Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Short post

QUT ambassadors came to talk to us on Monday.
Took all of the booklets because it was free :DD

Thank you julie for the snacks

I don't know if I'm the only person who thinks this way but..
imagine if I run my hand over the racks and the glass falls and shatters on the floor *___*
the same thing.
Back in Redeemer we use to have those crazy hours long services at the chapel. It would be hot as fu with no fans etc... so I started to wonder what it'll feel like if I just suddenly stood up in the middle of a speech/performance/prayer and run up the aisle and out the doors. Then my #yolo side would tell me "why not" but then I can't be stuffed so I end up still seated in my seat and thinking about random interesting things in life. 

blueberrrrrrry froyo!
accidentally made too much QQ
froyo monday

had kfc this arvo
shared the 12$ for 12 pieces 

Victoria and I sat in foodcourt and we were just observing random people like we always do. It's so awkward when the person you're looking at suddenly looks back at you. Maybe I should do a creepy smile when they catch me observing. I was looking at this 25+ year old man waiting for his food and nek minnit he turns back and looks at me and ermagurd I was caught off guard and basically was defeated </3 


until then.