was still pretty fun listening to the musical. It's past my normal bed time, still have to write mando speech and fill in forms. I guess that's a decent excuse for my short post.

until then

justin timberlake mirrors live every night before sleep 
it's turning into a routine omg