Wednesday, May 1, 2013

which one are you

I don't think we can group people's personalities into 9 but it's just a general thing so don't take it offensively or something LOL I was reading some articles in Mando today and found this pretty interesting. Sorry you'll have to deal with my awkward translation because I can't find an english version of this at all. The original was in japanese. 

You have 5 seconds to ..
Look at the image below and pick your favourite

1. Carefree, mischievous, joyful person
You like to be free and do whatever you like and you like to live life without restrain. 
Your motto is: You only live once, enjoy every moment. basically, #YOLO
You're full of curiosity and you have an open attitude towards new things.
You want change, dislike being restrained.
You believe that the environment around you are always changing and that it brings you surprise frequently.

2. independent, forefront, unrestrained 
You strive for freedom and a life that you can do whatever you want for yourself (eg, buy anything you want, live the life you want)
Your work and leisure activities are related to art.
Your desire for freedom sometimes makes you do unexpected things.
Your lifestyle is has a very personal touch, you don't 'blindly' follow the trend (meaning that you have your own taste)
On the other hand, you'll live your life according to your beliefs,
even if it's a hard journey but you won't back down.

3. Self reflective, sensitive thinker
You can control yourself and the environment around you better than normal people.
You dislike things that are shallow and superficial. You'd rather be alone instead of chatting/gossiping with other people but you have a very deep relationship with your friends. This keeps your calm and peaceful state of mind.
You don't mind being alone for a long period, you rarely find that depressing.

4. Pragmatic, clear-headed and harmonious 
You have a natural style, you like simple things.
people admire you for your down to earth trait. People think you are trust worthy.
You provide people around you with a sense of security, you give people this kind, warm feeling. (????)
You don't give a shit about tacky, colourful things.
You're suspicious towards trendy, fashionable things. To you, clothes need to be useful, generously decent.

5. Professional, seeking truth from fact, confident
You're in charge of your life, you believe in your own ability over fate and destiny.
You solve problems through realistic and simple ways. 
You hold a realistic belief towards things that happen in your everyday life, and you can deal with them easily. 
Poeple know that you can be trusted with heavy duties/responsibilities so they can leave large amount of work for you to complete.
Your strong will enables you to be confident at all times.
You won't give up until you reach your goal.

6. Gentle, cautious, non aggressive 
You're born to be easy going, but you are modest and discreet.
You can easily make friends but at the same time, you enjoy having some private time (for yourself) and live independently.
Somtimes, you'll pull yourself out of the crowd, quietly think about the meaning of life, and have some self entertainment.
You need your own space, but because of that, you sometimes hide in the dream that you're in, but you're not the kind of person who likes to be alone.
You and yourself, and the world can live in harmony.
You're happy with your current situation.

7. Analytical, trustworthy, confident
You're sensitive towards things (事務) and so you're able to find things that other people have missed.
This is your treasure, you like to discover these good things.
Your upbringing has a different influence on your life.
You have your own unique, elegant fashion sense because you disregard the others.
Your ideal life is elegant and joyful, and you hope that the people you're in contact with are all elegant and 'cultured'. 

8. Romantic, love to fantasize, emotional
 You are a sensual person.
You refuse to only look at things with a serious and logical mind.
Your believe that your feelings and emotions are important. Actually, you believe that you need a dream in your life to be able to live life to the fullest. (soz awks translation)
You don't accept those who look down on romanticism and are ruled by logic.
You won't let anything to affect your 'rich' feelings and emotions.

9. Filled with energy, hyperactive, extroverted 
You don't mind challenges. You especially like jobs with diversity.
You are bored with routines and practices, office works.
You're most excited when you are in a competition because then you're able to show your talents in front of everyone

Soooo, which one did you choose? 
Navina chose 9,
Anthony chose 4,
I chose 6. 

I'd say.... it's 80% true for me :D