Sunday, May 19, 2013

Congrats !


First of all, I'd like to congratulate Nelson for getting into smt woohoo! Sucks that I'll be graduating this year so I won't be able to give him the seedy smile all day errday :(

Interesting image of the day:
lololol Though the last one is kind of mean, exclude that pls

I make weirdly shaped froyo but not this time :'D
Tbh I feel nervous every time I push down the lever. I feel that I'll screw it up, or it'll come out watery in some way. The base will be all good, but it's so hard to balance the top part without it falling over.
This is why I know I'll be the worse person to make food for people in front of them. Imagine me making your subway. I'll probably take double the time to make one. With you looking at me and judging my every move (at least that's what I do when I'm waiting for mine HAHHA), I'll feel pressured to perform better. Imagine me making your froyo for you at noggi. I'd probably afraid that you'll judge me hard when I fail to even put the ingredients on the froyo without spilling one or two sides....until I get use to making them.

Tried out taro flavoured froyo! 

Watched a show episode about 'relationship between dad and daughter'. Made me think ..if my kid was being bullied by other kids at school. I'll legit suit up, put some sunnies on, wear dem black high heels and turn up at the school I had blindly chosen for my son/daughter to be educated at. I'd like to have a 1v1 with the bullies and make sure they don't mess with my kid ever again. 

 omg I can't even english. 


I played league on thursday after a month or so and it felt really weird since I've been watching streams more often than actually playing it. Then I logged on yesterday to play a quick bot game before going to sleep. 
Great leader badge acquired.
Felt even more proud than receiving anything in real life HAHAHAH </3 #sadlife

I've only ever received honourable opponent on na but back then was so easy to get someone to 'honourable opponent' you.
1. play support
2. say ggwp at the end of every game

Anyway, I still don't know how you get the great leader badge LOL
apparently you have to get the right ratio of friendly to teamwork
1. apologise for every mistake 
2. play support
3. thank your adc
4. make calls/ping
5. say ggwp at the end of every game 

Players on different servers are quite different. 
Here's my summary of the type of players on na and tw (my opinion):

I've played with players who continuously make the same mistake and blame their death on someone else. For which, the support and jungler gets blamed for their death for having bad map awareness. I flip tables everytim. Glad that the pings have improved now. 
On the other hand, there are great players who are generally just making plays in their lane and not making a big deal (or caps screaming at the team) about a 1v2 or simply having the enemy jungler gank him/her from time to time. 

[I don't know about now LOL I haven't played on na for a while]

Bad players can be so bad that you'll want to hit your head to the brick wall. They can be as clueless and unresponsive as a psyduck. Most bad players I've played with are quiet and reserved. They don't make calls or blame their death on anyone else. I'm assuming that the cocky good players they've once played with had taught them lessons. 

Half of the good players (and some bad) I play with are cocky. They seem to have exceptionally good map awareness. They yell at other lanes for everything they do, such as being counter jungled etc. They use the most demoralizing phrases to put people down and they go on and on for the whole game.  
 The other half of the good players are nice and they don't give a poo about mistakes as long as you address it and apologise for it. They are so good, to the fact that they help others and motivate teammates to play better in the game, without verbally abusing people. 

I know that I shouldn't be catagorising players in terms of 'bad' or 'good', good players could be just having a bad game or bad players could be accidentally playing well LOL but what I mean is the performance of the players in game. 

ready to watch the all stars nek week