Saturday, May 11, 2013



Started watching japanese dramas on friday night and watched more of it this morning. I stopped after noon because I realised that I have a few things to do before Mothers day. 

Yeah I ended up watching 4 eps of 35 year old high school student, waiting for the next ep to come out! It's not bad in my opinion, I think parents should really watch it. My parent's view on bullying and the matter of teenage suicide  - "that's bad, they really need to talk to their friends, teachers and family" " if they're being bullied, just talk to someone! why would they ever suicide because of that?". I told them that bullying isn't so simple sometimes. Sometimes there are just no one to talk to, no friends, no teachers or anyone would care. Some people are weaker, or against stronger bullies and it's not so easy to ask for help. There are existing pressures that holds people back from admitting the fact that they're being bullied. Most parents don't understand, or they are simply not observant enough to realise it. Watch the drama and everyone will probably learn more than they do in those 'anti-bullying' lectures.

TO DO LIST (to be completed within 24hours as of 7pm sat)
* Start and finish physics dcpce
* Memorise mandarin competition speech
* Start and finish mandarin Homework
* Start Major Design Project IA and complete everything up to development 
* Make a mothers day vid for stepmum and grandma
* Make a mothers day+ birthday vid for mum

and I'm still here blogging about it.
You can clearly see that I have mastered the art of procrastinating. Then there's these people who are bored out of their mind and have nothing to do (nothing they HAVE to do) wanting to have a d&m session. I'm so ready to make the best mothers day video(s), just you wait. 

we were suppose to have maths diagnostics first up on friday but we didn't end up doing it. Woohoo! I suck at probability and honestly couldn't take the info in. Had a meeting for mando oral competition, Mr Leong wanted to listen to us recite our speech but he told me that he'll listen to mine next week because I've done it before. Even better, because I didn't memorise my speech at all and was expecting him to get mad :DDD Session cancelled because the guidance councilor didn't go to school that day so I had the whole study period to try and memorise my mando speech WHICH turned out to be null/cancelled/excused for me YUS. Though I didn't get to ask the councilor for her opinion on how I should prioritize my uni/course preferences, but I was pretty happy at that time reading the email in study period.
1. no diagnostics
2. mando speech next week

DOUBLE rainbow? what does it mean?

Ahh this vid always makes me chuckle in a wtf way.

In 6months, we'll be sitting in the final IB exams... 
Just the thought of it makes me nervous but #yolo 

until then.