Thursday, May 9, 2013


We're currently going through probability in maths and so we've been doing "IQ" tests in class to collect data.  What I really think is that Mr Baker is secretly judging our intelligence LOL joking... He mentioned the group "Mensa" which is a high IQ society with gifted people, and Densa which is the low IQ society. I want to know who edited this page on wikipedia. What the heck m8, smartest 2%? It doesn't mean that the rest are stupid, it just means that they're just not in the 2%. I cringe when I read that highlighted sentence. 

speaking of 'gifted'
We were suppose to do it in grade 10 but for some reason I didn't do it because I was absent. In grade 11, the people who didn't do the gifted exam were called back to do it with the grade 10s and I dogged for Bring it on. So while most of the students in the academy have done the exam, I'm still derping around and tagged as the unknown, THE UNIDENTIFIED. Let it be that way. I'm pretty sure teachers rank students, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm already really glad that australian education doesn't pull the 'ranking' rule. In Taiwan, our grade results (overall for all subjects combined) would be posted on the notice board and ranked from 1 to 12124124135262421241212 (whole cohort) with your points next to your name. So of course everyone cared about their school work HAHAHHA Great strategy Asia. The extent that Australian schools have reached is just showing the grade distribution in each subjects which people already hate/love. 

On another topic, QASMT formal is in 6 weeks or so and it's becoming really frustrating to pass on the cohort's opinion on mob dance. The teacher 'supervising' just doesn't seem to get the FACT that it's our formal, the student's. If the teacher doesn't approve of our ideas, then we won't get anywhere and that is what I'm worried about. WHY DID I EVEN JOIN THE COMMITTEE. FUUUUUU. If I'm not interested in being responsible with the dance, then how am I suppose to initiate the idea and motivate people to do it. 
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
The supervisor also changed our theme concepts, decoration ideas etc. K THANKS just going to turn our formal into your formal? I've told the supervisor the students' viewpoint on what's been changed this year and again, the supervisor doesn't give a bum and continues to use the phrase "trust me".The students are all very frustrated, please stop.