Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Buddha's festival + musical + grandpa's 70th birthday (and ballon???)

Twas an eventful weekend !

Played diablo to do some action ;D and service
every time someone said diablo I just think of..

but no not that.
I was so fail at it but finally got the hang of it an hour later AHHAHA #sadlife
jack: "are you even taiwanese?"
We spent 3 hours or so just playing around with diablo and sitting around waiting for kids to approach us. Then we went and watched performances for an hour or so. Met some redeemer friends on my way back to the food stores and activity area. It was nice catching up with them :D  

Met 4 QAHS year 11s, still don't really know them but all I heard in their conversation was how they can't stand this guy who acts like a jerk but doesn't do anything in real life. I've never heard that kind of things happen between guys at smt in my grade.. or I'm probably just unaware of it. The last time I've heard guys 'bitching' about someone else was probably in grade 8 when we went on the 1 month camp. 

The guys had a massive fight, they spread butter on their dorm toilet seat, clogged the toilet (I think) , got in trouble, no one owned up for a while so THAT specific dorm weren't allowed to collect the ingredients for dinner that night. GG. They'd also give the shittiest chores to him, like chook feeding because you have to go get the food from this tiny shed that has a giant rat in it and spiders in the corners of the shed. Then you'll have to walk to the chooks all the way behind and over the guy's dorms. 

I found a few photos but this photo is the cutest omg look at that lamb in her arms it's so cute daaawwwwhhhhh 

We were actually 'shaving' them that day so ...
this was what really looked like..

Anyway Ballon was the best thing eva. 
Though we've had fights as a class but we really became a family. Actually, to this day, I still miss those times we wake each other up , go for a run (compulsory LOL) and eat breakfast together. Do chores, go on hikes/ do activities, make lunch together, more activities, free time and play on the piano in the church, make diner together, 3-5minute showers, arguing over who get's to hang their washed clothes on the line first. I have to admit that washing machines are one of the greatest invention HAHAHA IT IS. Hiking was the worse part of it all. The mosquitos mate. THEM MOZZIES. Couldn't even hide under the covers because it was hot as :(

On the bright side, the mozzies were massive (hence slower) so it was easier to just grab/slap it in mid air. 

Talk about hiking...
This is hiking
for all those who've been to ballon would know what 'real' hiking is. We were legit thrown off at different spots (in groups) with a map, compass, portable radio, food, cooking utensils, tent, change of clothes, sleeping bags etc. We figure out our own way to get back to the camp in 4 days (planned before we set out). I think it was 4 days? or 3 days? LOL I can't remember correct me if I'm wrong. The thing is, on our second or third day, they told us that there's going to be a massive storm. So we had to leave all our stuff out there and get driven back to the camp and go out to the spot again the next day to pack our things and continue our way back. What the heck. 

We also had food shortage. 

The gains from Ballon
+ more than 5kg 
All the cookies we make while we're bored, dem 2 bowls of cereal each morning, sandwiches at lunch, pizzas, pies, pastas for dinner. So good. 

I could go on about how Ballon is awesome and how lucky my grade is for being the last cohort who gets to experience it. Now it's replaced with Tuchekoi, a not-even-a-month-camp, which imo is ballon on training wheels. They even had concrete paths. Bish the only concrete at Ballon was at the staff area. 

Arriving back from Ballon, it felt so weird sitting in a car. We were fascinated by the bituminous roads HAHAHA "OMG IT'S A ROAD *___*" "asian food was great" "chairs were great" "hot showers omg" "working doors yus" the comments go on and on.


After I signed off for volunteering, I bused to city and waited for 415 for 20mins or so it was so dark omfg. I had to use my phone light to walk down that steep hill I could of tumbled down. 

Grandpa's bday dinner on Sunday night, left around 4:30 and couldn't go see the Buddha's festival fireworks but it was worth it. HAD FOOD AND CAKE :D

Tina played on her violin for grandpa and the rest of us played minecraft. We thought we could get away from performing something but NO, we have to do something for this week's mothers day gathering NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 
We're just going to do a mando rap that goes something like this (still unfinished):


Whelp need more ideas.

I did demonstrate my maturity to my grandparents and they're quite pleased and I think that's the best birthday gift I can afford :( Since they actually educated and raised me. Don't judge me too hard alright I am very sensible. Grandpa is that kind of person who values productivity, not academically, but rather more in a physical way. He specifically said on the night " 我討厭懶惰的人" (trans: I dislike lazy people), "我們賺100,只能花90" (trans: we earn 100, but only spend 90) and those kind of things. I think his mean words somehow made me more aware of the kind of person I can be. 
I've memorised his top mottos man (also dad's motto)
Happy Birthday Dad (4th)!
Happy Birthday Grandpa!

At this point in time I give 0 damn about whether or not I can fit in my formal dress.

wow this post ..was so organised I can't even...

until then!