Monday, May 27, 2013


with mum sending me photos of her new cat,
it makes me aslgkjalsdkjga jealous D:
just over a month old, cute as fuuuuuuuu
<3 <3 <3

I like dogs for their loyalty and their dog-like nature
but I think my lifestyle is more similar to what cats do.

Lying around and do nothing is my favourite pastime 

Just chucking in photos on my phone...

 Had a long nap and woke up finding that I missed dinner and asdlgjasldkhjaldkjfsaldfasldkfjsalkgjdsaglkdsj but still managed to find some food. 

I'm so lazy nowadays that I just beg my parents to bring back food when they go out and have meals + shopping etc. The outside world is just too much for me to handle and it's the weekend which is the time for rest (like every other day). I use to go out on weekends with them to eat but recently.. going outside/changing out of baggy clothes are just too much of a hassle. Might as well stay at home, lie around and do nothing. Jokes I reading books now. 

so delicious. 
They say food tastes better when you eat with others. I say food tastes better when you eat it alone with your never ending list of youtube videos. That sheer satisfaction I can never forget <3 

say hi to my bffl
was eating grass so intensively didn't even notice me rokay

I'll just drop another photo here
evidence of child abuse

Really glad that the koreans owned the chinese. 
Except now I don't know what to do with my life without all stars. 
This is one of the worst post I've done,
poor attempt maggie

until then